Trump treated Christie like a one-night stand
At which point Christie put back on his little black dress, and did the walk of shame.

Chris Christie’s endorsement of Donald Trump on Friday, February 26, 2016, served the primary purpose of deflecting for a news cycle or two the media momentum gained by Marco Rubio and to a lesser extent Ted Cruz coming out of the Thursday night CNN Debate.
Whether it changed a single vote is doubtful, but it was a good PR move by the Trump campaign.
The endorsement was considered by prior media fans of Chrisie to be a betrayal of everything Christie supposedly stood for. Jennifer Rubin at The Washington Post wrote, Chris Christie’s despicable endorsement of Trump:
No matter how cynical one becomes about politics, it seems never to be enough. One hopes that with this irresponsible, soulless act, Christie’s career comes to an end.
Many speculated that Christie was vying for an Attorney General nod in a future Trump administration, or less likely given the geography, a VP nod on the ticket.
But it appears that The Donald is treating Christie like a one-night stand. At a rally the next day, Trump pointedly pointed for Christie to leave the stage.
That visual caused me to tweet that Trump didn’t respect Christie in the morning:
I didn’t realize until today how right I was, because I relied on the visual and missed the key sentence audible on the tape.
Trump told Christie: “Get on the plane and go home.”
At which point Christie put back on his little black dress, and did the walk of shame.

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Another interpretation:
Reply 3 – Posted by: suejeanne, 2/28/2016 6:11:16 AM (No. 10679284)
what´s the problem?
good grief
it sounds affectionate to me –
that sort of gruff, burly, All-American guys, that work beyond the comfort zone of many lesser souls, finishing a beautiful pour, making a cast, finishing a job early and getting everyone a bonus, the other dude points him in the direction of his truck-“get outta hyah”
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News So Hot It Will Burn Your Fingers
Moments ago via Twitter:
MATT DRUDGE Verified Account
The conservative soul of the US Senate… Jeff Sessions… will endorse Trump this evening at a Huntsville, Alabama rally… Developing…
2:43pm · 28 Feb 2016 · Twitter Web Client
64 Retweets 44 Likes
This is huge. I knew in my heart it was going to happen but I thought since he had waited this long that he was waiting until after Trump wins Alabama. This is even better timing.
As I predicted Trump gets an endorsement from a Senator before Cruz.
This is huge.
No. This is Yyuuuge.
Trump just trumped Cruz with first endorsing US Senator and what a Senator he is. Feel bad for Ted. Feel good for Donald.
Hope they join forces as a team in the General.
I am never swayed by endorsements; in fact, I find that endorsements typically make me think less of the endorser than the endorsee (think Palin endorsing Carly over Chuck DeVore, Palin endorsing–repeatedly–McCain).
Jan Brewer, Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, and now Jeff Sessions endorsing a narcissistic bully whose vocabulary is that of a twelve-year-old and who thinks the First Amendment needs fixing? Color me unimpressed. And note that I think much less of these endorsers (though not less of Trump. Thinking less of him is practically impossible for me.).
New Poll Out On Twitter
Sahil Kapur
Economist/YouGov poll
Trump 44
Cruz 21
Rubio 17
Kasich 8
Trump 49, Rubio 27, Cruz 25
Trump 58, Cruz 42
Trump 57, Rubio 43
4:37pm · 28 Feb 2016 · Janetter for Mac
180 Retweets 94 Likes
I agree with you on most endorsements. However endorsements are not all created equal. Some carry serious clout with the folks.
This is one of them. I am looking at this from a 1000 feet up, not as an impressionable voter or candidate supporter.
It is hard to explain Donald Trump’s refusal, on CNN this morning, to disavow the Ku Klux Klan. Jake Tapper gave Trump multiple opportunities to do so, but Trump could only respond by saying he didn’t know anything about David Duke, who reportedly has endorsed him. Here is the video:
As Dan McLaughlin points out, Trump’s claim to be unaware of David Duke is demonstrably false. But then, who ever expected honesty from Trump?
But if we’ve given up on honesty, how about a minimal level of competence? Is Trump really such a fool that he can’t figure out it’s a bad idea to let the Democrats hang the Ku Klux Klan (formerly known as the militant arm of the Democratic Party) around his neck? He can’t possibly be that stupid. Can he? Or is he a Democrat, deliberately engaged in an effort to bring down the Republican Party and make Hillary Clinton, who is otherwise unelectable, our president? At this point, it is hard to tell. The alternatives are about equally plausible.
—PowerLine Blog
Sessions may be instantly regretting any association with the Collectivist T-rump.
Anyone of good conscience would.
That, of course, leaves out Gaghdad Bob Britt, T-rumpian propagandist.
Echo Chamber: CNN Harasses Donald Trump on Twice-Repudiated KKK ‘Endorsement
Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump declined to condemn white supremacist David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. He had done so already in August, as reported by Politico, and had even done so on Friday, as reported by The Hill.
But CNN’s Jake Tapper thought it fair game to ask him again, and Trump, apparently caught off guard, dodged the question, claiming not to know who these people and groups are.
Opponents and critics immediately seized on Trump’s response as evidence that he actually supports the KKK and other white supremacists, or at least does not wish to risk losing their support.
