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U. Cincinnati Separates Whites and Nonwhites for Post-Election Dialogue

U. Cincinnati Separates Whites and Nonwhites for Post-Election Dialogue

“Although we may not know the election results on November 3rd. [sic] We believe that it is important to facilitate conversations that speak truth to power”

Why is the academic left so determined to reverse the work of the Civil Rights Movement?

The College Fix reports:

Public university separates whites and nonwhites in post-election ‘dialogue’

President Trump improved his numbers with black and Hispanic voters this election compared to 2016, but don’t tell the diversity bureaucrats at the University of Cincinnati.

The taxpayer-funded institution hosted post-election “dialogue” events Wednesday and Thursday for “Students of Color,” as well as a “Wokeshop Wednesday” event for black students.

Rather than explicitly divide whites and nonwhites in the dialogue events, the university scheduled them against each other. Each Webex meeting Wednesday and Thursday was scheduled for the same time, one for students of color and the other for “All Bearcats.” (Oddly, “Wokeshop Wednesday” did not include a link to participate in the event.)

Each dialogue has the same description, saying they are intended to “begin to engage in conversations that address the social injustices within our nation and that we work together to address social issues and public problems to create a more just community.”

They also emphasize that UC encourages students to connect with students “who share similar identities” (melanin level) in what it calls “Brave Spaces.”

The introduction for the dialogue page does not appear to have been proofread:

Although we may not know the election results on November 3rd. [sic] We believe that it is important to facilitate conversations that speak truth to power, allow space for healing, and cultivate change through candid dialogue.


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One Democrat put it this way:

I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever.

Democrats are undoing the work of the civil rights movement. Back in the 80’s I worked with a black man who told me that in order to keep the black man down, all the cops had to do was pull back and NOT come when they were needed. Today that is Democrat party policy.

The Friendly Grizzly | November 6, 2020 at 11:55 am

They also emphasize that UC encourages students to connect with students “who share similar identities” (melanin level) in what it calls “Brave Spaces.”

They used to call that “Freedom of Assembly”.

Sounds like a good plan. Let’s not tell the other-than-whites and see if they figure it out, on their own.

If there is any prosperity and joy in life, it won’t be found by wandering the streets of Portland, dressed badly, incoherent and looking for trouble.

Go to bed, early. Get up early. Go to work, earn your living and see how that works out when it’s time to feed the kids, pay the electric bill, and keep a roof over your head.

Don’t even give a second thought to wasting your life on some worthless college certificate when there are so many viable options for creating a life.

Hell, if you have no inspiration or ability, there’s always government jobs!!!