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NY Post Found Trump Received Five Times More Questions From Reporters Than Biden in Two Months

NY Post Found Trump Received Five Times More Questions From Reporters Than Biden in Two Months

It seems like a lot more than that!

okay to use - waj - multiple screengrabs

The New York Post discovered that President Donald Trump has received 867 more questions from the press than his opponent Joe Biden in the last two months.

That is five times more than Biden.

Granted, Trump has more access to reporters as president:

Trump answered a total of 1,141 questions from a Washington press corps that he maintains is openly hostile to his administration, while Biden responded to just 274 questions from local networks and liberal cable news channels like CNN and MSNBC.

During the week of Aug. 9, the president took 196 questions from journalists while Biden answered just three.

However, evidence also shows that reporters want to ask Biden questions, but he brushes them off.

Chris Wallace of Fox News said that Biden has rejected requests to appear on his Fox News Sunday show since July. Wallace promised he would ask Biden and his campaign every week.

Data also showed that “Biden took zero questions from reporters during an eight-day period in late July and August.”

Biden sat down with People magazine after he introduced Kamala Harris as his running mate “over another nine-day period.”

Biden also tends to not answer questions after his events. Some have speculated his campaign has tried to shut him down after numerous gaffes and once calling a reporter “lying dog face.”

CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed Biden in late August. Kemberlee blogged that you could tell Biden read from a script.

Kemberlee made an interesting point: “It’s not just Biden’s inability to get through a softball interview that’s concerning, it’s the media’s complicity in this whole ordeal that’s so gross.”

But Biden was also caught using teleprompters during virtual events. Earlier this month, Biden was caught using a teleprompter during an interview with an AFL-CIO representative:

After the question was asked, you can hear Biden ask someone to “move it up here” in reference to the teleprompter.

Biden then pauses, and answers her question by reading the teleprompter.

Biden spokesman TJ Ducklo dodged questions from Bret Baier about the teleprompter. He said, “We’re not going to – this is straight from the Trump campaign talking points” and that the issue is “trying to distract the American people.”

Plus, the Democrats have tried to stop Biden from debating Trump. Like Ducklo, it’s all because of Trump.

CNN political analyst and former Clinton White House spokesman Joe Lockhart wrote that Biden should not debate Trump. But it’s not because of the gaffes. It has to do with Trump’s “misleading or false statements” so Biden would have to spend the whole time correcting Trump.

Nancy Pelosi said in August, “Don’t tell anybody I told you this. Especially don’t tell Joe Biden. But I don’t think there should be any debates.”

Again, not because of the gaffes:

“I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States. Now I know that the Biden campaign thinks in a different way, but I thought what he did in 2016 was disgraceful, stalking Hillary Clinton like that. I was disappointed that the press didn’t say, “Go back to your station! You’re not here, you don’t own this stage, you have your own podium, she has hers.” I think he’ll probably act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency. He does that every day. I think he will also belittle what the debates are supposed to be about and they’re not to be about the skullduggery on the part of someone who has no respect for the office he holds, much less the democratic process. Why else would he try to undermine the election in the manner in which he is doing?

So, if Joe Biden asked you what I thought about it, I don’t think that he should dignify that conversation with Donald Trump. You can ask any questions — both of them — just take their own stage for any number of conversations about any subjects. Hold them accountable. What are they proposing? What is their vision? What is their knowledge? How are they going to get it done? How are they going to connect with the American people? Let that be a conversation with the American people, not an exercise in skullduggery.”

Biden will debate Trump and he will have to face Chris Wallace since he is moderating the first debate.

It will be interesting to see if Harris picks up more interviews than Biden in the upcoming weeks. After all, both have let it slip it will be a Harris administration.


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 17, 2020 at 5:29 pm

Not only that, but not this.

Anyone seen anything else about this?

Weasil Zippers Via The Federalist:

Leaked Call Reveals That Joe Biden Risked National Security To Sabotage Trump…

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 17, 2020 at 5:30 pm

Joe’s Teleprompter Ad.

Joe Biden Tells Latino Voter “You Should Vote For Trump” – Weasil Zippers Flashback

Biden takes questions?

    Edward in reply to technerd. | September 18, 2020 at 9:39 am

    Of course he does. His staffers assign favored “journalists” a specific question to ask. When the staffers decide Joe is having a good day, they allow those “journalists” to ask their assigned question as they call on them in the same order as the answers are recorded for the teleprompter.