This is exactly the same game the media play against Republicans every single election, regardless of the candidate. It’s called “Pin the racists on the Republicans,” and it will be used against Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
as readily as Trump.
How many times does he have to be asked this question and answer it. Everyone already should know that he already disavowed them repeatedly, including very clearly at his presser with the Christie endorsement. Done.
Finally… after more than an hour following posting Matt Drudge’s Sessions Tweet on Legal insurrection…
Fox Tweets the story moments ago:
Fox News Verified Account
.@SenatorSessions (R-AL) has endorsed @realDonaldTrump for president.
3:39pm · 28 Feb 2016 · Twitter Web Client
247 Retweets 433 Likes
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) endorsed Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Huntsville Sunday evening. Sessions promised a “Gang of Eight” type of immigration reform bill would not will be passed in a Donald Trump presidency.
“There is an opportunity this year, Tuesday, and we have the opportunity — we have an opportunity Tuesday. It may be the last opportunity we have for the people’s voice to be heard. You have asked for 30 years, and politicians have promised for 30 years to fix illegal immigration,” Sessions said.
“The American people have known for years these trade agreements have not been working for them,” Sessions stumped. “We now have and will soon have a vote on the Transpacific Partnership TPP), Obamatrade, and it will damage America. It will create a commission that undermines our sovereignty, and it should not pass. Donald Trump when he gets elected president will see it does not pass.”
Sessions said Trump is not perfect, but nobody is and endorsed the candidate.
“This movement, he doesn’t take money from political groups and lobbyists. He is committed to leading this country in an effective way. You know, nobody is perfect. We can’t have everything, can we, Mr. Trump? But I can tell you one thing, I think at this time in my opinion, my best judgment, at this time in America’s history, we need to make America great again!” Sessions said, repeating Trump’s campaign slogan.
“I am pleased to endorse Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States,” Sessions endorsed.
“We are in a movement that must not fade away,” Sessions told the crowd. “The bosses are you. The people in Washington are public servants and they serve you.”
Just about to put your comment on Twitter, Brit.
One little problem with that. As usual, he didn’t write it. It’s a verbatim cut & paste from elsewhere. Unattributed, natch. Gary’s a serial plagiarist. You want to watch that.
“I didn’t realize until today how right I was, because I relied on the visual and missed the key sentence audible on the tape.
“Trump told Christie: ‘Get on the plane and go home.'”
I am not a Trump supporter.
But how can you possible suggest you were “right”, when you have absolutely no information regarding the context of the comment?
Since you are 100% speculating on the context, one could speculate that Christie could have been feeling ill, and Trump was telling him to get on his plane and go home and rest. Or Christie may have had important meetings to attend. Or Christie may have had a family need to attend to. And if any of those were the actual facts (and absolutely could be as easily as your supposition), one could infer Trump was being kind, and encouraging Christie to take care of his personal needs instead of selfishly demanding Christie stay.
See how easy it is to frame a narrative when one decides to play word games?
Sure you’re not a Trump supporter?
Did you miss my post in the last 48 hours where I said “Trump has many, many legitimate issues to be criticized on”?
Yeah, you did.
Or how about a few days ago where I praised Cruz for having the very best website on (11) positions of any candidate, even having over twice the content in that area plus tons of op-ed articles Cruz has written so it’s very easy to know exactly where he stands. And then I criticized Trump for having gaping holes on his (only 5) positions where it’s difficult to know where he stands on 3 out those 5 positions? And where I also criticized Rubio for having only 3-4 vague statements on healthcare which were impossible to figure out exactly what he means?
Yeah, you did.
Did you miss where I was criticizing the author of this article for making a supposition with no shred of evidence to support his position….basic logic that which could have been applied to any candidate?
Yeah, you did.
Care to take another swing?
Exactly. No context.
It could be anything from grandma’s sick to some other kind of personal or work emergency. So okay, don’t worry about it, take the plane, go home.
And speaking of smears, what exactly is wrong with one night stands, assuming mutual consent and satisfaction?
Sounds like GOPe sour grapes
Oh no, nothing wrong, except that Christi probably thought that at least Trump will buy him a bloody Mary.
Incidentally, whooping 2% of Trump’s support comes from the under 30. I have a feeling that it’s mostly boys who grew up in single parent families and have no idea what dads should be like.
Dads like Trayvon Martin’s father, Obama? Like rapist-embezzler Bill Clinton? Like backstabber Goober Graham? Like drunk coward Boehner? Like grotesque coward McConnell? Like rudderless sell-out like Marco ‘Schumer’ Rubio? Like the pathetic Mittens Romney?
No so bad a dad, that Trump. Just look at his children.
Fatherless children don’t know how a real man is supposed to behave. They think it’s cool that Trump went to a nationally syndicated talk jock show and discussed his wives’ potty habits.
You insult the children of every dead soldier.
Those are not fatherless children. They know who their dads were, and the know that their dads didn’t bail.
So you’re fine with Trump saying “Go away, I don’t need you anymore” after the election.
After all, you only want the thrill of getting revenge on the “GOPe” and all the “politicians.”
