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Don’t Fall For ‘Operation Demoralize’

Don’t Fall For ‘Operation Demoralize’

“It happens every single election. They create a narrative that it’s over, that the Democrat’s going to win, that it’s hopeless for Republicans to do anything…. All I can say is, I warn you, this is Operation Demoralize and they’re very good at it, and it seems to be working.”

Have you ever heard of Operation Demoralize? If you have been a reader here for a while, you may know what I’m talking about.

It happens every election cycle, particularly presidential elections. I’ve written about it since 2011, we even have a tag for it, named, you guessed it, Operation Demoralize. The phenomenon describes how a swarming hostile dishonest media is able to create a narrative of doom for Republicans, that all hope is lost, to demoralize Republicans into giving up weeks and months before an election.

On September 9, 2012, as the media declared that Romney already had lost, I wrote, Operation Demoralize is working just as planned:

It’s November 7.  Barack Obama has won.  The Republican presidential strategy has failed.  The media is jubilant.  The right-blogosphere is going through a serious introspection.  The left-blogosphere is dancing on our graves and shoving it down our throats.  Four years of fighting the Obama agenda was for nothing.

Oh, I’m sorry.  Let me correct that.  It’s September 9, not November 7.  The rest of the paragraph above can remain as originally written.

Operation Demoralize is working just as planned.

I wrote again about a version of Operation Demoralize the day before the 2016 election, Operation Demoralize Is in Full Swing:

… to read the headlines, it’s over. Trump is done. Turn out the lights, write the obituaries, the election is history.

This is the same tactic always used….

I think Hillary is the favorite going into Election Day because the electoral map favors Democrats. But don’t think that the premature celebrations are honest or legitimate – they are just narratives intended to demoralize Trump voters.

This tweet from Melissa Chen in June 2020 summed it up nicely

Feeling exhausted & demoralized?

They want you to think you’re all alone, swimming against the tide. You’re not.

That’s the goal – to break your will, to train your attention on the inane and frivolous, to siphon it away from issues of existential gravity, of global import.

What is it? 

“The media swarms and lies. Tells you it’s over, wants you to give up. Happens every single time.”

That’s a long wind up to my ‘hot take’ for today, a segment from our full podcast, Media’s Operation Demoralize and Kamala’s Basement Strategy – Episode 5: Legal Insurrection Podcast.

What is going on is something we have referred to in the past as Operation Demoralize.

I believe that Republicans and Trump supporters, based on the feedback I’m getting, are getting very demoralized over the adeptness of the Democrats and the media at creating a completely fictitious narrative. Within two weeks, [Kamala] went from the worst vice president ever to the future of the country.

And the swarming effect of the media, I think people don’t appreciate as much because everybody thinks, well, we’ve got a more free and open internet, conservatives have websites. Just look at a website called Memeorandum, on each of these points that are negative for Republicans, you have dozens and dozens of left-leaning and mainstream websites creating this narrative. And it’s getting people very demoralized because they don’t see the opposite.

The only thing I can say is, and if you go to our website, we have a tag called Operation Demoralize because it happens every single election.

They create a narrative that it’s over, that the Democrat’s going to win, that it’s hopeless for Republicans to do anything, that the public is moving against [you]. And we know from election results that’s not true.

So I would warn people that we are in the midst of Operation Demoralize by the Democrats and the media.

And a lot of conservative commenters are picking up on that unknowingly. They are, you know, pulling their hair out at how inconsequential the Republican efforts are in social media, at how poorly the selection of Vance was, at how all these other things as the VP nominee.

All I can say is, I warn you, this is Operation Demoralize and they’re very good at it, and it seems to be working. And in order to achieve that, they have to create a fictitious history of Kamala Harris, which is what they’re doing.

What is the antidote for Operation Demoralize?

It’s working harder, unemotionally analyzing what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong, correcting course where needed, but not throwing up your hands and commencing a circular firing squad.


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Trump and the Republicans need to stay on issues – and nothing but issues – at all times. Their best bet is to discuss the failure of not only Joe Biden, but the Leftist/socialist policies the Democrat Party has so wholeheartedly promoted.

    guyjones in reply to ChrisPeters. | August 2, 2024 at 9:41 pm

    As James Carville once sagely opined; “It’s the economy, stupid.”

