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It seems that nothing is ever as it seems. It may be that Edward Snowden is what he seems to be — an Obama-supporter who, despite barely gaining a GED, managed to work his way into sensitive technical positions at the CIA, NSA and private...

1) Talkin’ Turkey Claire Berlinski provides the recent background for the foment going on in Turkey: Of late, almost every sector of the electorate has felt unease about one part or another of Erdoğan’s agenda. Restrictive new alcohol legislation, rammed through parliament, as usual, with...

If you think Stephen Hawking’s decision not to attend a conference in Israel was a principled stand for academic or other freedoms, you can drop that notion. Hawking, as many have pointed out in the past few days, has attended conferences in the past several...

Professor Glenn Reynolds likens Washington, D.C ., to the iconic Panem, capital city of “The Hunger Games“. As the nation’s wealth becomes concentrated along the Potomac, it becomes easier to make the analogy: America’s capital seems bubble-wrapped in its own vibrant economic boom, while great...

The enormous mushroom cloud, the earth-shaking earthquake-like reverberations, the secondary explosions. We’re heard a lot of noise from Syria, but relatively little about casualties. The NY Times reports over 100 dead soldiers: The attack, which sent brightly lighted columns of smoke and ash high into...

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is another bill that is currently moving through Congress.  It was first introduced in November of 2011, but failed to pass the Senate after a successful House vote in April 2012. It was reintroduced this past February...

1)  Syria and contiguity Jacques Neria writes in Stalemate in the Syrian Civil War: While Assad has survived so far, he has not been able to quell the rebellion, the economy is in shambles, and so are most of the areas hit by the civil...

The third person killed in the bombing of the Boston Marathon has been identified. Via Riehl World News: The third person killed in the Boston Marathon bombings is a 23-year-old Chinese graduate student at Boston University who came to the U.S. because it was her...

The Obama Administration puts up a forest of shiny objects that can make important developments hard to see. While  Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney stresses over who-did-what on the cancellation of White House tours, conservative firebrand Tammy Bruce has been sounding the alarm on some...

Chinese bureaucrats are under increased pressure to support Chinese-made car brands instead of the preferred luxury brands such as Audi, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz. Advertising Age reports: The combined market share for Chinese sedans and compact cars fell to a four-year low of 28% in 2012,...

I’m watching a 60 Minutes segment about the Chinese real estate bubble: China has been nothing short of a financial miracle. In just 30 years, this state-controlled economy became the world’s second largest, deftly managed by government policies and decrees. One sector the authorities concentrated...

I didn’t watch the Romney interview. I have nothing against him or Ann, I’m just not interested in fighting yesterday’s battles. Learn from them, yes. Refight them, no.  Steve at Comment Cents has the video if you are interested. I spent some time on the attacks...

Secretary of State John Kerry (go ahead, just try to type those words) is making his first overseas trip since confirmation as a member of the president’s cabinet—and as fourth, dear lord, in the line of succession.  Via Heritage: Secretary of State John Kerry’s first...

A recent Washington Post editorial, The blame game over sequestration concludes: Meanwhile, Mr. Obama seems content to warn of dire cutbacks in everything from naval operations to firefighters and to accuse the GOP of risking them to protect the wealthy. The Republicans denounce the sequester as Mr. Obama’s brainchild...

The petri dish of Democrat candidates in the special election Democrat primary for Jesse Jackson, Jr.’s former congressional seat remains teeming with candidates, despite the Chicago Democratic Machine’s heavies being deployed to empty it out. So far only two have caved, Toi Hutchinson who dropped out...