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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



From a just released ABC/Washington Post poll, Most Back Cuts Overall – But Not to the Military: For all the dire warnings, most Americans welcome a five percent cut in overall federal spending this year. But the defense budget is another matter. The public by nearly 2-1,...

From Sarah: Spotted this bumper sticker in Redmond, WA today. Being a Jew from New England, the sight of Hebrew in an area with a noticeably scant Jewish population brought a pleasant twinge of familiarity...

How fitting that on the day a supposed sighting of the KKK at Oberlin College was revealed to be nothing more than a woman wrapped in a blanket, the Southern Poverty Law Center released its latest scare tool, New Report: Radical antigovernment movement continues explosive growth:
The number of conspiracy-minded antigovernment “Patriot” groups on the American radical right reached an all-time high in 2012, the fourth consecutive year of powerful growth by a movement that is becoming increasingly militant as President Obama enters his second term and Congress debates gun control measures, according to a report issued today by the SPLC... “As in the period before the Oklahoma City bombing, we now are seeing ominous threats from those who believe that the government is poised to take their guns,”  wrote SPLC President Richard Cohen, a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Violent Extremism Working Group. In October 1994, the SPLC wrote to then-Attorney General Janet Reno about the growing threat of domestic extremism; the Oklahoma City federal building was bombed six months later in the country’s deadliest act of domestic terrorism.
This is the same nonsense SPLC peddles every year at this time.  Sooner or later, like a ghoulish broken clock, one of SPLC's predictions will come true, but in the meantime, the SPLC still has not made amends for its "hate map" being used by the guy who shot up the Family Research Council to acquire targets. The SPLC count is grossly exaggerated.  If there's a Neo-Nazi website which lists branches in every state, SPLC counts that as 50 groups, even if the groups are only names on a website. The SPLC has upped the number of "hate groups" in my home State of Rhode Island to 4, including the same supposed neo-Nazi and Klan groups which we repeatedly have pointed out do not exist. In 2011, SPLC listed just one hate group (the non-existent neo-Nazi group):

SPLC Hate Map 2011 Rhode Island

But now SPLC lists 4 groups, putting the non-existent Klan group back on the map:

SPLC Hate Map 2012 Rhode Island

The SPLC also lists some other groups in Rhode Island that have no obvious existence. OMG, hate groups in RI have quadrupled!  Send money! I did a radio interview for ABC News today.  I can't find the clip, but Sam at The Last Tradition heard it and emailed:
I heard you on WABC news update putting the Southern Poverty Law center in its place. Way to go!

Venezuela President Hugo Chavez died today after fighting cancer for two years. Vice President Maduro's statement: Today, the 5th of March, after participating in the meeting of the council of ministers, we came here to the military hospital to follow the sequence of our comandante president's health....

Two recent articles provided explanations as to why Mitt Romney failed to win the presidency. In The GOP and the City Edward Glaeser writes: After the presidential election in November, New York Times exit polls found that Republican candidate Mitt Romney had received only 29 percent of...

Can we just officially declare the anti-gun hysteria to have reached the point of insanity? We're punishing 7-year olds for biting pastry into the shape of a gun? These school officials have lost their minds, 7-year-old suspended for alleged ‘pastry gun’: But WAIT, it gets worse: UPDATE...

Nancy Pelosi was wrong:  Even after passing the bill, no one could have possibly known what was in it! That's because America's finest bureaucrats are creating a galaxy of amazing new rules to implement provisions of the "Affordable Care Act".  In the traditional Friday-night document dump...

1) More on AIPAC In addition to explaining how the two organizers put together the AIPAC conference, Tablet has a symposium, Do we still need a pro-Israel lobby? Though there are some good responses, the presence of Rebecca Vilkomerson and Alan Elsner as respondents is disappointing. Vilkomerson is...

Brian Leiter of the University of Chicago Law School regularly attacks other law professor bloggers in particularly nasty terms.  I didn't even know who Leiter was when an academic warned me that one day Leiter would target me, and that prediction came true. Leiter has an obsession with "crazed right-wing...

Really, as much as I didn't want to hear his name, Graeme Zielinksi was the perfect spokesman for the Wisconsin Democratic Party. A true reflection of the anti-Scott Walker politics practiced in Wisconsin: After a couple of tweets on March 1 comparing Walker to Jeffrey Dahmer, Zielinski...

There is a growing consensus that Obama overplayed his hand in the absurd fear-mongering about the immediate impact of the sequester. While Republican's did their own share of fear-mongering as to military cuts, and thereby played into Obama's hand, it still was Obama's political...