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Afghanistan is one issue around which there should be bi-partisan support. The consequences of the Taliban taking over the country and giving al-Qaeda and other radical Islamist groups a home base is too much to risk. Obama seems to have a profound sense that the...

A movement is growing in Britain to slash government spending rather than impose tax increases, according to the Sunday Times: Voters are overwhelmingly in favour of cutting public spending rather than tax rises to close the budget black hole, a Sunday Times/YouGov poll finds today....

Oliver Willis compares Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s statement that Pawlenty would consider whether the 10th Amendment allows a state to opt out of a potential federal health care plan with to George Wallace standing in the doorway to bar blacks from the University of Alabama....

First it was the Senate Gang of Six who took it upon themselves to fix Joe Wilson’s imaginary loophole, the one which caused Wilson out of frustration to accuse Barack Obama of lying as to whether Democratic health care proposals included illegal aliens. And caused...

If critics are to be believed, South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson “is the liar” about whether illegal aliens could receive benefits under the various pending Democratic health care restructuring proposals. In response to this supposedly imaginary problem, the Senate “Gang of Six” bipartisan group...

South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson called Barack Obama a liar for claiming that Obama’s health reform proposals do not apply to illegal aliens. As I pointed out before, whether Wilson or Obama is right on the subject depends upon which health care bill one...

There was a shocking lack of respect displayed at Barack Obama’s health care speech last night. President Obama spent most of his speech calling opponents of Democratic health restructuring plans liars. South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson called Obama a liar in response. A shocking lack...

During Barack Obama’s speech tonight, Obama said it was untrue that “the reforms I am proposing” cover illegal aliens. Someone in the audience, reportedly South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, yelled out “liar.” Now this isn’t the British parliament, so I don’t agree with shouting...

Barack Obama’s speech on health care tonight was a good effort to re-frame the debate and the issues, but ultimately was a non-starter because it relied on governmental powers of coercion, a public option as to which Obama will not back down, the illusion of...

Camille Paglia nails it again: By foolishly trying to reduce all objections to healthcare reform to the malevolence of obstructionist Republicans, Democrats have managed to destroy the national coalition that elected Obama and that is unlikely to be repaired. If Obama fails to win reelection,...

To read the left-wing blogosphere and mainstream media, one would think that the American people were victims of a vast right-wing conspiracy. As if the critics of creeping government control of the health care and economic systems somehow were misleading an otherwise liberal population into...

Andrew Sullivan, writing at TimesOnline (London) notes the circus of conspiracy theories sweeping the land. He ought to know. Sullivan goes on to argue that Obama will end up with a victory on health care restructuring, although many of the controversial aspects will be dropped:...

If Hillary Clinton were President, things would be quite different. For one, Hillary would have a mandate for health care mandates, which are the key to Democratic health care restructuring. Everyone focuses on the public option, but the public option is a mere necessary component...

E-mails which start out “you are a ….,” or which accuse me of wasting my education, are fairly routine, and to date, exclusively from the Left. So imagine my surprise at receiving this e-mail from the Right (obligatory capital letters in the original): AFTER ALL...

This is the seventh* and last of a series of posts analyzing randomly selected provisions in HR3200, the House Democratic health care restructuring bill. The hope is that through random selection of pages from the House Bill, using the dartboard method, some light will be...

The lesson being learned by the left-wing blogosphere from the sputtering Glenn Beck boycott and the Van Jones Affair is not that political arguments should be won on the merits, and in the hearts and minds of the public. No, the lesson being learned is...

I made the classic blogger’s mistake of getting a full night’s sleep last night, rather than checking the internet every hour. When I awoke, every single blog I know had a post about how Van Jones had resigned sometime just before or after the stroke...