You’re not actually expecting any loyalty to you or anyone else from the Trumpster! You just really hate “politicians” who aren’t loyal to you!
Christie doesn’t want to go home. He wants to continue campaigning.
He canceled today’s appearance on CNN.
He got word there were no donuts in the green room.
Trump treats all his sycophants the same.
Sorry to see that LI has gone full blown TDS.
I don’t mind seeing all of trump’s true negatives all the time. There are enough of those without resorting to making things up.
We now have the hypocrisy of the Romney/tax return dustup, and now pure speculation on trump telling Christie to go home.
Next posting: David Duke endorses Trump, so he must be a KKK member.
I expect it from some of the commenters. But I did not expect the rank sleaze from LI.
Sorry to see it.
David Duke also endorsed Reagan.
David Duke was still a Democrat when Reagan was around. He didn’t change his political affiliation from Democrat to Republican until 1988 or 1989. In fact he ran for President as a Democrat as late as 1988.
Nice try, though!
I miss when LI readers understood the professor’s sense of humor. Is it some sort of requirement that Trump supporters become as humorless as he is?
A lot of Trump fans seem to be perpetually angry and outraged. And yes, humorless. They actually have a lot in common with SJWs in that regard.
Before I made my comment, I read the professor 3 times. If it is an attempt at humor it was a poor one. Maybe a couple snarky lines about a “little black dress”, but the tone of the article is pretty clear, a sleazy attack sans evidence.
You do not have to be a Trump supporter to clearly see this.
It’s not a knock-knock joke, Barry. Or mocking a handicapped person or laughing at a 90-year-old Scot who doesn’t want to sell out to Trump so his ancestral home can become a golf course. The professor’s humor is refined and intelligent, not low-brow and mean-spirited. Maybe that’s the connection fail?
“The professor’s humor is refined and intelligent, not low-brow and mean-spirited. Maybe that’s the connection fail?”
If you are trying to excuse sleazy behavior by pointing to another’s sleazy behavior, it doesn’t work.
I do not find this an attempt at humor other than to mock Christie as the shunned woman. There is no “refined and intelligent” humor. It is what it is, a sleazy attack on a politician you don’t like.
It is a poor defense you make.
You make my point. Thank you.
As is usual for the majority of your posts you have no point. And fail to understand that a post by the professor that is just another of his meaningless waste of bandwidth attacks on Trump is not rendered less meaningless and less of a waste by a couple shots at Christie.
“another of his meaningless waste of bandwidth”
Umm, Gary you could start your own Trump site and pay for your bandwidth and “waste” as much of it as you want.
“You make my point. Thank you.”
Yes, I did. Your point is to defend sleaze by deflection. By pointing to other sleaze.
All here for everyone to see.
“Give me liberty from light-hearted posts, or give me death!”
Ahahahahaha! #FreeChrisChristie
OMG, people. You have to stop for a second and ask yourself if you’re not taking yourself and life a bit too seriously when a little funny post causes you stomp your feet and say goodbye forever.
Maybe the Professor should immediately get rid of the song of the day video? I mean, what the hell does that have to do with politics??!!*#&%@!!
Get a grip.
I’m reminded of the meme picture of a stern looking Sandra Fluke with the caption, “That’s not funny.”
What is funny is your overwrought, overblown reaction to a single little light-hearted post.
If you don’t want to be like the left, then stop acting like them.
A single post?
You’ve been on hiatus lately, perhaps, and missed the series?
Yeah, perhaps.
I’ve been busy and dealing with some things. I’ve largely been avoiding politics and the news lately out of both choice and necessity.
I’m on a deadline right now and, as I’m wont to do when I have a deadling, I find new ways to procrastinate, and old ways (like checking out LI and other sites).
But if there has been a “series” of light-hearted posts, so what?
Instapundit, Hot Air, Powerline … they all include frivolous stuff.
It doesn’t take a nanosecond to ignore something you don’t care for.
What gets me is people who have to announce their departure forever !!!!
If I ever feel a site isn’t worth my time, I’ll just stop visiting it.
But God help me if I have to announce it to the world. That just shows you have issues.
I like how five people didn’t like what I said. Seriously? You believe that Trump should be able to hurl the nastiest insults but then be wholly immune to ridicule?
So what! Why are you so defensive on Trump’s behalf? He’s the man who made fun of special needs on campaign trail, surely he can take a bit of mockery.
They’re defensive because he’s defensive and because they aren’t confident in his ability to win. If they were confident, they wouldn’t act like wounded little babies when their Dear Leader to be is mentioned in any but a glowing light.
Trump chumps are all over Twitter defending his great idea to repeal the First Amendment protections afforded a free press. It’s lunacy like none I’ve seen. Since 2008, anyway.
“Trump chumps”
Says it all right there. Your defense of this post is pathetic.
By the way, I doubt many of “Trump chumps” are afraid he is going to lose. My guess is it would be exactly the opposite. You trumpophobes are scared to death he is going to win. You are certainly right about the winning. He will do that.
Newsflash Barry: I don’t have to defend this post. It was written by the boss. I am writing responses because I am yet again struck by how childish and humorless Trump supporters are. I note that you don’t seem to care about Trump calling for an end to the First Amendment protections of the press (the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, in case you forgot in your Trump euphoria). Instead, you latch on to one term, Trump chumps, and demonstrate quite admirably why it’s so apt.
