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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Don't expect it, even though there is good polling news today for Romney-Ryan, as detailed at Hot Air: Welcome to October! Today must be Poll Day, as media groups try to determine the lay of the land ahead of the first debate on Wednesday.  The new...

In 2005, then University of Chicago Law School Assistant Professor Lea Krivinskas (now at Loyola Univ. - Chicago Law), wrote a paper for the American Bankruptcy Law Journal, titled 'Don't File!': Rehabilitating Unauthorized Practice of Law-Based Policies in the Credit Counseling Industry (free download here).  Prof. Krivinskas was...

Or is it Ma'am? Anyway, I'm still stuck on merely questioning authority. Spotted in Ithaca: [Note - this post was supposed to run at 7:00 a.m. today, but I scheduled it incorrectly.  It actually went live around 9 a.m.]...

Via ABC News, an English captioned report by Univision on Fast and Furious.  (video embed not working, click on link to view) First some background provided by ABC News: On January 30, 2010, a commando of at least 20 hit men parked themselves outside a birthday party...

The battle between Lee Anderson and John Barrow for the fate of Georgia’s 12th Congressional district is under way and it appears that the race is going to be a tight one. This is on the Operation Counterweight final list. After a protracted primary battle,...

It's very difficult in Ithaca or Rhode Island to get a sense of how the presidential contest is playing out. Because both New York and Rhode Island are sure winners for Obama, there is virtually no advertising on television in these markets for the presidential race. ...

The class clown of the academic internet is beclowning again; must be he's upset with my investigation into Elizabeth Warren so he attacks the only way he knows how.  Rather than address the merits, he picks a three and one-half year old post of mine and calls me names.  Class act. So I thought I'd revisit the wise observation by Prof. Stephen Bainbridge of UCLA Law School:

"a discussion with the likes of Brad DeLong is not productive"

I figured that out a long time ago. But now my friends Larry Ribstein, Jonathan Adler, JW Verret, and Todd Henderson have figured it out too. I won't bother you with the merits of the argument, because you can't have an argument--let alone a conversation--with someone with Delong's consistent pattern of, as Adler puts it, "selective editing" and misrepresenting his opponent's positions. To quote Adler again, "Yes, this is the same Professor DeLong who repeats baseless accusations against other academics and then, when asked to substantiate his charges, selectively edits his comment threads and then dissembles about said editing when called on it." I believe it was George Bernard Shaw who said "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." Hence, I agree with Larry that "a discussion with the likes of Brad DeLong is not productive." With luck, this'll be the last time his toxic style of intellectual thuggery and execrable personality will be mentioned in these pages.

Cause we're dying here. From reader "B" spotted in Roslyn Heights, NY: ...

I really try not to read the comments in other blogs about me.  In the early days I did care, but I learned that it's generally not healthy. But when I saw that Volokh Conspiracy had a short post by Jonathan Adler about Elizabeth Warren -- VC's first foray into the issue, I believe -- I did read. It's still not healthy.  But one comment (by a commenter, not Adler) caught my eye, referring to a sentence in my original post about Warren's law license problem:
I recommend that people view Jacobson's posts with skepticism.... For example, Jacobson's very first post says "Warren’s Texas Bar information indicates she is not eligible to be licensed in Texas."   In fact, she holds Texas bar membership and has been paying dues, as an inactive member.  If she were not eligible to practice, upon payment of the higher dues required of active members, those very words -- "Not Eligible To Practice in Texas" -- would appear on her profile page as it now does for others.
Hmmm.  I have been meticulous in the facts I have reported about Warren.  It is true that Warren now is shown as "inactive" and has been inactive since 1992, a fact reported by Rob Eno the other day. So where did I get the idea that Warren was "not eligible"?  In my original post, I didn't include a screen shot of Warren's entry, just a link to the Texas Bar page which now says "inactive". But I did take a screen shot prior to my first post, I just didn't include it in the post.  Here is the screen shot taken on September 21 showing that Warren was listed as "Not Eligible To Practice In Texas": I did not take a screen shot of the "click for detail" link on this page, unfortunately.

But here's what the same page looks like now using the same link:

In the time period since my first post appeared, Warren's status on the Texas Bar page changed.  And address information has been removed.

Just after the Benghazi attack on our consulate and the murder of four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, I explained in a post titled Lack of Intelligence Community why I blamed our nation’s intelligence apparatus and not the White House for this colossal failure. Now...

In response to the New York City subway attacks by Mona Eltahawy, the Egyptian-American activist, the Metropolitan Transit Authority has now determined that it will change its rules to prohibit any ads that it "reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate...

Ignorance? Apathy? Mediocrity? All of the above? In a video taken outside a Romney rally, one Obama supporter shares why he won't vote for Romney. Pay close attention, because this is what happens when nearly every mainstream media outlet in the country is in the tank...

Every time some prudish librarian or school board wants to ban books that they consider inappropriate for children, elites sniff at the rubes’ lack of sophistication and anti-intellectual bias.  As you’ll recall, during the 2008 election it became a big campaign issue that as mayor...

Starting with my post Elizabeth Warren’s law license problem last Monday and continuing through the week, I have laid out the facts and documents regarding Elizabeth Warren's practice of law from her Cambridge office over the course of a decade. I also have noted that Warren refuses...