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As the State prepares to rest its case against George Zimmerman as early as tomorrow, I can’t help but juxtapose where we ought to be in terms of the weight of evidence of Zimmerman’s guilt of second degree murder, and contrast it with where we...

BREAKING:  At close of tonight’s Frye hearing, the State announced they intend to re-call Tom Owens for additional testimony.  The Court scheduled this for 4Pm on Wednesday.   The Zimmerman Court has re-convened the Frye suspended before jury selection.  The purpose of the Frye hearing...

A full transcript of the Guardian’s live online Q&A session with NSA leaker Edward Snowden is provided below.  The contents of the session were transcribed as is, without any edits or corrections to content, only formatting edits. You can also download it via PDF. (Note: ...

Last week, the Guardian and Washington Post published several slides from a leaked Powerpoint presentation in its stories about the NSA’s domestic surveillance policies and its PRISM program.  Separate from phone carriers, nine internet companies were named in the story as participants in the PRISM...

Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who leaked details about the National Security Agency’s surveillance program to the press, gave an exclusive interview Wednesday to the South China Morning Post. Through a series of articles that have been staggered throughout the day, Snowden tells the...

The ACLU has just filed a lawsuit challenging several in the Obama administration over its indiscriminate scooping up of phone records. From the ACLU’s website: In the wake of the past week’s revelations about the NSA’s unprecedented mass surveillance of phone calls, today the ACLU...

Edward Snowden, the now-former NSA contractor who leaked secret documents to The Washington Post and the Guardian, said he didn’t want to become the story.  “I don’t want public attention because I don’t want the story to be about me. I want it to be...

The Zimmerman court is engaged in a pretrial Frye hearing that will decide, in part, whether the prosecution’s expert witnesses can testify about their analysis of an audio recording of the 911 call made by Witness #11, which ended up accidentally capturing the last moments...

You know the story. The government is grabbing all your phone records.  In a previously secret order obtained by Obama: The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America’s largest telecoms providers, under a top...

Hey folks, As the Professor announced this past Sunday, I will be covering the Zimmerman trial (starting Monday, June 10) nearly-live right here on Legal Insurrection.  My commitment is to provide reality-based analysis, without the speculation, spin, and snark we’ve seen too much of already....