Newsflash Fuzzy: You are here defending this sleazy post.
And I will defend any of the political candidates against sleazy slander, not just Trump. As I have done.
This article is not about Trumps “attack on the first amendment” is it?
Deflection. Doesn’t. Work.
Newsflash: Christie’s finance co-chair calls Christie a floozy.
He is. But the same people who only weeks ago (rightly) denounced Christie as not a conservative are now feeling tingles up their legs because he endorsed Trump. Go figure.
It started with a hug.
Hey, maybe you can find a dog on the roof story as well.
I usually agree with you and I’m not a Trump supporter, but in the clip Trump sounded like he was concerned about Christie and let him go home, not dismissive.
Like hell you’re not a Trump supporter
Well yeah, the biographical note was pointless because this is the internets and I’m nobody, but there are people who don’t like Trump, it’s shocking, shocking, all the polls show him winning, it’ll be grate,
And then I’m sure you can find a steel workers wife that died out there somewhere.
Strange bedfellows!
A while back you wondered why you were having fewer visitors to the website. At the time I attributed that to the increasing obnoxiousness of some of the regular commenters.
I predict you will be seeing a continued, maybe precipitous, downturn thanks to running stupid pieces like this one.
I sure won’t be back! So many blogs, so little time, no reason to waste another minute on witlessness.
You won’t be missed.
Where will you go after you finish destroying the value of LI ?
Gary, let’s be clear, rags is just a two bit commenter like the rest of us.
The story here is the owner of this blog, in a full scale trumpophobe meltdown. Sad to see, not what I expected.
The value of LI is lost on you Trumphians.
No, this is pure Der Donald. He will not share a stage with anyone.
Have you seen him sharing the stage with Palin in the last few days?
Where IS Palin, BTW…???? Should she be on a milk carton?
I was afraid that maybe Christie ate her. #nomnomnom
Blow the dog whistle really loud and see what happens!
Beyond a stupid story.
Who the blank cares?
The establishment is in full blown lose your mind mode.
They will try any thing and say anything to STOP Trump.
But guess what the voters want him!
A major disruption candidate for 2016!
TRUMP 2016
Common Nonsense
T-rump is a stinking, lying Collectivist thug.
Cruz, Rubio are stinking, lying Collectivist thugs
#TRUMP 2016
Blah blah blah
Trumph gives Gary the blahs.
It would be weird for Christie to accompany Trump to the microphone and not know in advance his next move. I think this is just Trump’s way of signaling to Christie that he was no longer needed. I don’t see it as a brush off.
Actually, this is totally in character for Donald Ducks.
He’s a “user”.
I’m in the sign business. Donald Trump is in the business of selling his image. It should come as no surprise that he and I have crossed paths.
His projects are blazoned with brassy Trump logos, a number of which my sign company subsidized over the years — not intentionally, but that’s how it works: Among contractors, Trump is famous for not paying his bills.
His underlings drag you out, then sing you a song: “We’ve got staff attorneys; you pay by the hour. We can afford to fight. You can’t. Be a good guy. You’ll make it up on the next job!”
Remember that “wonderful” thing he did in renovating the ice-skating rink in New York City?
Remember the story about how he did it “for free”?
Yep. Total bullshit. He got paid in full.
The contractors he conned into doing the work?
He’s a consummate bully and con man. He crushes “little people”.
If you made a big sign saying “I’m a con artist and you’re chumps to vote for me,” Trump could wear it around and the fans would gush about how refreshingly honest and un-PC he is, unlike the “politicians.”
The true character of Trump is written all over him — and the fans adamantly, resolutely refuse to see it.
Hm. (Squints at current events) So how much of a steamroller would Trump get if he picked Rubio for his veep and announced that he would nominate Cruz for SCOTUS? The sound of popping leftist heads would be heard across the country.
Trump is more likely to choose Sanders as his running mate than to do so with Rubio. Gotta sew up that Millennial vote, don’tcha know? Plus, it would really, really make leftist heads pop.
Do you have no respect for yourself? You just can’t help going off half cocked on anything you can use to demean candidate Trump.
You and your goons on here look smaller and smaller every day. How do you know Christie didn’t have to go home on some business and Trump was telling him “Go home, I can handle this, you have family business to tend to, Go, there’s the plane”
Instead, like the other Trump haters on here you ALWAYS attribute the worst of motives to Trump
Sure you are not a closet Democrat? Or is this site really owned by NRO?
That’s kind of ironic, seeing that our good Professor was savaged by the NRO regulars last year for writing an article there defending him.
See “Republicans need to look in the mirror, not at Donald Trump” (July 2015).
And our host is definitely no fan of NRO in general. You might want to see his December 2011 post, “Defeat National Review”.
See also “Even Republicans who hate Trump should defend him against Hillary’s ISIS lie” and his reaction to NRO’s “Against Trump” special issue.
You and the others here staging a mass anti-Professor Jacobson dummy-spit are really off-base and out of line here.
