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After the Bill Sparkman incident, in which the left-wing blogosphere immediately blamed tea party attendees and conservatives for Sparkman’s (as yet unsolved) death, even this shocked me. Digby at Hullabaloo: I have no idea what happened at Ft Hood. They’ve confirmed that the perpetrators were...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: The Southern Poverty Law Center once served a vital role in shutting down Klan groups and dangerous white supremacist groups. Morris Dees endured death threats and was a...

I’m watching Nancy Pelosi’s press conference announcing the final House Democratic health restructuring bill. It’s 1990 pages. We’ll see what the bill really says once we have time to analyze it, but here’s what we know from prior versions, news reports, and Pelosi’s talking points....

Harry Reid held a press conference Monday pushing an “opt out” public option knowing full well he did not have the Democratic votes to break a filibuster. The left-wing blogosphere, which stopped listening to Reid’s press conference immediately after hearing the words “public option,” celebrated...

It’s slipping away from the protectors of the Obama image. Increasingly, the mainstream media is using the term “Nixonian” in the same sentence as Obama. And all because of an unnecessary fight Obama picked with Fox News. The term Nixonian has taken on a meaning...

The Obama administration’s attack that Fox News is not a real “news organization” reflects on the psyche not of Fox News but of our Commander in Chief and his emissaries. It also is a pathetic re-write of history in light of the incredibly biased, pro-Obama...

Barack Obama is on another “it’s all Bush’s fault” tear again. This time, using the tired campaign theme of cleaning up Bush’s mess: Another way of putting it is when, you know, I’m busy and Nancy busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess...

There is one supreme Democratic idiocy in the health care debate which has not received enough attention. The entire focus of the Democratic proposals — whether HR3200, the Senate HELP Committee bill, the Baucus Concepts, or the Obama non-plan — is to increase the cost...

Consumer Reports has decided to weigh in on the health care debate in favor of the Democratic health care proposals, or what CR euphemistically calls “health care reform.” Having decided to take sides, I think it is fair to hold CR to the standards it...

Until I started reading stories about Barack Obama’s failure in Copenhagen, I didn’t realize just how pathetic were the arguments used in support of Chicago as the 2016 Summer Olympic venue. In short, Obama and Chicago played the diversity card, but got out-diversified, and in...

I haven’t paid much attention to the upcoming 2010 Census, until the recent death of part-time Census worker Bill Sparkman, whose death under unclear circumstances is being shamelessly exploited by left-wing blogs. I went to the Census website, and took a look at the questions...

We do not know how or why Bill Sparkman — a part time Census worker — was killed in Kentucky. Let me repeat this, since this is the internet and lower case lettering does not carry any meaning: WE DO NOT KNOW HOW OR WHY...

When I first started this blog just under a year ago, I was ignorant of who was who in the blogosphere. Believe it or not, Memeorandum is not the world. But I did know about Little Green Footballs. I’m not sure why. Over the months,...

First it was the Senate Gang of Six who took it upon themselves to fix Joe Wilson’s imaginary loophole, the one which caused Wilson out of frustration to accuse Barack Obama of lying as to whether Democratic health care proposals included illegal aliens. And caused...

South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson called Barack Obama a liar for claiming that Obama’s health reform proposals do not apply to illegal aliens. As I pointed out before, whether Wilson or Obama is right on the subject depends upon which health care bill one...

During Barack Obama’s speech tonight, Obama said it was untrue that “the reforms I am proposing” cover illegal aliens. Someone in the audience, reportedly South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, yelled out “liar.” Now this isn’t the British parliament, so I don’t agree with shouting...

This is the fourth in a series of posts analyzing randomly selected provisions in HR3200, the House Democratic health care restructuring bill. The hope is that through random selection of pages from the House Bill, using the dartboard method, some light will be shed on...