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One year ago last night Scott Walker won the recall election and Republicans kept control of the state Senate despite recall attempts. It was a long, strange trip. If you were here that night you would have experienced the camaraderie of other readers on our live...

After three weeks of often intense artillery barrages and air strikes, Hezbollah took over Qusayr near the border with Lebanon. While the Syrian government is proclaiming victory, the Syrian government was the tale on the dog -- it was a Hezbollah operation. But NOW Lebanon reports the...

From Linda, spotted in Manchester, TN, near the forum at which government officials were speaking as to whether criticism of Islam could be a civil rights violation and the free speech counter-protest over the attempt to criminalize speech and shut down political discourse. Because the photo was at...

Day two in the military trial of Bradley Manning continued today. While much of the day’s events are reported to have focused on chain-of-custody issues and other evidentiary matters, one notable highlight was the testimony of the man who first alerted authorities to the extensive leak...

1) Music lives in Israel Arsen Ostrovsky interviewed Zubin Mehta about performing Israel: According to Mehta, "it's hard to find an emblem of cultural, national pride that burns as bright as Israel's success in classical music." He adds "the amount of culture going on in a small...

On May 23 I wondered Will Qusayr be Hezbollah’s Stalingrad? It's hard to know what really is going on, with pro-Assad forces claiming great progress while rebel supporters claim they are hanging on and receiving reinforcements.  There has been a mostly futile attempt to gain world...

Noticed the trend of legislators going beyond issuing press releases and fully embracing social media to distribute and market their point-of-view? Rep. Darrell Issa has been especially active in marketing himself and his committee's activities, including design-heavy graphics and an active twitter account. Today Rep. Eric Cantor's...

At College Insurrection, I recently covered a West Virginia professor who ranted that his state was a "national laughingstock" while deeming NRA members traitors. The presumption! California is the nation's laughingstock! And to prove my point, here is a story about one of  our most powerful bureaucratic bodies...

From J: Subject: Is this the biggest hypocrite in America? (bumper sticker) Thought you'd appreciate this. Spotted in Charlottesville, VA. Guess this Obama bootlicker didn't get the memo from Leftist Central, that anyone who drives a Hummer is more evil than Bin Laden and Jerry Falwell rolled up...

If you happened to read my prior post, you're aware by now that today was Day One in the Trial of Accused Wikileaker Bradley Manning.  One of the sites that has been reporting on the trial and the ongoing protests by supporters of Bradley Manning is Russia Today.  The site has long offered coverage that is, shall we say, favorable to Manning and Wikileaks. That apparently doesn't sit well with some, most notably Antileaks, an outfit that is opposed to Wikileaks. Last year, Antileaks launched a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Wikileaks' website in retaliation for Julian Assange's attempt at escaping potential prosecution by retaining asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy.  They also targeted Russia Today at the time for its coverage of Wikileaks.  And that in turn prompted a skirmish between Antileaks and other hackers claiming association to Anonymous. Now that the Manning trial has begun, Antileaks is back.  And today they took aim again at Russia Today.

Day one of the trial of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who stands accused of leaking more than 700,000 military and diplomatic documents to Wikileaks, began today.  Starkly different portraits of Manning were portrayed by prosecutor Army Capt. Joe Morrow and defense attorney David Coombs. From the New...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...