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There is a must read article at City Journal by author Claire Berlinski, A Hidden History of Evil – Why doesn’t anyone care about the unread Soviet archives?: In the world’s collective consciousness, the word “Nazi” is synonymous with evil. It is widely understood that...

I’m glad I spent most of yesterday traveling, so that I missed much of the blogospheric tsunami regarding Rand Paul’s libertarian views on the virtue of the federal government banning racial discrimination in private businesses. Where I come down on the issue is that the...

We really are into dumb territory here, with the Democratic media machine defending Richard Blumenthal on the ground that Blumenthal didn’t lie about his service “in Vietnam” every time he spoke about the subject. The story line arises because earlier in the same appearance in...

Richard Blumenthal may have breathed life back into his political career yesterday, with a press conference in which he vigorously defended his record: But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I’m going to say...

The fiscal equivalent of Stockholm Syndrome: A term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein government officials express adulation and have positive feelings toward unsustainable union contracts that appear irrational in light of the danger or risk posed by such contracts to the government....

On Monday I posted about Elena Kagan’s written answers to the Senate Judiciary Committee in connection with her nomination for Solicitor General. I noted that while Kagan evaded and talked around many questions, which is all too typical for a nominee, Kagan did not avoid...

Dana Milbank argues that conservatives are hypocritical in seeking government involvement in the Gulf oil cleanup, Through oil-fouled water, big government looks better and better: There is something exquisite about the moment when a conservative decides he needs more government in his life…. It may...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: It has been eight days since the Governor of Arizona signed the immigration law. A few tweaks have been made in the wording of the law since then,...

My my, how Paul Krugman worries that our President may come under criticism from the vast right-wing conspiracy for the Eight Days In April. The Eight Days In April during which our President twiddled his environmental clean-up and emergency response thumbs in the face of...

Nothing in the civil suit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission alleges that Goldman Sachs caused the housing bubble or burst it. The transaction at issue in that case was between highly sophisticated investment firms, and had no more to do with the housing...

Move along, nothing to see from the government’s failure as to cancer treatment clinical trials. The clinical treatment system run by the National Cancer Institute has become so burdened with bureaucracy and paperwork that even the Editors of The New York Times are complaining (emphasis...

It would be easy to cheer as the Obama administration seeks to take down Goldman Sachs. After all, Goldman Sachs has become a proxy for Wall Street, since so many of the old icons no longer exist or have been consumed as a result of...

Dana Lithwick asks What Are Liberal Law Students So Sad About? Her conclusion is that liberal law students are sad because their liberal legal heroes can’t seem to get on the Supreme Court: Since it’s April, and America’s law students have nothing else to do...

The ruling Labour Party in Britain has used its control of the National Health Service to help its campaign for the May 6 general election, via the Times of London: Labour was today caught up in a new row over its use of personal data...

Frank Rich has been at the lead of the cabal of Democratic operatives, mainstream media columnists and left-wing bloggers who have engaged in a deliberate year-long smear campaign to paint opposition to Obama’s agenda as inherently racist. Rich’s most recent column, It’s a Bird, It’s...

Another day, some more agitation by the Obama administration and Agitprop by the mainstream media, this time directed by Obama himself at Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk radio hosts. This country is boiling over, after over a year of a strategy of crazy, in...