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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In the wake of Saturday's not guilty verdict in the Zimmerman trial, demonstrations to protest the outcome have erupted all across the country, with more scheduled Monday and throughout the week.  Most have been peaceful, others not so much.  We've collected a handful of tweets, photos and videos from some of them here. The @OccupyWallSt Twitter account tweeted a link to a list of Trayvon rallies in towns across the country. An excerpt from the page reads:
It has been decided: black life isn’t worth shit. Come together in force across the country tomorrow at 6pm. Let’s not ask for justice: let’s make it happen ourselves.
Another excerpt, this one from, reads:
No more divide and conquer. We stand for all. We stand in support of the family of ‪#‎TrayvonMartin and his memory. He did not die in vain. He was the 99% with promise and potential. Capitalism and Racism legitimize each other. We need something brand new and we need it now.
 Protests in Oakland/Los Angeles, CA.


I'll be brief. I can't add much to what I've written the past 17 months about the facts, evidence, law, witnesses, lawyers, judges, politics, and media. So here you go: Despite the heated demands of powerful societal forces and the State, six women just said No, and thereby did justice. Amen....

Really, Kirsten Powers? Really? After three weeks of hearing and watching the actual evidence in the case and reading the jury instructions, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief....

I watched the verdict come while on a 5-hour flight delay at O'Hare last night.  Had there not been a delay, I would have missed it.  Funny how things work. What amazed me is that prior to the verdict, I heard numerous people talking openly about...

The jury in the Zimmerman case reached a not guilty verdict this evening.  Legal Insurrection is following the reactions online as well as from demonstrators who have been outside the courthouse since deliberations first began. This post contains press conference videos of key people connected to the trial, photos of demonstrators outside the Florida courthouse, tweets/photos/videos related to current and scheduled “Justice for Trayvon” marches, verdict reactions from Twitter and embedded feeds for key Twitter hashtags. Follow/refresh this post for continuing updates. George Zimmerman's reaction as the verdict was read: Press conference with Zimmerman attorneys Mark O'Mara and Don West. Press conference with prosecutors. Florida State Attorney Angela Corey punts on a question about her office's firing of IT Director Ben Kruidbos on Friday, after his testimony last month that he had concerns prosecutors may not have turned over information to the Zimmerman defense team. Press conference with Trayvon Martin family. Press conference with Martin family attorney Ben Crump. Defense attorney Mark O'Mara also did an exclusive lengthy interview Friday with CNN's Martin Savidge, just after the jury first began deliberations.  You can catch key highlights and video of that interview at Defense Attorney Mark O’Mara Opens Up About Influence of Race & Politics in Zimmerman Case. ******** Verdict reactions from Twitter:

A verdict has been returned in Florida v. Zimmerman:


The State prosecutors, including the until recently rarely-seen Angela Corey, are currently providing interviews to the press, essentially re-arguing their catastrophically failed courtroom arguments. From this commentator's perspective, they are simply in complete denial and/or in full-blown CYA mode, no matter how often they say they respect the decision of the jury. It is also remarkable how frequently both Angela Corey and Bernie de la Rionda are explicitly re-affirming their support of the Second Amendment and self-defense--perhaps they sense the "seething rage, ill-will, spite, and hatred" they may well have engendered among the community of law-abiding gun-owners and CWL owners in Florida. Reactions from around the web can be found at this post: includes press conference videos of key people connected to the trial, photos of demonstrators outside the Florida courthouse, tweets/photos/videos related to current and scheduled "Justice for Trayvon" marches, verdict reactions from Twitter and embedded feeds for key Twitter hashtags. It will continue to be updated. The Prof. will have his post in the morning as he's stuck at O'Hare Airport now, but quickly adds:
The just verdict was reached. As I have said repeatedly, this was a case that never should have been brought. It's not too early to demand an inquiry into the prosecution of this case. Angela Corey should resign.
Watch live with Legal Insurrection on one of the two video streams below, as well as in the scrolling Twitter feed from selected contributors below. (My own tweets can be identified as coming from @LawSelfDefense.)

The Zimmerman trial jury paused their deliberations at around 6:00PM EST to present Judge Nelson with a question: "May we please have clarification on instructions regarding manslaughter?" Nelson announced the question to the parties in open court, and has now recessed court 30 minutes to address the...

NSA leaker Edward Snowden has not yet requested temporary asylum from Russia, after his appeal for assistance from human rights groups Friday. From the NY Times: Senior Kremlin officials said Saturday that Russia’s Federal Migration Service had not yet received a formal appeal for asylum from Edward...

Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Georgetown student advocates death for Republicans over student loan rates And where have you been my darling young one? Florida transgender student barred from women’s room after anonymous complaint UNC-Chapel Hill Students Jump To Defend Mixed-Sex Dorm Rooms and Bathrooms I've stumbled...

Well, here we are: Verdict Watch. The jury has been charged in Florida v. Zimmerman, and have begun their deliberations. The verdict form is here. Final Jury Instructions here. Last night they asked for an inventory list of the evidence--which makes sense given the dozens of witnesses and hundreds of exhibits. Now, we here at Legal Insurrection (and Law of Self Defense) are on stand-by ready to jump into action as soon as news emerges, whether that is the verdict itself or some lesser item. The video feeds located below the fold will be active when the broadcasters that control them feel there is something worth streaming.) In a breaking development, the Special Prosecutor's Office of Angela Corey has fired the IT specialist who blew the whistle on the prosecution's concealment of evidence:
State Attorney Angela Corey fired her office’s information technology director Friday after he testified last month about being concerned prosecutors did not turn over information to George Zimmerman’s defense team in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. On the same day attorneys finished their closing arguments in that nationally watched trial, a state attorney investigator went to Ben Kruidbos’ home about 7:30 a.m. to hand-deliver a letter stating Kruidbos “can never again be trusted to step foot in this office.”
The letter is here. (WAJ adds) This has been a dirty prosecution in so many ways, so no one should be surprised that as soon as the jury went into deliberations the retaliation began.

Twitter Feed:

(My tweets can be identified as coming from @lawselfdefense, or @lawselfdefense2 if I'm in Twitmo--follow both!.)