    President Trump and his campaign must be laser-focused on Bidenflation, with other salvos directed at open borders/illegal immigration, and, crime.

    So many middle-class families are struggling, right now. The Dhimmi-crats’ myriad policy obsessions and concerns are so callously indifferent, tone-deaf and out of touch with the on-the-ground realities of working-class economic struggles. “Climate change” and EV mandates; “transgender” diktats; constant, dishonest and corrosive racial agitation and demagoguery — these and other conceits that are dear to Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Cape Cod and Manhattan elites have no relevance to the financial hardships that the middle-class are facing, under Bidenflation and a crushing federal tax regime.

    Yep. Per Clay Travis and Buck Sexton: Focus on Border, Economy, and Crime.

    Dimsdale in reply to ChrisPeters. | August 3, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    It is the failure of the Biden Harrist TEAM; she can’t be allowed to dissociate herself from any of Biden’s failures, particularly the border.

    tbonesays in reply to ChrisPeters. | August 5, 2024 at 5:43 pm

    Agree on ‘the issues. ‘

    Disagree with those who say we should unilaterally disarm the issue of Kamala Harris being a DEI hire. It is true, and surrendering beforehand will just embolden the other side.

It’s up to the people to see through the fog and raise a middle finger to those engaged in deception. Other than power hungry extremists that care little for the rest, and pretend democrats, most don’t like her. If the country falls for the hoopla nad puts her in office, expect a performance that makes Biden look accomplished. It will the the FUBAR Administration that brings out the worst and pretends it’s the best.

Have to say I listened to a couple of elderly men next to me at a restaurant and they were just besides himself that Trump had the audacity to question what we paid for to get those hostages freed. I guess they forgot about the hundred hundreds of millions and billions of dollars we paid Iran, pallets of cash, all the Islamic terrorist released. It was aHave to say I listened to a couple of elderly men next to me at a restaurant and they were just besides themselves that Trump had an audacity to question what we paid for to get those hostages .
It was a very valid question that needs to be asked and certainly not being asked by the media or anybody else.
They actually said, why didn’t he just say that’s great and be happy for them , these are not reasonable people
In another note, my husband is very weak kneed, and he thinks Trump is making all these mistakes by pointing out at the black journalist, sabotage interview that Harris very much presented herself as Indian, especially when she won the senatorial campaign. There’s videos all over the place. her family says they don’t have one drop of black blood. He didn’t say that, but her father did, oh my God Trump is racist. Trump is racist!
President Trump has done more for Black people and any president in modern times.
And I may have posted on this blog before I’m not sure, but President Trump found out that a homeless woman was sleeping in one of his basement rooms or something, and they came to tell him instead of kicking her out, or giving her cab fare to Salvation Army, he gave her an apartment in Trump Tower, and she’s been living in it for nine years and has never paid a penny, and on top of that he said every day I want you to send her fresh flowers!
if you remember diamond and silk diamond, I believe it was, the one that died. Silk was speaking to this just recently.
I have been around negative people I started feeling anxious, but then I said stop it people, grow some let’s fight fight fight

    gonzotx in reply to gonzotx. | August 2, 2024 at 10:12 pm

    Geez, don’t know why it doubled a paragraph

    Milhouse in reply to gonzotx. | August 4, 2024 at 7:33 am

    There’s videos all over the place. her family says they don’t have one drop of black blood. He didn’t say that, but her father did,

    You are lying. Her father never said any such thing, and there is no video anywhere of him saying it. Her father was a black man, a descendant of slaves, and identified as such. That he also had at least slave-owner among his ancestors made him no different from most black Americans.

      Azathoth in reply to Milhouse. | August 5, 2024 at 8:58 am

      Hey, Democrat, can’t you find a fire yet?

      Weird how the Buzzfeed (buzzfeed? really?) article doesn’t mention that there’s no hotel in Trump Tower (where the woman said she was living) so a hotel employee wouldn’t know anything about it.

      –but hey, we understand, you’re here to demoralize people on the right.

      Too bad it’s not working.

      But maybe your masters will pat your head anyway. You people love participation awards.

