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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Michelle Wolf's performance at last night's White House Correspondents' Dinner (WHCD) has created quite a stir. President Trump, for the second year in a row, held a rally rather than attend. Wolf, apparently a correspondent on the Late Show with that new guy, blasted President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as well as making some pointed remarks about the state of today's journalism. Some of her comments, however, are seen as crossing a line, particularly points about Sanders.

The #MeToo movement took shape following the dam-breaking revelations of sexual abuse by former Hollywood heavyweight Harvey Weinstein.  Following Weinstein's very public fall from grace, a number of other prominent figures in Hollywood and in the political world were also targeted and fell on the word of their accusers.

A man wearing only a green jacket shot up a Waffle House in Tennessee, killing four people and wounding several others.  The suspect has been identified as 29-year-old Travis Reinking from Illinois.  Police state that they are currently unaware of a motive, but "suspect some mental issues." After being disarmed by a heroic customer, Reinking reportedly fled the scene completely naked and is still at large.  He was last seen wearing black pants and no shirt.  It is possible he still has two guns in his possession.

Earlier this year, Kemberlee blogged about former Massachusetts governor and former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney announcing his Senate run in Utah.  Romney is running to fill the Utah Senate seat being vacated by Senator Orrin Hatch (R). He failed to secure the Republican nomination yesterday and will now run in Utah's June primary against Utah state representative Mike Kennedy.

The 2020 presidential election is a good way off and the pivotal 2018 midterms are this year, but it's never too early for the regressive left to start griping about the 2020 Democrat frontrunner.   Former Senator (D-DE) and former Vice President Joe Biden is the Democrat voters' early pick to go up against President Trump. This is great news for President Trump, but the Democrat base is less than happy that yet another elderly cis gender white male with a penchant for groping women and girls is in the lead in this #MeToo moment.  His being a bit gaffe-prone is apparently not a concern, but his leading role in and continued defense of the 1994 Clinton crime bill contributes to the disgruntled murmurings from the Democrat base.

Last month, I blogged about Republican Vermont governor Phil Scott's complete change in stance on the Second Amendment.  At that time, he had signed a "raft of gun control measures" and explained that his thinking about Americans' right to bear arms had "changed completely" after the Parkland shooting. Last week, he signed a brand new "raft" of gun control measures, and in doing so, has provoked the ire of the NRA.

The leftist attempt to take down Fox News by methodically targeting each show's host and the show's advertisers seems to have hit a wrinkle as Laura Ingraham's show is still boasting high ratings.  In addition to her high ratings, she has also had one advertiser return to her show. Ace Hardware, my new favorite hardware retailer, has returned to Ingraham's show.  They say that they made the decision to pull their ads because they didn't have the whole story.