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Flashback: Biden’s Cognitive Problems Were Raised in 2020, Including By Fellow Democrats

Flashback: Biden’s Cognitive Problems Were Raised in 2020, Including By Fellow Democrats

The media coverup of Biden’s cognitive problems in many ways was worse than the fake Russian collusion because with Biden the media had to cover up what was in plain sight.

There has been a grand coverup of Joe Biden’s cognitive problems by Democrats with a big assist from the media. There is now faux contrition beginning to come out from the media, but don’t believe them. Defeating Trump in 2020 squelched the story, and they tried it again in 2024.

I’m so old, I remember when Biden’s cognitive problems were an issue in 2020, raised by Democrats in the primaries. We knew then. A lot of people knew then.

We covered it. We even started a Tag Biden Cognitive. I wrote about it. Stacey wrote about it. Mike wrote about it.

Here are some of our early 2020 posts:

With each passing day, more and more videos capture Joe Biden on the campaign trail making what are more than the gaffes for which he is famous. Biden forgets or struggles to remember names, events and people as he speaks, and jumbles words.

Biden should not be laughed at for this. My overwhelming feeling for Joe is one of sadness, that he was pushed into something for which he is not prepared. And it’s only going to get worse.

Here are some of the videos widely circulating in the past few days.

The COVID and lockdowns happened, and people had other things to worry about than Biden’s cognitive deficit. The Democrats employed the Basement Strategy for him. They knew.

Trump made it a bit of an issue, but COVID and lockdowns and media attacks on Trump drowned it out, Trump ad highlights Joe Biden’s cognitive decline over past few years (me, August 19, 2020):

The media coverup of Biden’s cognitive problems in many ways was worse than the fake Russian collusion because with Biden the media had to cover up what was in plain sight.


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So – is there actually a way to find out who has been using the old pedophile and making decisions by someone who wasn’t on the ballot? And can they be held accountable?
And of course can’t talk about joe without my favorite song.

puhiawa | July 2, 2024 at 9:55 pm

Because schools no long teach facts, but rather fanciful racism and perverted sexualizarion, the public at large seems to have no memory beyond the last lunch…if that.
Equally horrifying is that modern media has no memory at all. None. To the subject at hand: Kamala Harris was among the first to question Biden’s fitness for office.

thad_the_man | July 2, 2024 at 11:04 pm

Tucker Carlson pointed it out in 2019.

Going around sniffing little girls hair is a glaring sign of a serious problem. Yet everyone just ignored it. This grifter should have had his teeth knocked out a LONG time ago.

The media coverup of Biden’s cognitive problems and the media’s coverup of the obviously legit Hunter laptop was way worse than the fake Russian collusion because honest coverage of these two major stories would have given us DJT for the last 3.5 years. For years I have been telling anyone who would listen that IMO the captured MSM is the biggest danger the country faces. You do not even have to get to the issue of ballot box stuffing to believe the last election was stolen. That said, for a whole variety of reasons, America seems in serious decline, with the MSM just a lead factor in election interference.

Stuytown | July 3, 2024 at 1:25 am

The executive power is vested in the president, through whom the executive branch derives its authority. If the president were dead, but this fact was not yet known to the public, and yet the executive branch continued to exercise executive authority, wouldn’t there be a constitutional issue?

But must the president be dead? What if the president is truly incompetent—as in unable to function? At what point is Biden’s cabinet violating the Constitution?

Is Joe Biden making any key decisions? Is he ordering those who work for him to execute the laws? What about his powers with respect to delivering weapons or fighting the Houthis?

Seems to me that there is a line and when it’s crossed you have political appointees playing president. Couldn’t be Constitutional.

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