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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


... in order to pay for your grand spending plans is that sometimes you run out of rich: ... based on 2009 IRS figures, ... the number of taxpayers reporting annual income over $1 million fell 39 percent between 2007 and 2009; the number of super-wealthy...


I've written previously about George Washington's 1790 letter to the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, in my post Passover Is No Time To Wish For The End Of Christian America Washington's letter should be required reading, but I doubt many people have read it. But today in...

Based on news reports and live coverage from SkyNews and others, it appears that Tripoli is about to fall to rebel forces. Whether it is hours or a day or two, it seems on the cusp. Updates:  Things seem to be moving fast.  Israel Matzav has video...

"Be a modern day Robin Hood" was the subject line of an e-mail received by reader redc1c4. The body of the e-mail is below (red circle added).  It was hawking social work school, where one can specialize, among other things, in "welfare planning." The reaction from redc1c4 is that...

From @MargieInTelAviv: I would add one thing, "Easy, just stop firing rockets at us ...

Hey, I missed this controversy until it was over. Via Instapundit (who is not anonymous), an anonymous law professor blogger created a blog called Inside The Law School Scam.  For about two weeks the anonymous law professor claimed to "out" all sorts of bad behavior at...

Lots doing in the world. The end is near for Qaddafi, or not, who knows:  "Libyan rebels said they were less than 20 miles from  Muammar al-Qaddafi's main stronghold of Tripoli on Sunday, a day after  opposition fighters launched their first attack on the city.  The...

... something nice to wake up to on a Sunday morning. Sent by reader Linda from Tennessee: [Note: Text corrected, photo not taken on I-24]...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: A couple of weeks before the 2008 election, in one of my first blog posts, I wrote: The suppression of legitimate political expression through false accusations of racism by the Obama...

The fallout from the handling of the case of Prof. Lawrence Connell is starting to be felt at Widener Law School. Widener has confirmed that two members of Widener Law School's Board of Overseers and fundraising subcommittee have resigned.  In an e-mail to me, Widener's Director...

He didn't pass it through Congress, even though he had overwhelming majorities for almost two years, because there were not enough votes.  He also didn't do it by regulation, because that would take time and be subject to public comment and other messy procedures. Instead, Obama...

I defy you to point to a single sentence written by Marx or Lenin complaining about corporate jet owners, or a single sentence uttered by Obama demanding that the kulaks pay their "fair share" of the harvest. Thanks to reader Rich who writes: I saw this pair of...

Regardless of whether you support her or not, for President or not, no one does inspirational political (campaign?) videos better than Palin. Palin's Mama Grizzlies and Together videos were historic. This is another home run (h/t TheOtherMcCain): ...

As explained in The Secret Passion of the New Antisemitism (h/t @yaacovlozowick): What distinguishes antisemitic propaganda from legitimate criticism, then, is the stubborn insistence on holding Israel to standards from which other countries are exempt, and the demand that Jews be denied a right to which other...

As you know, I have been following the case of Widener Law School Professor Lawrence Connell for several months. Connell claimed that he was singled out by two students for false accusations of racism and sexism, and that the Widener administration backed the students without bothering with...