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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The same institution that put countries such as Libya, Cuba, and Saudi Arabia on their  Human Rights Council and Iran on their Commission on the Status of Women has now put North Korea in charge of their Conference on Disarmament. Absurdities such as this are inevitable...


First it was O Chit, now this. Sent in by reader Leslie who writes:  "Spotted on the back glass window in Jacksonville, FL on a Nissan truck." I'm not sure where we go from here. ...

A reader forwarded me this e-mail received from Obama's fundraising operation, titled "They're Wrong," which suggests that Obama is anticipating weak fundraising numbers.  The full e-mail is in the image below (click to enlarge), but here is the key portion (emphasis mine): We're closing the books...

.... " I like to say that for the black community, nothing will change until we learn to love our children more than we love the Democratic party.” Some thoughts from the speaker here, and others here and here....

You may remember "Priorities USA," the group former White House spokesman Bill Burton started back in April. Reports at the time indicated that the new "super PAC" will follow the new rules dictated by the Citizens United case, meaning that they can accept unlimited, undisclosed contributions from corporations...

I watched Obama's press conference today, and he is a wonder to behold.  He is a relentless demagogue who plays Americans against Americans and sets up false choices as part of a class warfare agenda. Here's a false choice (my rough transcription) which jumped out at...

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who has lashed out repeatedly at Republicans and the Tea Party movement, is up for reelection. Whitehouse has a lot of money in the bank, and surely will use his connections to the White House in the campaign, but is...

I've been away from the blog for, oh, seven hours. Are we still the ones we have been waiting for? Is there anything he's not willing to sell or raffle off to get reelected? Have any more people piled on Michele Bachmann? Is the Chief Cheesehead of the Supreme...

I told myself I wasn't going to do this, because it's Ed Rollins' job, but the blatent bias of Politico's article, Michele Bachmann's thin legislative resume, requires pointing out Politico's thinly thought-out attack. Here is the money line on page one of the Politico article: Now in her...

As mentioned yesterday, Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney is leading an investigation into allegations that Justice David Prosser put a "chokehold" on Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, and counter-allegations that Bradley initiated physical contact. One of the witnesses was Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson, who has a long...

The end may be near.  CBS is reporting that jurors have informed the court they have reached agreement on 18 of 20 counts.  Updates to follow (most recent on top): It's over - Blago was found Guilty on 17 Counts, Not Guilty on one Count, and...

The Anchoress argues that all that is going wrong is planned chaos, not mere incompetence. Which gives me an excuse to link to a post I did in which I saw chaos as the means towards the end, creating the opportunity to achieve things otherwise not possible...

I'll be updating links and reports about the Gaza Flotilla 2 throughout the day, although if someone just happened to fall off one of the ships, maybe I'll do a separate post.  Feel free to add in links in the comments. Israel Matzav has a good...