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Cultural Revolution Week in Higher Education

Cultural Revolution Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

In order for the revolution to take place, the past must be rejected and forgotten.

Revolutionaries also hate law enforcement.

The old order must be destroyed.

And then comes the reeducation.

George Washington U. had some unique reactions to the election.

There’s a word for things like this.


A totally normal thing to say.

At what point does protesting become a major?

Is there any wonder why?


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I would like to see greenlighting added to this list:

What if Trump refuses to leave?

Also blaming Trump for the coming Biden Manifesto depression. Too many to list but it’s mostly the same people who were predicting a Trump depression in 2017-2020.

Well, I suspect that the University presidents won’t have to provide safe spaces, cry rooms, and support puppies–always the puppies–this time.

What’s funny about this story is that they use the word “University”. That’s like calling San Quentin a “Dormitory”.
Those kids don’t learn anything. They spend four years having a good time, taking just a few challenging classes, and then they wander out into the world, none the wiser.

Those kids are being railroaded. There’s no analysis of the various programs, or any statistics about the success of the students after they “graduate” (if you can call it that.)

Kids just mindlessly borrow money and go to a place which they no nothing about, and sit in classes which have almost no value. So the the anger of the kids may be misplaced, but it’s entirely justified. They’re being cheated and misled on a huge organized basis. With Washington D.C.’s cheerful approval.