Thank you for these posts, Amy. It seems that the Trump fans take themselves and their newest messiah far too seriously. Lambasting the professor is just a silly knee-jerk reaction that is pretty unfathomable to those of us outside the Trump kool-aid swilling crowd.
I agree with you, Fuzzy. The professor is our commenting host. He and I have been shoulder to shoulder in the battle against the GOP Establishment & the Democrat Establishment. He is a true believer.
I know him by association and perhaps much better than you do.
I respect his decision to support Rubio this time around.
He obviously respects my decision to support the supporters of Cruz and the supporters of Trump because Anti-Establishment, Baby.
We don’t need, in my view, to cave to the liberal media this time and play by their rules. Like him or dislike him, Trump is a bull in the liberal china shop and ‘rules of obedience’ are being shredded to the benefit of conservatives, not liberals.
Okay, VF, you probably know my boss better than I do. 😉 I’ll grant you that, but you are incorrect in assuming that he supports any candidate at this time. When he does, he will post an endorsement (as he always does).
As to Trump being anti-establishment . . . you do realize that he is all for an establishment–with him at the head, ruling from his solid-gold chair that’s fitted out with flashing strobe lights and with dancing showgirls all around the Oval Office, don’t you?
He’s not a fix; he’s just the same thing in another guise. Actually, he may be worse because of his delusional sense that he is always right and that he knows best for everyone else. Add in his complete disregard for both the law and the Constitution and his complete inability to articulate anything relevant to or about American core values (beyond “wall,” “I’m the greatest,” and “you’ll get tired of winning we’ll be winning so much”–omg, he sounds like an addled boxer . . . or a twelve-year-old.), and you have a disaster of epic proportions.
Our mileage varies as to characterizing Trump, Fuzzy.
Christie deserved no better. Hope Trump also cleaned out Christie’s wallet before sneaking out the door.
Have to agree with many of the comments here about the incessant disparagement of Trump over trivialities, especially as Christie was doing at least one Sunday show today.
On the other hand, why not try disparagement over trivial issues as Trump seems immune to disparagement over major issues?
Perhaps, but this post seems about as trivial as it gets.
No, it’s not. Those who support Trump, support him because they think he’ll stick out for them. No other reason. And guess what, it’s not going to happen.
I wonder if this is evidence of the continuation (and broadening) of the strategy discussed in this NY Times article.
Of course we know that Christie didn’t go home. He went on with Trump to Oklahoma and Arkansas so the whole premise of the story is bullshit.
Trump continues to occupy a large space in the Professors head.
Ok, either LI has gone batshit TDS crazy or is wholly owned now by the GOPe, sending coordinated anti-Trump messages at the masthead level.
I get it.
Goodbye. So many blogs, I’m sure I’ll run into GOPe messages elsewhere, don’t need the redundancy.
I’ll read my self-defense articles elsewhere; that’s the most valuable part of this blog anyway.
It will be a relief not having to read comments from Rags anymore.
Don’t give up yet.
Though, gotta agree with your last sentence.
Really? Rags is one of my favorite commenters here. But hey, we’re all supposedly conservatives, so we are allowed to disagree. Or did I miss some Trump memo to the contrary?
I suspect that the issue is not one of mere disagreement.
You “have to” read Rags comments?
That’s strange. I just ignore things I don’t want to read. But you feel compelled.
Rags is definitely excitable and has a short fuse and is guilty of a few other things, but, like all of us, he isn’t perfect. Which makes life interesting.
I wince at times when I see him getting too wound up, but other times he makes me chuckle. How hard is it to take the bad with the good or simply ignore what is not your cup of tea?
You really need to step back and realize it’s just a blog filled with opinions … some with which you’ll agree and some with which you won’t agree.
Well said (yet again, LHC). Rags is intelligent, funny, down to earth, and best of all, an actual conservative. Sure, he gets, as Amy notes, a bit “salty” lately, but I can live with that. 😛
A lot of Rags’ comments, especially lately, are too salty for my liking. And I’ve been on the receiving end of his ire a fair bit myself, usually whenever a police-related topic comes up. But this blog would be a far less interesting place without him!
A little bit of curry keeps everything moving 😉
Well, I mentioned something about language and Rags advised me to “avert my eyes”… At the time I was kinda ticked off, but in retrospect he was right. Only free advice I ever got from a lawyer.
LI has gone batshit TDS crazy
Personally, I don’t mind a good attack of crazy every now and then.
But the persistent childishness of the Trumpophobes is getting tedious.
I think that a lot of these people threatening never to darken LI’s doorstep again are only fairly recent readers & commenters, most having drifted over from one or two blogs that have gone full-on All Trump All The Time.
It’s a shame that they can’t bear to countenance any dissent from the Trumpkin Line, but if they want to live in an echo chamber, where no one is allowed to question or criticize The One, that’s their right.
The first thing I noticed about Trump fans was how angry they got if anyone mentioned anything less than admirable about their idol (and there’s much that’s less than admirable).
Then I noticed their remarkable willingness to turn absolutely any Trump sin into a virtue. Then I noticed how easily they can turn their own case for Trump upside down if necessary.
