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Follow up to prior story: After almost 70 years, the Barrington (RI) United Veterans Council was stripped of its parade duties after objecting to the Town Council flying the BLM flag over the War Memorial. Now their rightful and historical duties have been restored. A small victory for sanity and tradition.

My interview on the Tony Katz Show: "this was a cleansing operation" to make it harder for Republicans to subpoena documents regarding Biden's China and Ukraine dealings for his son. "And in the course of that cleansing operation, the Biden lawyers were like, oh crap, we've got classified documents in here. What do we do now? ... I'd like to know what were in the documents that weren't classified that .. are the real scandal here."

"The footage, released Friday, shows officers approach Paul and Nancy's home. Paul opens the door, standing next to his attacker, both men have their hands on the hammer in an effort to control it."