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There has not been a lot learned since last night. At a press conference this morning almost nothing was learned, except that the investigators seem desperate for information and are calling on the public to turn in videos and photos. I'm embedding the Twitter feed at the bottom of the post, which is a good way to keep track during the day. CBS Boston Live Stream (Added) Via Twitchy:

1) The PA's defense budget The Palestinian Authority regularly complains about its budget woes. Nitzana Darshan-Leitner writes that the largest portion of the PA's budget goes to defense: Recently, the Palestinian Authority publicly revealed its new budget. In approving the 2013 fiscal plan, the Palestinian leader Mahmoud...

Who is surprised? President Obama's delegation to the funeral of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is drawing some flak in London. Two former Republican Secretaries of State -- James Baker and George Shultz -- will lead the U.S. delegation to the Thatcher funeral on Wednesday. Some British...

Shai Bazak is Israel's Consul General in Boston: In the hours following the attack, he said, he had been swamped with concerned phone calls - many coming from Israel - and emails from friend, colleagues and the Foreign Ministry. “It is a weird feeling to be in...

As we mourn the dead and wounded, focus inevitably turns to the political war fought in the blogosphere and on Twitter before the facts were known. There were plenty of hateful tweets on all sides and in all directions. There also were attempts by people...

There was a lot of Twitter activity trying to drive the mainstream media to cover the trial of Kermit Gosnell. The Washington Post and NY Times, among others, now will be sending reporters to the trial, although denying that any pro-abortion bias caused them to shy...

Reports coming in of explosions near the finish line at the Boston Marathon. Live coverage at Fox 25 (no embed available) Serious injuries -- (warning on link, gruesome) missing arms and legs (warning on link, gruesome) according to eyewitness interviewed on television. (Update -- latest reports are...

Ambassador Yehuda Avner wrote a wonderful recollection of the original Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) (formatting provided by Elder of Ziyon) "Wait!" shouted a hassid whom everybody knew as Nussen der hazzan - a cantor by calling, and a most diligent volunteer digger from the ultra-Orthodox...

The Gosnell trial is about the killing of infants born alive and a mother undergoing an abortion. The reaction, however, is not just to the killing of an infant born alive after an abortion, it is to the dismemberment, decapitation, and other gruesome means of killing...

Can I call 'em or what? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. As noted at the Wiki, the progressive movement has had a twinkle in its eye for an Elizabeth Warren presidential campaign since before she was elected to the Senate, Elizabeth Warren for President in 2016...

1) Bursting the balloon When I saw the following headline at the Baltimore Jewish Times I was worried, " J Street Carved Out A Place In The U.S.-Israel Advocacy." The article, written by managing editor, Maayan Jaffe starts by faithfully recounting all of J-Streets claims. But,...

From Peter: Seen near? where else a health food store ...

To the 99 people who donated in direct response to the Legal Insurrection Building Fund campaign, including 13 people who started or increased their monthly subscription. And to dozens more who have donated in the past. It is appreciated. ...

Will the media compare Obama's speeches against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act to the Gettysburg Address, as it did for Obama's Newtown speech? I think not. Certainly not after Kermit Gosnell. They were not Gettysburg Addresses. The ground in which the dead were buried was...

From Trochilus Tales, NJ Superior Court Judge: Blogger Protected By State Shield Law: A New Jersey Superior Court Judge, Karen M. Cassidy, A.J.S.C., has issued a written opinion (posted by CountyWatchers, here and hereafter cited as "decis") quashing a subpoena that had been issued by the...

A California state senator has cooked-up a bill that combines: New York City's nanny-state "Big Gulp" bans.  Small businesses fees to pay for excessive compliance requirements. Distribution of power to unelected bureaucrats to enforce the vaguely worded legislation. Talk about recipe for failure! Steven Frank's California has the details on...