      Tory in reply to Milhouse. | August 5, 2024 at 10:09 am

      Now YOU are lying, by making the unfounded declarative statement that Donald Harris is black, when he has given no such admission. To the contrary, he has, however, claimed to Jamaican and Irish heritage, never mentioning ‘black’. The reason for that being in deference to history. Jamaica ended slavery in the early 1800’s, and that led to an influx of Asian Indian, Chinese, and many more diverse peoples. As you know, many Indians can pass for *black*, and many do, to gain access to affirmative action programs. Donald Harris is Indo-Jamaican, according to his provenance claims. Given your immature rudeness to the commenter you crudely and groundlessly smeared as a *liar*, because she doesn’t cling to YOUR unproven narrative, don’t expect civility in kind. Hence, you are at least as much a liar as you claim she is. Pot, meet kettle. Glass house, meet rock.

    Milhouse in reply to gonzotx. | August 4, 2024 at 7:48 am

    And I may have posted on this blog before I’m not sure, but President Trump found out that a homeless woman was sleeping in one of his basement rooms or something, and they came to tell him instead of kicking her out, or giving her cab fare to Salvation Army, he gave her an apartment in Trump Tower, and she’s been living in it for nine years and has never paid a penny, and on top of that he said every day I want you to send her fresh flowers!

    No, he didn’t.

    “There is no validity to the video,” said Jennifer Rodstrom, a spokeswoman for Trump Hotels, who answered a BuzzFeed News request sent to a transition team spokesperson. “The woman depicted is not our guest.”

    M Poppins in reply to gonzotx. | August 5, 2024 at 7:28 pm

    How can you stand having a husband like that?

Daughter, recent college grad, is spending the night with a friend since middle school in the hospital keeping vigil for friend’s ex-boyfriend, brain dead from fentanyl.
Every year more Americans die from overdose than all of the Vietnam War (with more than 50% attributed to fentanyl).

    MDP in reply to MDP. | August 2, 2024 at 10:04 pm

    And no one screams loud enough that we are letting the poison in through our borders- that alone should be reason to secure it.

    Show a simple bar graph of deaths by drugs, deaths by being shot by a street thug, deaths shot by police, “unarmed” shot by police, and say,
    “Look at this!!! Where are your priorities!!”

    gonzotx in reply to MDP. | August 2, 2024 at 10:18 pm

    So sorry
    It’s really unreal

    Peole keep buying this shit when they know it very well may kill them amd they just shoot the dice

    I’ve been high , lots of surgeries, lots of narcotics, not going to say I didn’t like them, but I liked living better

    When your young, you never believe it will happen to you

    Being a nurse, I saw a lot of dumb people

    They weren’t addicted in most situations, those in rehab, of course, but the others, just throwing those dice

    I think our government should be sued for murder and failure to protect the people of the United States

    And I think our Media should be legally be putting on weekly shows of the shit show drugs have done to our families, interviews, on the border, show the actual deaths,

      M Poppins in reply to gonzotx. | August 5, 2024 at 7:35 pm

      It’s not our government’s job to protect people from taking lethal doses of narcotics.

      I think those people have chosen not to live.

    paracelsus in reply to MDP. | August 2, 2024 at 11:43 pm

    speaking of the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese were masters of “Operation Demoralize” aided and abetted by the American MSM

      gonzotx in reply to paracelsus. | August 3, 2024 at 9:19 am

      And our inept military and decision to make it a political war, we were never going to win

      Just feed our youth to the meat grinder.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to MDP. | August 3, 2024 at 3:16 pm

    We should be packaging all seized fentanyl in Mylar bag filled with hydrogen or helium such that they will float while descending slowly.

    Then drop them in China, Iran, North Korea & parts of the middle east.

    M Poppins in reply to MDP. | August 5, 2024 at 7:32 pm

    I don’t understand feeling sympathy for people who die because they choose to take fentanyl. Anyone who knowingly takes fentanyl to get high is asking for death – it’s not like they’re first graders who were given poisoned Halloween candy..

      bhwms in reply to M Poppins. | August 6, 2024 at 2:39 pm

      But a significant percentage of them are not knowingly taking fentanyl. The cartels are packaging them to look like other drugs, or as other drugs laced with fentanyl. (What I don’t know is how many are lookalike OTC vs prescription). There is a recent proposal to regulate pill pressing machines because of this issue.

