Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2529
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Taking wasted energy from auto traffic and turning it into electricity sounds hard to believe, but these Israeli researchers may be onto something (h/t LukeHandCool): Scientists in Israel say they have invented a way of turning traffic into electricity. The bright sparks at the country's Technion Institute of Technology...

In late April I documented how the Democratic Party of Wisconsin was running misleading push-calls to people who had signed petitions to recall Democratic State Senator Robert Wirch.  The WisDems were trying to get people to say that they didn't understand what they were signing or...

Thanks to reader and Cornell grad Nancy who spotted this vehicle at the Dogfish Head Brewing and Eats in Rehoboth, Delaware:   Yes, everything does seem better in the Happy Valley: ...

How bad is it? The President of the United States has been reduced to assuring us by saying: We're not Greece.  We're not Portugal. Funny, didn't Greece say it wasn't Portugal?  And didn't Portugal say it wasn't Greece? I don't like where this is heading....

We've seen how concern over saggy pants has become an alleged dog-whistle, or something, for racism, or something, in airport security. Now the town of Collinsville, Illinois, has taken it a step further, and is outlawing saggy-pants (h/t reader Mitch): The City Council in the southwestern Illinois...

Pretty much says what needs to be said when it needs to be said with the tone in which it needs to be said from someone who can get away saying it: ...

There is something disturbing about an explanation of our debt crisis in Chinese, even if the video producers are in Taiwan, not mainland China. It's easy for them to laugh. ...

Obama just held his third press conference in two weeks, and he's still pushing for the big deal which includes increased taxes, and still playing the class warfare card very hard.   Given the past two and one-half years, we definitely are in fantasy land where...

"The President needs to put a plan on the table." That was the message at the Republican House press conference this morning, as multiple House Reps stepped to the microphone. This really is the heart of the problem. The House Republicans have passed a...

"It was not the fault of the Captain of the Titanic." Really?  I think the survivors might disagree.  Which is why Obama will not call his own bluff. Ever since Obama offered that challenge to Eric Cantor, the chorus of people calling for Obama's bluff to be called is...

The Hispanic Republican Conference of the Texas House of Representatives endorsed Governor Rick Perry for President of the United States – before most anyone had even considered his running. Didn’t anyone tell them they aren’t even supposed to be Republicans? If Texas is any judge, it looks...

Thanks to frequent commenter DINORightMarie who saw this bumper sticker in Virginia. The grainy texture adds a certain appropriate quality to the message, and the timing is impeccable, as regardless of how the debt negotiations turn out, this is pretty much what we're left with after 2 1/2...

I just saw this advertisement on television and thought it was interesting that the American Postal Workers Union felt the need to take to the airwaves to tell people that it's not like those other public sector unions. I think this says a lot about public...

Another good ad, this time from the RNC, running on cable: More please....

Maybe this is why he picked the arbitrary August 2 deadline to increase the debt ceiling.  He doesn't want to miss his August 3 birthday fundraiser by having to spend time at work dealing with the likes of Eric Cantor.  Hey, there are priorities and then there are...

Eric Cantor has been fighting the good fight for years.  Why not? Here's the audio (h/t Ace sidebar) of his account of the blow up with Obama yesterday: Eric Cantor on White House Debt Ceiling Talks by smalera...