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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



What comes after a trillion?  For Obama, it's another trillion, and another, and ...

The Muslim Brotherhood and its allies having pushed through a draft Constitution which, according to the opposition, tramples the rights of non-Islamists, and fails to protect civil liberties and women, left the opposition in a bind. The drafting of a new Constitution relied on good faith by...

I told you I wouldn't stop writing about The Christmas Strategy. A new poll backs me up that the public will go along with a strategy which places Democratic sacred cows on the carving board, NBC/WSJ poll: Two-thirds support balanced deficit deal: As the Obama White House...

I am going to keep repeating The Christmas Strategy until someone in Republican circles listens: I say call his bluff. If a deal which tackles deficits from both revenue and spending can be reached this month, great. If not, pass a 90 day extension of current tax...

There are multiple videos shot by different people, including a local news station, showing union members in Lansing yesterday engaged in violent actions against Steven Crowder and others at the Americans For Prosperity tent. The videos were shot from several angles and sides of the tent.  The union members are...

I personally will never forget the horrendous 2009 Christmas Eve Senate vote for Obamacare. Around the same time, the "stimulus" legislation that eventually became the American Recovery and Investment Act was being bandied about the halls of Congress with tons of hyper-partisan theater. Now, it seems the...

We hoped the error of the nation's ways would be seen. But alas, it only has just begun.  From Amy, spotted pre-election in Aurora, CO: ...

North Korea launches rocket: North Korea has launched a long-range rocket in defiance of condemnation by critics who believe it is seeking to develop technology that will enable it to deliver a nuclear warhead, South Korean TV channel YTN reported. YTN said the rocket was launched from...

The person in this video, whose (mug) shot is below, is seen on the now-famous video throwing punches at Steven Crowder. How long before he is identified? And will he be prosecuted? Language Warning for video: (added) This video shows the attack from a reverse angle and gives...

From Anne Leary of Backyard Conservative comes news of a major 7th Circuit ruling, as explained at the Chicago Sun-Times:  In a huge win for gun-rights groups, a federal appeals court in Chicago Tuesday tossed the state's ban on carrying concealed weaponsand gave Illinois' Legislature 180...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...