One of the first things I noticed was how they virtually wrecked the commenting system at Instapundit. Ever since mid last year, they’ve been systematically clicking “report as abuse” on any comment that’s critical or even questioning of Donald Trump. That feature had always been there but never been abused before, now it’s a regular occurrence. Sure, you can still see the reported comments if you click “click here to view anyway,” but for someone like me, who used to enjoy casually browsing through the comments section over lunch, they basically killed it.
Just one of the latest examples here:
Meanwhile in other news, this is the story the rest of the R political world is talking about. Quick take: Rubio really is the traitorous for-sale to the highest bidder globalist neocon weasel you already knew him to be.
You dirty little click-bait whore, Professor J. Now, put on the red dress. Nice and slow.
Now, watch the Professor not have a cow. If he does, I’ll leave LI forever!!!!!!!!!
Just to spread the pain in an appropriate place:
Sun Feb 28 2016 16:36:22 ET
The conservative soul of the US Senate, Jeff Sessions, will endorse Trump this evening at a Huntsville, Alabama rally…
This news will be delivered as a suprise to all 25k Alabamians in attendance at the Trump rally and all participating news media….
“I’ve built a great stable. A fantastic stable. An amazing stable of cross-dressers. We’re gonna have the best dress designers.”
Trump fans have been telling us for months that ALL politicians are liars and sellouts — every last one of them — and that’s why we must repose our faith in a “non-politician” who’s going to “blow the whole thing up” and “burn the place down.” (I’m quoting exact phrases that Trumpsters have used.)
As soon as “politicians” see an advantage in endorsing that egomaniacal bully and fraud — well, it just proves how great The Donald really is.
My personal favorite is, “Sure, he has a history as a stinking liar, BUT…”
Endless variations on THAT theme…!!!
It’s like, “Sure, he HATES the First Amendment, BUT…”
PLUS, at no extra cost, there are a MILLION others…
I remember when Prof. Jacobson was “Trump curious”, and he was WONDERFUL. He was so applauded, it would make your head spin!
No that he’s investigated T-rump, he’s apparently “Trump disgusted”.
And the butt-hurt is incandescent…!!!
“No that he’s investigated T-rump, he’s apparently “Trump disgusted”.”
No, it appears he has become like you, someone that spreads sleazy propaganda and lies.
Which is what this story is.
But hey, now we get to listen to you start telling us what a chump Jeff Sessions is… You knew it all along didn’t you.
Barry’s ass could replace a lighthouse on a dark and foggy night! WHITE HEAT…!!!
You, along with your “good buddy” Bierhall Bullyboi Britt, are the resident liars here, liar.
Sessions, in common with the rest of humanity, is capable of making catastrophically BAD choices. IF he does endorse Der Donald (Collectivist, NYC), that will certainly be one.
Almost every comment you make, with respect to Trump, contains a lie: direct, by half truth, or by omission.
You will not even comment on the story told here. Cause it’s a whopper and you know it.
Go ahead tell us, is this a true story in the way that LI has presented it?
And I give you another of Fuzzy Slippers favorite posts.
Is there any more proof needed why it is impossible to take anything she writes or posts seriously.
Ragspierre has written at least 30 posts that brag how Cruz worked hand in hand with Sessions.
Sessions the conservative soul of the senate knew Cruz better than anyone in Senate and after working so closely with Cruz…
Whose economic policies can’t be distinguished from Bernie Sanders.
By his own words.
A COMMAND economy will NEVER “Make America Great Again”.
AND it is immoral and tyrannical.
Which, for you, seems to be a feature, not a bug. You Collectivist SOS.
You can’t distinguish them but you Ragspierre are just an ignorant lying Cruzbot retard.
Senator Jeff Sessions has no problem seeing that Trump is the conservative on immigration, trade, and the economy. Also at least 60% of electorate see that.
Senator Jeff Sessions sees the difference sees the difference and ENDORSES TRUMP !
No, you lying SOS, I read and I listen.
You’ve had to admit the points I’ve made relative to Sanders and T-rump on trade.
Now you prefer to lie. I can’t blame you. It IS your first instinct.
T-rump has the same COMMAND economy positions on both domestic and foreign markets, and YOU have defended them. Espoused them!
You…like the dangerous fascist T-rump…are simply a Collectivist at your core.
Which, per force, means you both lie constantly. As here.
Chris, you ignorant slut!
Full statement: “Chris Christie’s endorsement of Donald Trump is an astonishing display of political opportunism. Donald Trump is unfit to be President. He is a dishonest demagogue who plays to our worst fears. Trump would take America on a dangerous journey. Christie knows all that and indicated as much many times publicly. The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie’s donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Trump outright. I believe they will. For some of us, principle and country still matter.” – Meg Whitman
Wonder what she will say about Sessions?
Trump has been endorsed.
“What a terrible shame…!”
Yes it is a shame that Cruz is so unlikable and untrustworthy that no body who works with him will endorse him.
Just another of your oft-repeated lies, Gaghdad Bob.
Cruz has the endorsement of MOST of the leading conservatives in Texas right now. Both the sitting governor and the recently retired one. And neither of them had to sell out to make their endorsements, either.
He’s endorsed by MORE Congressmen than the Collectivist thug you suck.
