Biden DOJ Accused of Delaying Easy Case Against Man Who Wanted to Assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
“It’s noteworthy that after nearly two years, there is still no trial date or plea agreement in this case”

Would you believe it has been almost two years since a young man named Nicholas Roske was arrested for allegedly plotting to assassinate U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh?
The media doesn’t have any interest in the story and, apparently, neither does Biden’s Justice Department.
Alec Schemmel writes at the Washington Free Beacon:
Biden DOJ Slow-Walks ‘Slam Dunk’ Case Against Man Who Allegedly Tried To Kill Justice Kavanaugh, Baffling Experts
President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is dragging its feet in prosecuting Nicholas Roske, the man accused of trying to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, leaving legal experts perplexed about the slow-moving pace of the case…
After arriving by taxi at Kavanaugh’s house, Roske called the police on himself and was eventually found with a suitcase full of guns, ammo, zip ties, and other tools to carry out the attack. However, the case—which one legal expert who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon called a “slam dunk” for federal prosecutors—has seen almost a dozen continuances since Roske last appeared in court in October 2022, and still no plea has been reached or trial date set.
“It’s noteworthy that after nearly two years, there is still no trial date or plea agreement in this case,” Gerard Filitti, senior counsel at The Lawfare Project, told the Free Beacon. “While pretrial motions would resolve questions about the admissibility of some of the evidence, including statements made by Roske, there is no underlying procedural reason why it would take this long to get to trial.”
Prosecutors’ willingness to slow-walk the case comes amid an ongoing pressure campaign from progressives seeking to delegitimize the Supreme Court.
It’s important to remember, this man allegedly wanted to kill more than just one SCOTUS judge:
Suspect in Attempted Murder of Justice Kavanaugh Reportedly Wanted to Kill Three SCOTUS Judges
According to newly released documents, the suspect arrested for attempting to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh in June reportedly aspired to commit more crimes.
Nicholas John Roske allegedly wanted to kill two more justices in addition to Kavanaugh to change the court for “decades to come.”
It’s shocking that this story somehow managed to become worse.
It’s also worth noting that even after this news, the left didn’t skip a beat. They went right on attacking Kavanaugh:
Leftists Still Targeting Justice Kavanaugh Even After Assassination Attempt: Protesters Force Him To Exit Out Back Door Of DC Restaurant
For some reason that I really can’t fathom, the progressive left is escalating its hounding of conservative Supreme Court Justices. If they’re trying to turn off normal Americans, they’re doing a great job. If they’re trying to intimidate or coerce SCOTUS, they are failing miserably. But radicals gotta radical.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh already was the target of an attempted assassination. But the hounding and targeting of him continue.
Politico reports that Justice Kavanaugh was escorted by his security team out the back door of a DC restaurant because leftists were “protesting” outside.
So why is this case taking so long?
I guess we know why the liberal media isn’t asking any questions.

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The execution of Trump shall proceed as planned.
they have no idea what would happen to them if Trump were unalived
I should have clarified…the political execution.
I know. Virtually nothing. The tough talkers are all From My Cold Dead Hands and no action.
I hope the Secret Service has read your comment. They are probably monitoring this blog, you know.
What a stupid and malicious comment. It’s obvious that Scooter Jay was referring to the Dhimmi-crats’ political machinations and penchant for violence, and not advocating violence.
Even if he were advocating violence, that would be protected speech. The Secret Service might want to have a polite conversation with him, just to assure itself that he wasn’t planning to act on his own advocacy, but that would be all. They know better than to arrest someone for something like that.
I have one question with which to chllange your wave of hand..
J 6?
So, how big is your agent provocateur operation? Cross-agency coordinated, I assume.
I guess since, according to the new Constitution under Jack Smith, the government has a right to as speedy a trial as it wants just because it wants it, the government in this case really doesn’t want it. Must be because the defendant isn’t a political opponent of the regime in the next election.
Is the guy in custody or did he make bail? Anyone know? I guess I wouldn’t be as concerned by any delay so long as this idiot is still behind bars awaiting trial. If he’s free on bail, then yes, this is a gigantic problem particularly considering people who were charged with nothing more than ‘illegal parading’ were sitting in solitary confinement for months after their arrest.
and many still are……. no rial date in sight after THREE YEARS? Have any of those Persecutors even read the Constitution they are charged tt uphold?
if I were to become President I’d take a quick look through all of their charges, then pardon all who are not clearly guilty of some heinous crime of natipnal security import… Then do the same with all those who pled guioty just toget out of jail, and pardon hem.
Next I’d FIRE every one of the DoJ officials who pushed that scandal, including Cap Cop and FBI who infiltrated, etc, and do a purge of all the old corrupt blood. Next O’d pardon Derek Chauvin and fire all those involved with his persecution. Purging about three fourths of the DoJ, FBI, etc would be next on my list. And when that’s done I would sign an executive order reversing the old executive order establishing the BATF, and be DONE with them. Order a complete rewrite of the whole NICS system While they are all spinning their heads over that lot of stuff, I’d start housecleaning tthe military.. get drid of all the DIE/Woke clowns and get some REAL military grade heads in place.
But don’t tell anyone cause they;d all gather round and make certain I’d never get near the WHite House. It would be the end of their little play party. and they know it.
Commendable to some extent, but as President, you couldn’t do some of that. Derek Chauvin was convicted of a state crime, not a federal one and you couldn’t pardon him unless you decided to be his governor first. I think your actions against FBI agents probably wouldn’t hold up either, since they’re civil servants protected by their unions. However, the political appointees that assigned them with the investigations could be fired. As for the BATF, just get rid of Bush’s Patriot Act.
They have no choice but to slow walk the prosecution, slam dunk or not. Their problem is they haven’t figured out h0w to give him a mulligan*.
*full disclosure, I don’t play pasture pool. I knew there was a golf term for a do-over, but had to look it up.
They don’t want to bring it to trial because the guy is obviously going to say on the stand that he was influenced by politicians saying how we need to remake the court, the court is bad, etc. Those same politicians can’t argue that Trump saying “fight like hell” is an insurrection when their rhetoric literally motivates people to attempt assassinations.
Contrast the coverage this story has been getting vs. the loon that broke into Pelosi’s house. All the coverage about his motivations and how it was Twitter’s fault and stuff.
“At the moment, Roske is in federal custody and could face up to 20 years behind bars if convicted.”
NY Post 4/3
Oh yeah? How do you know where Roske is?
Are you trying to convert a quote from the NY post to a personal argument with me?
Didn’t they catch this guy because he phoned the police in advance and told them his intentions and exactly when he would be at the justice’s house? He is feebleminded and insane.
The slow walk is to let the public forget about it and let they guy go, if he’s even in custody
For some reason that I really can’t fathom, the progressive left is escalating its hounding of conservative Supreme Court “If they’re trying to turn off normal Americans, they’re doing a great job. If they’re trying to intimidate or coerce SCOTUS, they are failing miserably. But radicals gotta radical.”
Sorry, I think they have intimidated all 3 of the Trump but especially Kavanaugh and little Amy
Roberts was intimidated years ago
He’s been dating Blasey-Ford and the feds did not want to hinder blind love.
Any bets on them dropping the case if Trump is elected? Or worse, intentionally taking the case to jeopardy and then dropping it so Trump can’t prosecute?