How do you fit this in a 30-second TV commercial?
Or a 1-minute debate answer? That's the trick isn't it? So much has gone wrong, Obama has been so bad, its hard to get your words around it. (h/t to reader John for the link)...
Or a 1-minute debate answer? That's the trick isn't it? So much has gone wrong, Obama has been so bad, its hard to get your words around it. (h/t to reader John for the link)...
Thanks to reader Linda, who saw this in Brentwood, TN: ...
A very bizarre attack on federal gun laws (actually the Second Amendment) and Sarah Palin by Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy speaking at Reverend Michael Pleger's church. And we wonder why the streets of Chicago are out of control? (h/t @angelflemming)(full video and transcript here)...
You probably haven't heard about yesterday's passage of the "America Invents Act" in the House, but as the bill goes into reconciliation after gaining the support of all but 67 Republican Representatives and three Republican Senators (along with two Democratic Senators and 50 Democratic Representatives), it's...
That's right, the Obama administration was deliberately silent and then deliberately accommodating to the Iranian regime during 2009 protests in order to facilitate "negotiations" on the Iranian nuclear program. What happened to all the protesters arrested? The Guardian reports: Prison guards in Iran are giving condoms to criminals...
would be to be a blogger in 2016 if this happened (h/t HotAir): ...
The last thing I want this blog to turn into is all Obama all the time (hah!). That's going to be hard in 2012, but we really need to keep focused on the insurance policy, the House and Senate. Contrary to what others are saying, there...
There's a very interesting article in The Providence Phoenix (h/t Hummel Report) regarding plans by the Republican Party in Rhode Island to regain relevance: The Rhode Island Republican Party's reputation for ineptitude is, by any reasonable measure, richly deserved. Sure, the party held the governor's office for much of...
And I just saw them to help celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary. I know, it's the White House trying to shut me down again. Thanks to a reader for alerting me to this block he now gets at work: ...
Ever since Independent and former Republican Linc Chafee was elected Governor of my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations last fall, Chafee has implemented an interesting twist on states rights by refusing to participate in federal immigration enforcement efforts. Now Chafee has taken it one...
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Still no verdict. Via Chicago Sun Times Blago Blog: Onto day 10. Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich will have to wait until at least next week to hear from the jury debating his fate on 20 counts charging him with corruption, fraud and extortion. The jury ended its ninth...
Unexpectedly: More here....
I will not bore you with all the details, so here's my summary: Leftist Jewish Film Editor of The Village Voice writes entirely self-absorbed tale of her own discovery that she hates Israel, decides to edit the mean stuff out of the Passover Hagadah, and when...
Maybe this will become the "Hey Ed Rollins, you deal with it" series, after Part 1 regarding the foul Rolling Stone attack on Michele Bachmann went over so well. This is how they do it, but you know all about that Ed, because you did it...
According to Larry Sabato's "Crystal Ball," Republicans are likely to take control of the Senate in 2012: As we take a fresh look at next year’s Senate races, one thing is clear: Barring an unexpected reelection landslide by President Obama, Republicans are at least slightly favored...
While there has been plenty of speculation that Israel has been assassinating Iranians involved in Iran's nuclear program, and sabotaging the program through Stuxnet and other means, would the Israelis sabotage an entire passenger plane to get at five key Russian nuclear experts involved in...
Yes, "drill baby drill" will not increase the supply of oil this month, but if we had been drilling baby drilling the past two and one-half years, instead of stifling production almost everywhere, we would not need to be releasing our strategic petroleum reserves. Via...