Nutty never sleeps on campus:
- U. Penn Prof. Adolph Reed, Jr. “places a political science veneer on naked racialism”
- Chicago Teachers Union head uses Sandy Hook tragedy to bash innovative teaching program
- Oxymoron — David Axelrod to Head U. Chicago’s “Nonpartisan” Institute of Politics
- Rhode Island prof demands NRA chief’s “head on a stick” (Update – deletes Twitter account)
- U. Rhode Island Pres distances University from Prof’s anti-NRA tweets
- Unversity Trustees survey — College is too expensive, but not our college
- Womyn v. Women at UCLA
- Northeastern U. now hotbed of anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic activities and rhetoric
- Occupy Harvard Thinks it Still Exists
- UC Berkeley to Give $1 Million in Scholarships to Illegal Immigrants
- U. Michigan Students Demand “Tuition Equality” for Illegal Immigrants
Smutty frequently sleeps (around):
- The Smutty Professor
- “NYU Hook Ups” Facebook Page Opens for Christmas Fun
- Yale Plans Return of “Sex Week” in February
As documented in the Chronicle of Higher Insanity:
- Chapman student — Feminist profs use classrooms as ‘Recruitment Tool’
- A Princeton “Diversity” Parody
- Universities focus on image instead of academics, free speech rights
- Tufts Relents — Will Allow Student Christian Group to Require Leaders to be Christian
- Is There An Emerging “Reverse Diversity” Backlash?
- FIRE Report — Three-Fifths of Colleges Restrict Free Speech Rights
- American History Not Required
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Nuts and smuts.
That pretty much sums up college education these days.
As I head out the door to do some more Christmas shopping, oh how I’d love to come across a LI board game, like,
Flukes and ladders.