Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2458
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Well here's another depressing redistricting story, to add to the Colorado and Illinois depressing stories. While Democrats were expected to pick up one or two seats in California due to restricting, it looks like they will pick up 6-7 because they mounted an under the radar...


From reader and frequent photographer Matt in Colorado, who writes: If only the establishment Republican Party would do so...

From Dan McLaughlin, who recently endorsed Rick Perry, writing at RedState: As we all know by now, there’s Good Newt and there’s Bad Newt.  If you want the full Good Newt experience, check out this speech he gave to the NRA convention back in April.  If...

It's a word I find myself using, or wanting to use, more and more. WaPo fact checker gives Romney PAC anti-Newt ad Four Pinnochios, and Newt says Romney supports The Right To Lie. It's part of Newt's strategy of Passive Resistence.  When you don't have money to counter...

The recent endorsement of Mitt Romney for President by The Washington Examiner has worked to underscore an odd and conflicting point by Romney supporters who are attempting to “make the case for Mitt.” A common line that has been consistently trumpeted by Romney supporters is that...

...  and claim that the Republican Party of 2012, not Obama, is the true heir to Roosevelt. Via Politico, You, sir, are no Teddy Roosevelt: In a speech to be delivered in Bedford, N.H., this evening, Mitt Romney will push back explicitly on Barack Obama's recent invocation...

The tease on the homepage of The Hill for an article about Obama's Christmas vacation dilemma reads: The tax fight could force Obama to spend the holidays in an empty White House listening to Elvis’s “Blue Christmas.”… The second I read that a scene from a movie came...

* a piece of pizza shaped like a gun. This is from the "you can't make this stuff up" file (h/t @SteveEgg via @SykesCharlie): For the rest of the semester, a Rutherford County elementary student has to eat lunch at the "silent table" for allegedly waving around...

Ann, we get it, you support Mitt and you don't like Newt.  Nothing wrong with that, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But in the quest to sink the U.S.S. Newt, you are becoming a political kamikaze. First, you played the birther card on the entire Tea Party movement, claiming that...

From reader John, who writes: Taken at Stew Leonard's in Yonkers, NY, on Sunday. At least it wasn't on a Subaru. ...

As you know, I'm wary of PolitiFact, particularly the inconsistency with which the various participating newspapers apply ratings. But hey, when it works for us, why not use it, Lie of the Year 2011: 'Republicans voted to end Medicare'.  The timing could not be better.  Paul Krugman says PolitiFact...

Jennifer Rubin at The Washington Post has a post today in which she contrasts Mitt Romney's non-pandering to the Jewish community with Newt Gingrich's supposed pandering. She highlights Jonathan Pollard, an American convicted of spying for Israel, and whether he should be granted clemency.  She quotes...

From The Daily News: Santa won't bother going to poor countries this year, so the United Nations Children's Fund will go instead -- or at least that's the message behind a satirical new UNICEF advertisement released in Sweden...

Thomas Sowell has an interesting column today pushing back against the demonization of Newt.  It's not an endorsement, but it sure sounds like Sowell is not liking all the hate being directed Newt's way (h/t jeannebodine in the Tip Line): Did Gingrich ruffle some feathers when he...

Iran will not be allowed to get nukes, and is a year or less away.  So says Leon Panetta: The U.S. Secretary of Defense said Monday night that Iran will not be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon. In an interview, Leon Panetta, said despite the...

Why do Republican politicians go on Letterman?  I know it's good exposure, but it's exposure that always comes with a price. Letterman always makes the Republican look bad and weak.  I said it when Rick Perry went on Letterman, but at least in that circumstance Perry...