Does more wine always mean more problems?
A headline on the BBC caught my eye today: The warming wine regions. [...
A headline on the BBC caught my eye today: The warming wine regions. [...
The naming of legislative bills is getting out of hand. Instead of Stimulus V (or whatever we are up to), Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Dem-Ill) has introduced the Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream Act, which she announced on Twitter: I doubt the Act will save anyone's...
I love e-mails like this one from reader and Cornell grad Jim: Earlier this morning, you had "A World of Our Own" by the Seekers posted as the Video of the day. I asked my wife, a folkie in her youth, if she liked this song. After...
Much like windmills, Obama's energy plans for the country turn on "green" energy like LED lighting. From The White House website: Today’s Recovery Act in Action episode takes place in Durham, NC at Cree, Inc., America’s foremost producer of LED lighting. It’s a tale of many important...
Inspired by today's bumper sticker post, let's all wonder how things might have been different had Hillary won the election (some say she did win the election, but that's another matter). For better and for worse. I'll start. We woud not be the weak horse in the Middle...
I wonder how Hillary supporters are feeling these days. Not too good, I imagine. Thanks to reader Lee, who writes: Spotted this in traffic the other day. You can see the red light clearly, so I was being safe… I laughed when I saw this. And here in Minnesota,...
A committee of economists have proposed "the creation of an International Monetary Policy Committee composed of representatives of major central banks that will report regularly to world leaders on the aggregate consequences of individual central bank policies." And who will run this? Why, a committee of...
Consider this part of the "Why do these people ...
Would anyone consider it "unexpected" if a variety of federal governmental agencies subjected Ford to a regulatory colonoscopy because of this commercial, which has clear political overtones. Of course, they will not phrase it that way, it will be to "save the environment" or "protect children"...
A followup to Professor Jacobson's Turkey Roundup: Hot Air reports: According to Turkish press, as quoted by Ynet, the Turkish air force will be fitting its F-16 fighter jets with new IFF systems, which will not treat the signal from an Israeli IFF transponder as friendly, and will...
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See dissent is patriotic. I disagree with Matt Knee's post earlier quoting Megan McArdle and Bryon Preston on the Rick Perry Gardasil issue. It's not a huge issue for me, but it's also not a health care issue since it's a question of the mandatory nature. The question...
First McArdle on Gardisil: As it happens, the arguments in favor of Gardasil are pretty strong: HPV causes most of the cervical cancer in this country. Gardasil and Cervarix, the two approved HPV vaccines, protect against the two most common strains, which together cause about 70% of...
Turkish Prime Minsister Erdogan's agitation show no signs of letting up. He's back to threats of military confrontation with Israel: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday Israel could not do whatever it wanted in the eastern Mediterranean and that Turkish warships could be there at...
Obama being mocked almost as much as Sarah Palin. The end is near: ...
The NY-09 and NYV-02 election results were like electroshock therapy for Democrats who worry about party before party leader, and fear a convulsion in 2012 more complete than in 2010. Imagine the election returns coming in Tuesday night as senior Democrats watched in horror, and then imagine Jack...
It seemed so dreamy and historic at the time. You just had to put one of those on your car, and it didn't quite work out for you, now did it? (h/t reader Linda): A paroled killer’s “Obama” bumper sticker was the break that helped cops nab the man...
Three Republican lawmakers were confronted in a Madison, Wisconsin restaurant by a man who poured beer over them when a bartender stopped him from videotaping (via Wisconsin Reporter): Madison Police responded to a disturbance at the Inn on the Park, 22 S. Carroll St., Wednesday night after a man dumped...