Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2477
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I, alongside my friends from the libertarian and Republican clubs, went to the OccupyCornell weekly meeting yesterday afternoon. It was a tremendous departure from the "real" OccupyWallStreet and, thus, far more tolerable. However, it was still pretty pathetic. Here's why: What are these guys protesting? "The...


I don't know whether the chalk this up to the Google algorithm, Cain campaign strategery, or just luck, but how great is it to have a Herman Cain internet ad appear on Phil Och's mocking Love Me, I'm A Liberal song at YouTube. Here's the screenshot: And here's the...

Spotted by a student reader of LI in a Cornell parking lot: ...

Commentary on the claim by Nicholas Sarkozy, with a willing acknowledgement, that Benjamin Netanyahu was a liar, from Caroline Glick (h/t reader John): Since Iran’s nuclear weapons program was first  revealed to the public in 2004, Israel has provided in-depth intelligence  information proving Iran’s malign intentions to the...

Had to do it. Not as good as 12:34 on 5/6/78, but I wasn't blogging at 12:34 p.m. on May 6, 1978. And since this post is prescheduled because I'll be in class, let this be my "love you, honey, it's so special that we could share this...

Story in NY Magazine about a longevity study of Askenazi Jews (h/t DINORightMarie at the Tip Line): An Einstein study published in August asked whether the SuperAgers, over the course of their lives, had better health habits than the general population. The answer was no; their habits were, if...

Dr. David Friedman posted a link to his most recent work on his blog. The selection is titled "Legal Systems Very Different from Ours" and it is a really fascinating read. In Athens: The Athenians had a straightforward solution to the problem of producing public goods such as...

There are three branches of government, and one of the branches gets to decide who gets to be in one of the other branches.  Via The Denver Post: In a blow to Colorado Republicans that could affect election outcomes for the next decade, a judge has...

Cain-Newt-Romney all tied up, per latest CBS poll, with Cain at 18, and Newt/Romney at 15: In the Republican race for the presidential nomination, Newt Gingrich's support continues to slowly grow, and he is now tied with Mitt Romney for second place, while Herman Cain just...

Rick Perry has been right to do the talk show circuit in the wake of Wednesday's brain freeze, and he has been more impressive in the interviews I have seen in the last 24 hours than in any appearance since he announced in August.  Perhaps if Perry did...

E-mail from reader Scott: The reaction to last nights debate (and Perry’s poor performance in earlier debates) is that Perry is now disqualified from being president. If so, does that mean that Romney and Gingrich, the best debaters, are the only candidates we should consider? Does the...

Sarah Palin, Fire Eric Holder: And where is President Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder in all of this? When did he first know about the operation? In his testimony to the House Oversight Committee on May 3, 2011, Holder stated, “I probably heard about Fast and...