I can’t and won’t try to explain why Sessions endorsed the lying, stinking Collectivist from New York, but if he doesn’t immediately distance himself from Der Donald’s dithering with the KKK, Sessions will find himself a FORMER Senator.
It is hard to explain Donald Trump’s refusal, on CNN this morning, to disavow the Ku Klux Klan. Jake Tapper gave Trump multiple opportunities to do so, but Trump could only respond by saying he didn’t know anything about David Duke, who reportedly has endorsed him. Here is the video:
As Dan McLaughlin points out, Trump’s claim to be unaware of David Duke is demonstrably false. But then, who ever expected honesty from Trump?
But if we’ve given up on honesty, how about a minimal level of competence? Is Trump really such a fool that he can’t figure out it’s a bad idea to let the Democrats hang the Ku Klux Klan (formerly known as the militant arm of the Democratic Party) around his neck? He can’t possibly be that stupid. Can he? Or is he a Democrat, deliberately engaged in an effort to bring down the Republican Party and make Hillary Clinton, who is otherwise unelectable, our president? At this point, it is hard to tell. The alternatives are about equally plausible.
—PowerLine Blog
Sessions may be instantly regretting any association with the Collectivist T-rump.
Anyone of good conscience would.
Sessions has made a real mistake here. We all know that if we can see what Trump really is, Sessions should, too. I’m disgusted by this pending endorsement. To my very core disgusted.
Maybe Sessions is smarter than you people.
It ain’t pending by the way.
I disagree with Sessions endorsement, and it makes me look more closely at him, not at Trump. I’m not the only one who isn’t swayed by endorsements nor the only one who is turned off by endorsements. I reconsidered my support for Sarah Palin when she endorsed Carly over Chuck DeVore and changed my mind completely when she endorsed John McCain. Endorsements are measures of a person’s character just as much as anything else. As such, I can take the measure of their character from their endorsement choices. Sarah showed she was not who she claimed to be long before she endorsed Trump, and now, sadly, Sessions has proven that he is a useless political hack. At least to me, you may have a different read, and that’s okay. I am a free-thinking American, and nothing you say will change my mind about Trump. Nothing Sessions says will change my mind about Trump. Heck, Ted Cruz, whom I support, could get on the Trump train, and I would still reject Trump. He is poison. Period. No matter who endorses him.
Says a lot about you being so closed minded. Once you make a decision, nothing will ever change it, she insisted over and over and over again.
“…has proven that he is a useless political hack.”
I doubt you will find any post* I have made to extoll the virtues of trump or try to convince anyone to vote for him. I have made lots of posts defending him against scurrilous slander, half truths, and lies by omission, just as I have done for Cruz.
So, Sessions disagrees with you and now he is a “useless political hack”?
One of the best things about the Trump candidacy is exposing so many hypocrites in the political world. Sessions is the same conservative senator he was yesterday. Trump has a lot of warts, and Sessions knows them well. So does Ted Cruz. Your characterization of Sessions says a lot about you.
Oops –
*It’s possible I have forgotten one somewhere…
Donald Trump’s refusal to knowingly disavow the Ku Klux Klan endorsement means that he treats Sessions and his other endorsers just like the KKK.
I’m sorry Sessions didn’t choose Cruz but Session’s endorsement carries tremendous weight with any true conservative. He’s been a superb fighter for the country and against illegal immigration. Gold standard, hands down.
Echo Chamber: CNN Harasses Donald Trump on Twice-Repudiated KKK ‘Endorsement
Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump declined to condemn white supremacist David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. He had done so already in August, as reported by Politico, and had even done so on Friday, as reported by The Hill.
But CNN’s Jake Tapper thought it fair game to ask him again, and Trump, apparently caught off guard, dodged the question, claiming not to know who these people and groups are.
Opponents and critics immediately seized on Trump’s response as evidence that he actually supports the KKK and other white supremacists, or at least does not wish to risk losing their support.
This is exactly the same game the media play against Republicans every single election, regardless of the candidate. It’s called “Pin the racists on the Republicans,” and it will be used against Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
as readily as Trump.
Another SET of lies.
It’s ONE thing to have someone CALL you a racist.
It’s ANOTHER to dither and equivocate while racists support you.
But a demonstrated bigot like YOU, Bierhall Britt, never cares about such subtleties.
The story of the day remains that Jeff Sessions the
Here’s a news flash for you, Gaghdad Bob….
One CANNOT be a “consistent conservative” ANY-FLUCKING-THING and endorse a Collectivist thug.
Sessions got punked by a con man. It’s just that simple.
He’ll regret it soon enough. I hope he has the integrity to make it very public when it happens.
There is of course another possibility.
Sessions, Christie, LaPage, Palin, and Hunter
AND the Trumpbots are ALL just a hell of a lot
smarter than YOU.
“Smart” isn’t really part of the equation.
I have no doubt that many monsters in the human family are “smarter” than am I.
They are still monsters.
I have no doubt that Barrack Hussian Obama has a high degree to native intelligence.
He is still a terrible man, as is Donald J. Trump.
This event was a nothing, a mountain made from a molehill. I am not sure whether Professor Jacobson was serious or being funny, but that is his business. Down the road, Christie will offer up an explanation, you can take that or leave it.
