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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Last week we examined the case of the Romeike family, which is facing deportation to Germany where they will be persecuted and possibly prosecuted for homeschooling their children, DOJ seeks deportation of family persecuted in Germany for homeschooling. On Saturday night Mike Huckabee had a segment...


1) Taking the lede in blaming Israel A number of bloggers have commented on the anti-Israel remarks made by Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan last week. Fortunatly, Secretary of State, John Kerry and others rebuked Turkey. Here's how the New York Times' anti-Israel blogger Robert Mackey provided context for the remarks: The Turkish prime minister has expressed his anger with...

Back in the early 2000's, the Enron scandal lead to California's rolling blackouts.  As a result, as an environmental health and safety specialist, I began including information on handing power outages into company safety manuals. Now, thanks to "Green Energy", it looks like I am going to...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

I'm watching a 60 Minutes segment about the Chinese real estate bubble: China has been nothing short of a financial miracle. In just 30 years, this state-controlled economy became the world's second largest, deftly managed by government policies and decrees. One sector the authorities concentrated on...

I didn't watch the Romney interview. I have nothing against him or Ann, I'm just not interested in fighting yesterday's battles. Learn from them, yes. Refight them, no.  Steve at Comment Cents has the video if you are interested. I spent some time on the attacks on...

Rush Limbaugh's broadcast a year ago on the day of Andrew Breibart's death, March 1, 2012. One of the best memorials I've heard. (h/t Stix Blog) For background on the lies told about Breitbart's Shirley Sherrod tape, and how it supposedly was misleading, see my post Repeat after...

From David: Greetings from Fort Worth, Texas. I was at the local Walmart tonight and thought I’d check out their ammo section to see what kind of selection they carry. I was so shocked at how picked over it was. There were 2 signs on the glass...

A reader forwarded me the link to this Michael Barone article from October 11, 2008 (the day before the first post at Legal Insurrection), The Coming Obama Thugocracy: I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your  neighbors,” Barack Obama told...

10. I'd have to drive, which would not be sustainable and green. 9. I hear there are a lot of college kids swooning over people who don't deserve to be swooned over. 8. It's too political, and there's nothing I hate more than politics. 7. What's her name with the...

Graeme Zielinski, Communications Director for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, was one of the key Democratic operatives behind the anti-Scott Walker intimidation campaign which we featured here so often around this time last year, Wisconsin’s long, strange trip. Zielinski stood out from the usual protest operatives because of his...