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It was not complete and total insanity at Brown this week: Brown Student: “many young liberal voters will soon find themselves under attack as they launch themselves into their careers” Brown Spectator – Reject Anti-Israel Divestment Trend Brown Spectator author translates Obama Speak which is not...

We have focused frequently on the lawfare strategy against Israel, advocated by people like Hastings College of Law Professor George Bisharat, which has been a primary focus of Palestinian political strategy ever since Israel put a halt to suicide bombings by building the security barrier....

In case you missed it. The Good Prof. Glenn Reynolds – How Home Schooling Threatens Monopoly Education History Prof. Looks at How Liberals Took-over American Colleges Florida Governor Leads Charge to Cut Costs at State Universities North Dakota colleges benefit from “Big Oil” Cornell Student...

One of the best columns about the David Gregory high capacity magazine story was written by Mark Steyn, Laws Are for Little People (h/t Ace): This is, declared NYU professor Jay Rosen, “the dumbest media story of 2012.” Why? Because, as CNN’s Howard Kurtz breezily put...

Nutty never sleeps on campus: U. Penn Prof. Adolph Reed, Jr. “places a political science veneer on naked racialism” Chicago Teachers Union head uses Sandy Hook tragedy to bash innovative teaching program Oxymoron — David Axelrod to Head U. Chicago’s “Nonpartisan” Institute of Politics Rhode...

There are way too many events today for me to post separately. This is a trial run of what we will do tonight starting at 6 p.m. Eastern, which is a Twitter feed using accounts I selected for today, together with a WordPress “live” feed...

I really sense that Obama supporters are losing it, completely.  I sense fear in their stupidity. After Big Bird and the contrived “binder” fauxtroversy, they have a new cause:  Tagg Romney threatened to take a swing at Obama when Obama called Tagg’s father a liar....

Thanks to the inimitable David Burge (AKA Iowahawk), I came upon a piece written by a New York University student titled—no kidding—“Have we taken free speech too far?”  The news hook for Muslim student Faria Mardhani’s not-so-rhetorical question is the story of the Egyptian activist...

Things you may have missed: Harvard Freshman Patronized by “Sensitivity Training” NYU Professors To Students – No laptop in class for you A Biochemist’s Argument Against  “Hooking-Up” Hugging is Out of Bounds at UNC? California Fires State’s “Professional Students” With a dash of irresponsibility thrown...

It was free speech week. How fitting, I hope we didn’t insult anyone or hurt their feelings. Guest post by Senior V.P. at F.I.R.E., “If there is anyone who values free speech, it is a tenured professor!” Discriminatory Words? Swarthmore College’s War on Sororities Follow...

We’ve seen the Mayors of Boston and Chicago abuse their power to drive a lawful business out of their jurisdictions by threatening to withhold business permits because the founder and President support the definition of marriage as one man – one woman. When those threats generated an outcry...

A CNN political coverage manager tweeting about Dan Rather writing at about journalistic standards. It doesn’t get any less interesting than that. Via a MT by Ben Smith: Good read: Dan Rather op-ed on on the campaign quote approval story. — Steve Brusk (@stevebruskCNN)...

Changing their minds, about everything. Despite the splash that followed Jonathan Krohn’s departure from conservativsm, I should hope this comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone. Discussing his ideological shift, Krohn said, I mean, come on, I was between 13 and 14 when I was...

Why Madison has become the weird news capital of the Midwest.  (h/t Dan Collins)  Of the Midwest? How about of the nation? Weirdest Correction of the Day.  They are so precise in everything they do. Democrats Are Praying for a Santorum Nomination.  SoccerDad says I’m going...

Via Ann Althouse, comes this BBC story about tracking down and confronting an “RIP troll”: Full BBC story here.

I don’t care for the phrase “public intellectual,” particularly when paired with “political thinker.” It tends to reference the most polemic or controversial people, skeptics of common sense. For instance, there are lots of great thinkers who have never ascended to notoriety the way Noam...