Apocalypse Now Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.
Is this the greatest presidential election ever, or what?
- Mother of all October Surprises – FBI reopening Hillary email case
- Who could have predicted Weiner would bring down Hillary’s campaign?
- Chaffetz: “We’ve got two years worth of” Hillary investigations to come
It’s like waves that just keep coming.
- Podesta Email Leak Displays Hillary Email Coverup With White House, Media
- Memo: Bill Clinton Used Foundation For Personal Profit
- Wikileaks: Clinton aides scrambled to fix Obama false claim didn’t know about personal email or server
Obamacare is on life support.
- Obama Administration Completely Out of Touch With Looming Obamacare Rate Hikes
- Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber: Obamacare “Working as Designed”
- Hillary 2007: You can keep your doctor and plan “if you like it”
And it’s all leading to this.
People in media are losing it.
- Brexit Redux? Scarborough, Cillizza Agree: There Is a Hidden Trump Vote
- NY Times Reporter Won’t Say If She Knows Anybody at Paper Who’s Pro-Life
- Gingrich to Kelly: “You are fascinated with sex and you don’t care about public policy.”
Branco cartoons!
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At last, one thing I can agree with the moron on, This election will be a big “fuck you” to the elitist snobs lining their pockets while caring nothing for America.
I’d love to see more Branco cartoons posted here!
And, as always, thank you for keeping us up with the events in a way that informs, provides insight, and points us away from the agitprop-MSM drek.
BTW – go here if you want to see more from A.F. Branco: http://comicallyincorrect.com/ #LoveIt!