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) endorsed Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Huntsville Sunday evening. Sessions promised a “Gang of Eight” type of immigration reform bill would not will be passed in a Donald Trump presidency.
“There is an opportunity this year, Tuesday, and we have the opportunity — we have an opportunity Tuesday. It may be the last opportunity we have for the people’s voice to be heard. You have asked for 30 years, and politicians have promised for 30 years to fix illegal immigration,” Sessions said.
“The American people have known for years these trade agreements have not been working for them,” Sessions stumped. “We now have and will soon have a vote on the Transpacific Partnership TPP), Obamatrade, and it will damage America. It will create a commission that undermines our sovereignty, and it should not pass. Donald Trump when he gets elected president will see it does not pass.”
Sessions said Trump is not perfect, but nobody is and endorsed the candidate.
“This movement, he doesn’t take money from political groups and lobbyists. He is committed to leading this country in an effective way. You know, nobody is perfect. We can’t have everything, can we, Mr. Trump? But I can tell you one thing, I think at this time in my opinion, my best judgment, at this time in America’s history, we need to make America great again!” Sessions said, repeating Trump’s campaign slogan.
“I am pleased to endorse Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States,” Sessions endorsed.
“We are in a movement that must not fade away,” Sessions told the crowd. “The bosses are you. The people in Washington are public servants and they serve you.”
Immediately after the Sessions endorsement
I wonder, do you think this endorsement will be more or less influential than Der Donald’s call for the impeachment of George W. Bush?
Or his lies about opposing the war PRIOR to the war?
Or his lies about WMD?
Just curious…
(You’ll lie if you respond, because that’s what you do.)
Oh Gary. You were in such a hurry to cut & paste your latest plagiarized comment that you cut it off mid-sentence. LOL!
Oh and Sessions wore a Trump MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat while endorsing Trump the republican presumptive nominee.
He’ll regret this crap. Sooner I suspect, but certainly.
Sessions did a terribly wrong thing today.
No Rags. You regret it. Cruz and Rubio regret it.
But Sessions, Trump and the american people will never regret it.
President Trump.
Watch and see, Collectivist Buttboi.
More endorsements coming.
Jeff Sessions Gives First-Ever Presidential Primary Endorsement to Trump — ‘This Isn’t a Campaign, This Is a Movement’
What is meant by #SuckTrump, Rags?
I think he is describing what Cruz will soon be doing.
Dummy, it’s what you, Barry, and Britt do.
You’re a child.
No. I am your implacable enemy.
You can suck T-rump. I will fight both him and his myrmidons.
Implacable enemy ?
LOL You’re delusional. Life isn’t an episode of Gotham.
“I am your implacable enemy”
More childishness. But if you insist. You’re losing. Badly.
Careful, Rags. Your vitriol is showing.
“This Isn’t a Campaign, This Is a Movement’
Yeah, a bowel movement.
Did I click on RedState by accident?
Oh brother…my sense is that Christie flew in to help Trump and Trump was giving him a break to not have to stick around. Go home, you’ve done enough. Maybe Christie needed to leave. I’ve never seen Trump push anyone off the stage, quite the opposite.
But, make up more stuff…
Trumph got what he wanted and then he said “Good night, sleep tight. Don’t the reality bugs bite.”
Trump is your back door man. And he will show you the back door when he’s done with you.
That was not a dismissal, it was as Avab said, a “thanks for schlepping all the way out here so quickly. It has been a long campaign, time for your family, relax and go home”.
Anyone is allowed to not like Trump, and even think he is a world class asshole, but he did not insult Christie right to his face, and Christie would not have accepted such like a b!tch. So, to take that impression away from what occured, shows some really jaded, cynical mindset.
Take a break from the campaigns, Prof. Go on a no internet vacation for at least a week over spring break. Otherwise, you may poison your site if you do not regain perspective and try for impartiality. Your own comments section is probably killing you as well.
PS – I have no dog in this fight anymore, even if Dr. Carson is still campaigning.
So now Mr. Jacobson is spinning the news? I am a nobody here, but this nobody has become completely disenchanted with the vaulted Jacobson and this site.
I agree with avan: Oh brother…my sense is that Christie flew in to help Trump and Trump was giving him a break to not have to stick around. Go home, you’ve done enough. Maybe Christie needed to leave. I’ve never seen Trump push anyone off the stage, quite the opposite.
But, make up more stuff…
I think this primary season has burned out Prof’s last nerve. I have never seen him like this until lately. He needs time off and away from the race.
Btw… Forbes endorses Trump, too.
People should read that blurb to see just how delusional you are.
TrumpBart is just the propaganda organ for Der Donald, and they’re VERY selective about pulling quotes from UNDISCLOSED larger comments.
Agreed. No endorsement by forbes. No condemnation and some praise as well.
Before this thread runs its course –
I made my comments about what I thought of this post.
I also think Mr. Jacobsen is a fine man and true conservative.
When this election is over and done it would be to the benefit of all of those that value freedom and liberty to remember we may disagree on many things, large and small, but we will always have to continue the fight against the march of the left, and the voice of Mr. Jacobsen is a very valuable one in that endeavor.