      Taking prescription drugs that aren’t prescribed to you is a bad thing, and this is one more reason. We need to press that message as hard as we did for smoking. But we also need to take action against the cartels and China for their part causing in this crisis.

I’ve never been more optimistic about Trump winning.

Dems will have to put the cheat machine into overdrive to hold onto their strongholds.

See Intel’s earnings today? Whilst on the hunt for my current W2 job (which is an even more woke hell hole) I interviewed for a couple of positions there. I worked there for about a decade- when they were profitable PII-P4- Celeron, Xeon etc. One of the teams I interviewed with was one I had worked with intimately. The former team was long gone (likely for good reason) and the new manager was a recently hired from somewhere else in the company. She had blue hair and her resume on linked in consisted entirely of graduating from college with an EE and being “a women in IT leader” for two decades. She’d never done a thing. She didn’t know a thing about the product she was about to manage – and got very snippy when I explained some of the history to her.

They are laying off about 15k employees. With any luck- she will be one of them.

Incidentally the woke hell hole I currently work at got rid of stack ranking in 2022. Literally – performance has almost nothing to do with whether you get a raise. For the time I’ve been there- no one has asked me for a list of my accomplishments- I have proactively provided one- but it’s never been reviewed by any manager. The only way to get an inline promotion where I am at is to bring a competing offer (if you are white/male) from another team or company. They are doing equally as terrible as Intel and are going through yet another round of layoffs— but the favored race is far less protected at this juncture and a number of black middle managers have been shown the door. These managers along with their white dead wood counter parts should have been shown the door long ago.

Net net- the invisible hand is speaking and bitch slapping these woke companies.

    gonzotx in reply to Andy. | August 2, 2024 at 10:25 pm

    Scares me, and I bet everyone is scared in the intel business right now

    My son works for a vender that does most of , if not all, I don’t know, of its work with Apple.

    Apple seems to be doing “ok”, but you never know

    I’ve lost plenty in the stocks, being an old lady, say “mature”, timing is terrible, it’s been a roller coaster since 2008.
    Should have bought real estate, now it’s too late, unless the floor doesn’t hold, then, damn

    Brave New World

    scooterjay in reply to Andy. | August 3, 2024 at 1:02 am

    I am financially secure, and derive great joy in my ability to “Go Galt”.

    Not by stopping wheels nor withholding labor but by being a thorn in the side of management. Holding a vast knowledge of and the ability to cite 29CFR1910.6 keeps their mulligrub attitude at bay. I thoroughly enjoy making them live up to the standards they espouse.

      I had gone Galt in 2018 (thanks to a decade of Dave Ramsey), but fleeing a blue state costs quite a bit. I had been in the same modest house on acreage for over 2 decades. It had a well, septic, a garden, we heated primarily with firewood. Our little spot was paradise, but it was to the point where you are taking your life in your hands every time you get in the car to go anywhere with the crime and the drugged up zombies who are essentially guided missiles on the road.

      The craftsmanship of the new house in the red state is quite awful (I can almost hear the clowns say “you can’t see it from my house” as I fix stuff) so I’ll be building the war chest up quite a bit (along with buying the house after this house) before jumping again. Not to mention – a man needs a purpose.

    Dimsdale in reply to Andy. | August 4, 2024 at 7:36 am

    I call it “DEI gutting.” When race, “gender” etc., take precedence, merit becomes secondary or worse, and the company, excuse me, the “evil corporation” folds, and the lefties blame corporate profits

    Maybe the “Bud Lite effect” would be more appropriate…

Would not be surprised if the Democratic convention is a flop. Are they going to have drag speeches? Will the “oppressed” come forth to laud identity? Will the lies about how much they care about America and its people be seen through. The Republicans were legit. The Democrats will be fake.

Fake v. fight!

    Synthetic Dem support will never TRUMP the organic support for Pres. Trump.

    They will resort to obvious cheating and fraud as usual. It’s reflexive at this point.

