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Adding to tensions between the U.S. and Russia over the situation in Ukraine, a Russian fighter jet made numerous close-range passes near a US Navy ship in the western Black Sea over the weekend.  The action came as Ukraine is confronting continuing conflicts with pro-Russian...

Tensions are mounting ahead of a planned referendum Sunday to determine whether or not Crimea will break from Ukraine and join Russia. A few updates on the situation… From AFP via Yahoo News: Ukraine accused Russia on Saturday of invading a region bordering Crimea and...

The United States is not Ukraine, so, I hope, we don’t find ourselves living in interesting times. 1.  Somewhat educated young people with no opportunities are a revolutionary class.  Between 1990 and 2006, as Ukraine’s population declined, the number of students entering colleges shot up...

After an announcement just last week that he’d be taking an indefinite sick leave, the President of Ukraine returned on Monday, as the political crisis continues there. From Reuters: Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich returned to work on Monday after four days of sick leave, issuing...

Turkish Prime Minsister Erdogan’s agitation show no signs of letting up. He’s back to threats of military confrontation with Israel: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday Israel could not do whatever it wanted in the eastern Mediterranean and that Turkish warships could be...