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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


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Nate Silver at the NY Times, addressing the inevitable question as to how the success of the bin Laden operation helps Obama's electoral chances, does not see a long term electoral advantage arising from the killing of Osama bin Laden:Yes, this is going to help...

So reports Jake Tapper of ABC.Apparently bin Laden's compound was identified positively in March, and the military wanted to drop a dozen or so guided bombs and reduce the compound to ashes.  According to Tapper, Obama passed on the request because there would have been...

Multiple news reports state that Obama will announced that Osama bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has the body.To be updated when the details are announced.This is a time of joy.Comments are open.Updates:  Obama gave his statement (my paraphrase):   U.S. killed bin Laden.  Week...

Congratulations to our very own Kathleen McCaffrey, who has been named one of only five Bartley Fellows by the Wall Street Journal.A copy of the announcement by Paul Gigot is here:Kathleen McCaffrey, from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, is a rising senior at Cornell University with a major in...

KathleenMay Day (May 1st) is a celebration of worker "rights" (and springtime, but, really..). Of course, as we've seen in Wisconsin, worker rights are usually translated into jargon that reads as "my comforts are more important than yours, taxpayer!" Unionized labor in places like Greece...

I missed the introductory video (below) shown just before Obama's speech at the White House Correspondents' Dinner last night, because the cable networks did not cut in until he began to speak.The video was called to my attention by Ben Smith's column, in which Smith made...

Barack Obama's speech at the White House correspondents' dinner last night was small and petty.  Watch it below, and compare it to similar appearances by George Bush.Bush, who was under attack from the media, academia and the entertainment industry on a scale which makes the "birther"...

Do you realize how long I have been waiting for this?Spotted yesterday in Ithaca:My reaction?  No comment.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Michelle Malkin has an update on her cousin, Marizela Perez, who has been missing for two months.  Today is her 19th birthday.Unfortunately, there is no news or leads.Michelle discloses that the family has not received cooperation from Jack in the Box Corporation for suveillance video at...

KathleenI'm really proud to see Chris Christie cracking down on the public teachers union in NJ, but I think he could take a page from Mitch Daniels' book after seeing the latest piece of legislation the Indiana governor has helped bring to fruition...

Well, he keeps saying we need to emulate China.This video has caused a stir:The controversy was not the protest, but that the White House communications team threatened to suspended the reporter who took the videotape, because multimedia coverage of Obama's fundraiser was not permitted. The...