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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


If you have not yet read Anne's post yesterday, Moving from an Emboldened Left in 2012 to a Legal Insurrection in 2013, you need to: A reader of this site I was speaking with, who immigrated to the United States from a communist country, said that amongst...


That was fast! Shortly after the ink was dry on the state's new "Right to Work" law, Michigan Governor  Rick Snyder reports that state economic development officials are hearing from manufacturers interested in moving to area. Snyder said it's "premature" to name the companies, but indicated Michigan's...

It's time for the person most consistently wrong about the Muslim Brotherhood to admit that just about everything he said about the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt's Arab Spring was wrong, including: Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran...

Unintentionally, of course, because of the media-driven Epistemic Closure to Tea Party ideas. The fourth and last of the views from the vehicle spotted by Jon at the Perimeter Mall in Atlanta/Dunwoody (Parts One, Two, and Three): ...

The newly drafted Islamist-backed constitution in Egypt appears to be on the path to approval, but that is doing little to quell the sustained feeling of instability in the country. Passage is a victory for Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, but a costly one. The bruising battle...

The 2012 word of the year ought to be "emboldened," in reference to the radical left, the anti-freedom elements of our society: the union operatives, naive but militant Occupy, radical anti-Americanists, and leftist community organizers. During my lifetime, there has always been an undercurrent of collusion between...

It's getting towards that time of the year when we start selecting the Best Of. 2012 was the first year in which we started focusing on videos, thanks in large part to Anne joining us in June.  A couple of our videos changed the national dialogue,...

Nutty never sleeps on campus: U. Penn Prof. Adolph Reed, Jr. “places a political science veneer on naked racialism” Chicago Teachers Union head uses Sandy Hook tragedy to bash innovative teaching program Oxymoron — David Axelrod to Head U. Chicago’s “Nonpartisan” Institute of Politics Rhode Island prof demands NRA...

Another angle from Jon on the vehicle at the Perimeter Mall in Atlanta/Dunwoody Be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2: ...

Steven Crowder released this "unedited" video yesterday of the Michigan union protests that resulted in him being sucker punched. I'm not sure the video adds anything new.  If you look at the several videos already posted here, you get the full picture of very aggressive union protesters...

In the immortal words of Speaker John Boehner (via the New York Times): “God only knows” how Washington is going to get control of its finances. Unlikely as it seems, there may have been more feckless Speakers of the House than John Boehner.  But if there had...