    Don’t underestimate them and their ability to appeal to the middle. Don’t underestimate the media for cheerleading whatever happens. We have a fight in front of us and we cannot get complacent. I asked at a recent GOP county committee meeting when we were going to start meeting weekly in the run-up to the election and they looked at me like I had 3 heads. Don’t be like these dinosaurs. Reach out to a campaign and tell them you want to volunteer.

[Q]”The phenomenon describes how a swarming hostile dishonest media . . .” [/Q]

Now, now professor . . . don’t hold back. Tell us wht you really think! 🙂

Everytime I see the press in overdrive I think exactly this.

“Operation Demoralize has begun!”

And it only serves as a reminder to work harder.

The Professor is a good teacher 😉

I listened to MSM only in 2004 and was convinced that Bush had zero chance.
I’ve noticed operation demoralize-type posts popping up on social media, and although not an organic indicator the retorts to such posts are around 87% sarcastic in content and style.
I am not comfortable yet, but I forsee an election that cannot be won by cheating and will make 2000 seem like child’s play.

inspectorudy | August 3, 2024 at 1:42 am

I have seen two big-time Dems warn their party not to be too enthusiastic because the truth is coming. They were Nate Silver and James Carvel. Silver is a pollster who is right most of the time and still predicts that Trump will win. I too believe this and think this whole blue wave BS is to help the down-ballot candidates.

I’m of two minds about Operation Demoralize. Looked at another way, the same propaganda lulls Democrats into thinking the election’s in the bag and they don’t have to vote, while it energizes Republicans to make their ballots known. I’ve always thought the MSM cut Hillary’s throat with this one and got Trump elected. I really don’t understand how one can presume to predict it will work one way and not the other.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to henrybowman. | August 3, 2024 at 4:31 am

    Looked at another way, the same propaganda lulls Democrats into thinking the election’s in the bag and they don’t have to vote,

    Anonymously dropped off and mailed-in ballots are not really affected by issues of “motivation”. The 3am suitcases and car trunks full of ballots come in no matter how the Democrat voters feel.

      Sure, but if you have the phony ballots, why waste time with the propaganda?

        One may as well ask why totalitarian countries bother blasting propaganda 24/7 to their own slaves when there is zero chance they will ever be voted out of power.

        The answer is easy enough. It is not enough that the Communists control the mechanisms to seize and keep power permanently. For the sake of their own monstrous egos they have to believe they are getting away with it and that the masses love and adore them.

        Dimsdale in reply to henrybowman. | August 4, 2024 at 7:41 am

        It makes the “midnight spike” easier to explain…

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | August 3, 2024 at 4:16 am


ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 3, 2024 at 4:29 am

Democrats have to take a break during election season from their regular Operation Immoralize.

It’s to get out the Democrat vote (“this cretin isn’t the loser that she’s always appeared to be”), rather than to demoralize the Republicans. It also prepares the way for explaining a Dem win when it happens. It’s no good getting caught.

The Bulwark channel and Harry Litman are my favorite crazy-eyed leftists in full cheerleading reports now, on YouTube.

Propaganda isn’t necessarily used to change your mind. Just as often, if not more so, it’s to make you feel isolated and alone, that there is nobody on your side and you might as well just give up.

If you think the Kamala adulation in the media is bad now, wait until she picks Shapiro. I think the media may wet themselves like happy puppies.

    Dimsdale in reply to Concise. | August 4, 2024 at 7:44 am

    The Hamasholes will mysteriously disappear from the scene, or they will go nuts.

    Either way, something will happen; they will have to go from “all Jews bad” to “well, we have one of the ‘good’ ones….”

    It’s tough when you fall into your own hole, LOL!

Sad to say but some of this doom and gloom comes from Trump supporters and commentators. Time and time again I read comments about how the election will be stolen, again, how the fix is in, the establishment elite and the deep state will determine the winner, that the winner has already been chosen, that your vote doesn’t matter because we now live in a banana republic, that the only thing that matters is who counts the votes, so why even bother to vote, and on and on and on.

    steves59 in reply to JR. | August 3, 2024 at 4:01 pm

    No shit, Captain Obvious. We know the 2020 election had, so to speak, “irregularities” that indicate it was stolen, none of the cases brought to court were actually heard, and clearly the fix was in. And if you don’t believe the Deep State and the establishment elites aren’t actively trying to intercede on behalf of the Democrat candidate, you’re even more of a retard than I think you are.
    Banana republic? Shit… we should be so lucky. At least in a banana republic, we’d be trying to revolt every “election” rather than sit on our asses and let clowns like you steal it from us.
    Sad to say, but this is just more insipid nonsensical mush from you, which we’ve grown to expect.
    Why are you here?

