‘Queers for Palestine’ Disney Roadblock Immediately Shut Down by Florida Highway Patrol

Led by Gov. Ron DeSantis, the state of Florida has simply been unmatched when it comes to how to handle purposeful disruptions from anti-Israel protesters on college campuses and along major roadways.

The latest example comes courtesy of the Central Florida “Queers for Palestine” group, which thought it would be a neat idea to block a Disney exit Saturday and repeatedly chant “free Palestine.”

Here’s how it started:

It did not take long before one angry man, presumably a father with kids in the car who were wondering what the heck was going on, got out of his car and began speaking his mind to the agitators. Note midway through this clip that the Florida Highway Patrol were on the scene almost immediately:

The FHP being in the process of restoring order did not stop the dad from ranting a bit longer. A patrolman, meanwhile, orders the activist filming to move on. Though she does, she sticks around from a new spot to film a little more and in the process records the man continuing to go off while expletives are exchanged. In the background, we see other drivers beginning to drive around the blockade:

The road-blocking protest, however, soon ended thanks to the FHP, which made multiple arrests:

Fox 35 reported that in addition to three arrests, the vehicles that the protesters had parked on the interstate ramp were towed.

And if the above stunt didn’t provide us with enough clues about the mindsets of the intellectual heavyweights we’re dealing with here, there was this pinned statement on the CFLQ4P Instagram page:

We won’t allow ourselves to wear pink-washed glasses and let ourselves believe that as queer and trans people, our fight is disconnected from the fight of the Palestinian people.CFLQ4P stands in solidarity with Queers in Palestine knowing that “israel’s” illegal occupation of Palestine is a part of the same oppressive force that harms queer and trans people everywhere. More importantly, as we are witnessing the genocide of the Palestinian people, we know that there are queer and trans people who exist amongst the martyrs (something israel doesn’t want you to believe).

That is (their) fantasy. Here’s the reality of the situation:

‘Nuff said.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Democrats, Florida, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, LGBT, protests, Ron DeSantis