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Remember that next Tuesday is the recall election in Wisconsin. A good Marquette poll yesterday deflated hopes on the left that the recall race was tightening.  But Walker is not taking any chances, releasing this ad against Barrett: More devastating news for the recall effort is...

There already are efforts to bus supporters of the recall to the polls for early voting. There’s nothing illegal or unethical about that, so long as only eligible voters vote.  But it’s a reminder that some good polling is not a substitute for going to...

While Elizabeth Warren is doing well in the polls, her story about not promoting herself as Native American for professional purposes continues to fall apart. Michael Patrick Leahy, writing at today, links to an article in the Spring 1993 issue of the student-run Harvard Women’s Law Journal, when...

Maryland’s loss of 6,000 jobs was the largest of any state in the nation last month. Some have been quick to write off the figures as a product of unusual weather patterns affecting seasonal hiring practices, but there is a growing belief that the Maryland...

I haven’t had much time to focus on the debacle unfolding in my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations over loan guarantees to a company owned by former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling. This Bloomberg story has the latest: Curt Schilling, pitching ace...

The unemployment report was just released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bottom line:  115,000 new jobs added, pundits had expected 177,000.  “Unemployment Rate” drops to 8.1%, but as Ezra Klein admits, only because so many people left the workforce (over 300,000 more): Unemployment rate...

Obama has been narrowing his targets for attack and derision ever since the 2008 campaign. Everywhere he looks, he finds some group to hold up for public scorn, and that group has narrowed from the top 5% to the top 2% to the top 1% to...

Kay Hymowitz:  Why Women Make Less Than Men (h/t Instapundit): One stubborn fact of the labor market argues against the idea. That is the gender-hours gap, close cousin of the gender-wage gap. Most people have heard that full-time working American women earn only 77 cents for every...

I have written quite a bit about the challenge by Richard Mourdock to Obama’s Favorite Republican, Richard Lugar. But one subject I haven’t touched upon was Mourdock’s valiant effort, against great political odds, to stand up for private bondholders against the Obama-enforced bailout of Chrysler....

I’d rather sit in the dark. That’s my sense of today: Secret Service agent scandal gets worse with allegations of cocaine use, and here is a headline which tells us this drama will play out for a while: Escort Recounts Quarrel With Secret Service Agent. Image...

There has been a pressure campaign against corporate sponsors of the American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC) led by Color of Change and some of the same groups targeting conservative talk radio: Here’s how it works.  An issue which is neutral, such as voter i.d. laws, is portrayed...

A reader writes: Not sure if you have something planned for tax day, but thought you’d like a little perspective from the private sector. If you do use it, please hold back our names – a few of my clients are liberals! The joys of being a...

Just breaking, via NY Times: Rick Santorum is suspending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday, according two of his advisers, bowing to the inevitability of Mitt Romney’s nomination and ending his improbable, come-from-behind quest to become the party’s conservative standard-bearer in the...

The new has amassed a bunch of great essays from CATO scholars and the like. One of my (very) recent favorites is from Aaron Ross Powell, who discusses the nature of political obligation in How We Might Become Politically Obligated, a follow up to...

In response to my most recent post regarding the two year anniversary of the death of Marine Cpl. Jonathan Daniel Porto, I was contacted by reader Kate in Texas who suggested I alert other readers to Sand Soldiers of America: I read last night about the post you...

A $17,000 Dumpster Ramp for the Handicapped.  Yes, but how many jobs did it create or save? Buffett Rule would bring in less than $3 billion a year in revenue.  Yes, but think how many dumpster ramps that could build. I’m going to do the Saturday...