      If Trump loses the election, it will be precisely because of people like you who insist that the past election was stolen and the next election will be stolen as well, and that therefore there is nothing we can do, because it will be stolen again. You and some of your Trump supporters here are the first ones to raise the white flag and declare defeat even before the election begins. You are a loser.

        It will be more precisely by people like you, who add nothing but bile into the arena.

        steves59 in reply to JR. | August 3, 2024 at 10:48 pm

        I told you to quit upvoting yourself, dingus.
        There’s no more room in the Republican party for wimps and cucks like you. When you’re cowering in your basement wringing your hands over a bunch of mean tweets, people like me and many of the others who post here will be out doing the hard work necessary to make sure that pukes like you have no way to cheat conservatives on THIS election.
        I don’t concede SHIT to the Democrats. If we lose, it will be because of halfwits like you.
        Begone. May your chains rest lightly, and may we never again have the misfortune of your company.

    “Sad to say but…”

    If only that was a truthful statement. You aren’t sad. Your comment gloats. Fraudulent!

    Does pretending that there has not been a campaign to make Harris the female Obama, and the fraudulent way this is done, so that you can disparage Trump supporters that feel anger from the corruption, make you feel superior in your own mind?

    It’s sad that you continue to engage in small conduct. No buts needed.

    Dimsdale in reply to JR. | August 4, 2024 at 7:58 am

    Recognition of the Dem’s cheating and fraud, is not “doom and gloom,” rather, more of a call to fight the inevitable tide of deception coming from the left.

    The left cannot win fairly, so this is the result, and the long term (shorter now, with Biden Harris) result, if we don’t vote them out, is the demise of America.

    Field trips to Venezuela for our young socialists would solve a lot of problems, since these deceived, maleducated young don’t see the results of their beloved socialism.

I’m in my early 60s, and still get affected by OD. I know the media lies, I know they are all full of it. But the biggest problem always has been, and always will be, the Republican party’s inability to go on the offensive. As people have pointed out — hammer the issues, hammer the media, tell people the truth. They will never learn.

    Dimsdale in reply to hamazasb. | August 4, 2024 at 8:01 am

    And when Pres. Trump does go on the offensive, as in the NABJ “interview,” he gets roasted from both sides.

    We have to recognize that the attack dog needs to be let loose occasionally, rather than listening to the products of the left’s “dog whistles” that only they can hear.

It cannot be overstated: No matter how much you HATE them, you don’t hate them nearly enough or with nearly enough intensity. Leftist media HATES conservatives and the conservative movement. The much prefer the fascist, racist Democrat Party and all of the evil for which it stands and that it perpetrates at every opportunity. It’s the most ironic thing you will ever see or experience; an entity with a hive-mind, herd mentality that uses the very thing that makes them possible to DESTROY the thing that makes them possible; The First Amendment to The Constitution of The United States of America.

Oh, they CLAIM to love The First Amendment but as we are admonished by Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, “Ye shall know them by their fruits…” Pay NO attention to what they say but watch, carefully, WHAT THEY DO..

Operation Demoralize?


Since I totally ignore the leftist media and consider most of what they say as obvious ( pardon the expletive) total bulkshit…I guess I’m immune!

I’m too busy in full throated attack on social media against Kamala Harris to be concerned at leftist media gas lighting.

She is a cackling chameleon who will
Not be able to keep up the charade and run away from her incompetence and record for the next 4 months…any more than Joe could hide his senility.

We are going to tear her apart!

What’s the big deal….Shapiro is a politico….joshy is out for himself alone… matter who kackle chose, it’s a loser…
Dump mr sniffly, crown Mrs sleeps on coach, pick a lefty mate….the whole demon-o-crat party is a cesspool (with apologies to real cesspools)