Not to change the subject, but Lou Dobbs and Tom Fitton were just discussing the Pa Supreme Court order to extend the deadline for mail-in votes for three days – oh yeah, and they decided that postmarks are optional. They seemed surprised, for some reason.

    CorkyAgain in reply to txvet2. | September 17, 2020 at 8:56 pm

    extend the deadline for mail-in votes for three days – oh yeah, and they decided that postmarks are optional

    That’s going to come in very handy on Nov 4, when they know how many votes they need to manufacture in order to steal the election.

    The obvious counter-strategy is for Trump supporters is to delay casting their votes until the last allowable minute. It’s like running a long-distance race: save your “kick” for the finish.

Yeah? Well Joey B took a lot more questions from Cardi B than Trump did, so there is that.

Trump has been taking many more questions, and most of them have been argumentative. Most of reporters’ questions to Trump can be loosely summarized as one of the following:
“Why are you such a jerk?”
“Why is [your family member or appointee] such a jerk?”
“Shouldn’t you apologize for …..?”
“Why did you lie about ….?”

All of the same reporters’ questions to Biden have been softball questions, and probably submitted in advance, so he can use his teleprompter to answer them. Most of the reporters’ questions to Biden can be loosely summarized as one of the following:
“Tell us how Trump is a jerk.”
“Tell us how Trump’s family and appointees are all jerks.”
“Tell us how great Obama and your family members are.”
“Tell us how great a Harris (whoops, I meant Biden) administration would be.”

If you keep track of the questions they have asked, it appears that the news reporters are advocating for their narrative, rather than trying to obtain unbiased facts.

I thought Joe was reading the prompter to what he hopes was the softball issue the propaganda just asked him.

The New York Post discovered that President Donald Trump has received 867 more questions from the press than his opponent Joe Biden in the last two months.

This is natural. Donald Trump is President, therefore a man of consequence. Biden is a nobody.

JusticeDelivered | September 17, 2020 at 8:38 pm

Well, Biden is clearly handicapped, and he desperately needs softball questions, whereas, Trump is a sharp feisty old goat, who is perfectly capable holding his own.

The VAST MAJORITY of ‘news’ is corrupt swamp/left/islamic bullshit.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 17, 2020 at 10:05 pm

Ask the Harris/Biden ticket about this.

Pound them on it.

“…The Pelosi/Newsom/Harris Climate-Howlers Are Truly Dangerous”

If you want a sneak peek of our dystopic future under the impending Kamala Harris/Progressive Left Regency look no further than the recent utterances of California Governor Gavin Nukesom.

The latter is the poster boy for the camarilla of left-wing ideologues fixing to take power if the electorate sees fit to put Sleepy Joe in the Oval Office for an occasional oxygenated and propped-up fireside chat from his teleprompter. Commenting on the raging wildfires ravaging the state, the ever so politically correct scourge of racists, right-wing bumpkins and climate deniers decreed that:

“The debate is over, around climate change,” Mr. Newsom told reporters. “This is a climate damn emergency. This is real and it’s happening.”

“I have no patience, and I say this lovingly, not as an ideologue but as someone who prides himself on being open to argument, interested in evidence…but I quite literally have no patience for climate change deniers,” the governor continued. He said skeptics’ point of view is “completely inconsistent…with the reality on the ground.”

He acknowledged failings in forest management in recent decades, but added:

“That’s one point, but it’s not the point.”

Oh, but drastic forestry mismanagement and negligence, which has turned much of California into a dry wood fuel dump, is exactly the point. The purported global warming has nothing to do with it.

And don’t take our word for it. This comes from the George Soros funded Pro Publica, which is not exactly a right-wing tin foil hat outfit. It points out that environmentalists have so shackled Federal and state forest management agencies that today’s tiny “controlled burns” are but an infinitesimal fraction of what Mother Nature herself accomplished before the helping hand of today’s purportedly enlightened political authorities arrived on the scene….

Do they count the questions where Biden just responds…”Come on man!” and then stammers out some noncoherent jibber jabber in a defiant tone?

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 18, 2020 at 1:12 am


President Trump:

‘I’m Calling On Biden To Stop Promoting His Anti-Vaccine Theories’


Are we sure Sundowner Joe isn’t giving the questions so in reality giving them to himself?

well, if you consider it, what the hell ARE you going to ask of joe?

” did you bathe yesterday joe? ”

” still having the cornpop nightmare? ”

” who’s wiping your ass now? hunter or jill? ”

” still struggling with the two-piece puzzles after
all these years? “