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The Boston Globe is being dragged kicking and screaming to facts regarding Elizabeth Warren’s private law practice history, including her representation of Dow Chemical which Warren never previously disclosed to the press (emphasis mine): Warren, a Harvard Law School bankruptcy specialist, released a list of 13 cases...

Elizabeth Warren is running hard left in her rhetoric, but the reality is she served big companies in her extensive private legal practice and got paid big, big dollars for it. At the first debate, Brown scored big points on Warren’s representation of Travelers, for...

In 2005, then University of Chicago Law School Assistant Professor Lea Krivinskas (now at Loyola Univ. – Chicago Law), wrote a paper for the American Bankruptcy Law Journal, titled ‘Don’t File!’: Rehabilitating Unauthorized Practice of Law-Based Policies in the Credit Counseling Industry (free download here).  Prof. Krivinskas was...

Boston talk radio continues to be the main vehicle for getting the word out to Massachusetts voters about Elizabeth Warren’s attorney licensing issue. In addition to my appearances on the Michael Graham and Howie Carr (with substitute host) shows on Monday, I also did appearances...

Elizabeth Warren and her supporters have mounted  an argument that what she did at her office in Cambridge for private litigants was not the practice of law. Warren herself, when confronted by a reporter after it was revealed she had no Massachusetts law license, claimed...

It’s always interesting to see how an issue you are intimately involved in plays out when it makes it to national broadcasts. Because of the time pressure on major shows, everything has to get drilled down, and sometimes things get lost. The issue of Elizabeth...

In response to my post yesterday, Elizabeth Warren’s law license problem, Michael Fredrickson, General Counsel of the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers, gave an interview with Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (MLW) which widely is being cited as exonerating Warren. League of Ordinary Gentlemen and Above The...

I was on two radio shows yesterday, the Michael Graham Show and Howie Carr Show in Boston, talking about Elizabeth Warren. I addressed some of the misconceptions and misunderstandings, as well as some of the incorrect defenses being raised (more on that later). Here are...