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The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA), the Westchester County Firearm Owners Association (WCFOA), the Sportsmen’s Association for Firearm Education (SAFE) and have taken the first step in legal challenges to the recently-enacted NY gun law. The groups filed a “Notice of...

More unintended consequences of laws which are too broadly worded. The Atlantic writer Derek Khanna recently named the Most Ridiculous New Law – 2013 a provision which previously had been waived but has come back making it illegal to “unlock” your cellphone.  And while there is...

Ace of Spades blog has posted a piece documenting the void of a Fourth Estate in America today, enjoining all of us who have been following its malpractice to do something: The media no longer hides it in their actions. They are fully fused with...

in a blue county in Ohio.  Could this be to 2014 what Obamacare was to 2010, an issue which cuts across party lines outside of the big cities? From Kathryn: Thought you might be interested in a couple photos from the very blue Lucas County,...

I didn’t get the pants reference at first.  Now I get it.  This sounds like a possible threat to human rights. From frequent photographer 9th District Neighhor: I photographed this proud Second Amendment supporter in a Walmart parking lot in Mount Prospect, IL. In addition...

My first reaction was that the sticker was a pro-2nd Amendment protest.  But on reflection, I’m thinking it’s anti-gun in reaction to the Newtown shooting. From commenter Markinct: Seen in Hartford, CT on the 15th of January… A Prius in the Northeast? Check Bumper sticker...

California’s conservative activists are preparing to battle back Sacramento legislators, who are using the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy and their new super-majority to impose further restrictions on gun ownership. A Fox News report describes some of the proposed measures: Political analysts say the political...

An infographic from Mayor Bloomberg’s “Mayors against Illegal Guns” depicting “common-sense gun control” shows how graphics can swindle their audiences using simple tricks. Despite the fact that the NRA has condemned the group for being anti-gun, MAIG is attempting to define the terms of the debate in...

As is traditional with the season, the end of the year is a chance to look back and reflect on the events that occurred over the past 365 days. And what a year it has been! Here are some stories, beyond the election and the...

You’ve heard about Erik Loomis, the University of Rhode Island assistant professor of history who launched an almost psychotic, foul-mouthed Twitter tirade against the NRA, accusing it of being a terrorist organization, of complicity in and criminal culpability for murder, and a host of other invectives...

I’m glad to be back stateside after returning this week from a trip to Colombia where I rediscovered a romance with the entrepreneurial spirit and free market, values which appear to be alive and well in Cartagena and elsewhere in the country. While the United...

Just breaking, via The Hill: The Supreme Court announced Friday that it will hear a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) — the federal law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The court also agreed to hear...

I am going to regret doing this. You can send me reports and photos, and I will selectively post them. If things get overwhelming, as on National Empty Chair Day, I may have to call it off! If you have reports without photos, do not...