Book Review: The Queering of the American Child, by Logan Lancing With James Lindsay
Authors: Parents must understand how Queer Theory is practiced in schools if they wish to protect their children from the Marxist groomers who attempt to recruit them for revolution by poisoning their minds and bodies.

If you’ve been following the secret social transitioning stories at Legal Insurrection, you can probably predict their plots before you even begin reading them. Their conflicts are all too familiar by now, and so are their themes of lies, deception, and moral confusion.
And you know their setting because it’s always the same—the school building.
They begin when a troubled teen (or pre-teen), comes to the attention of the school counselor. Egged on by social media and “supported” by an “inclusive” school environment, the student decides they’re unhappy because they were born in the wrong body.
"I found queer theory, & it wasn't framed to me as queer theory…it was framed as social justice. And I latched on to that immediately."
What she was taught online & in school led @FunkyPsyche to believe that she was a transgender gay man, instead of a traumatized girl.
— Jan Jekielek (@JanJekielek) March 19, 2024
So they “come out” to school staff just waiting to socially transition them to the opposite sex. Reaching for the school’s “gender support plan,” the school assigns the student a new name and pronouns, locker and restroom facilities—all on the student’s say-so. And all behind their parents’ backs.
It’s for their child’s “safety.” Because if parents were to find out, they might discourage their child’s delusion that they belong to the opposite sex, causing them to kill themselves.
Think about that, parents, the school says. Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living “son”? Listen to the experts who know better than you whether your child is a boy or a girl. And those experts just happen to always be the school.
Why do we keep hearing so many of these stories? And why are they all happening in school?
In their new and enlightening book, The Queering of the American Child, authors Logan Lancing and James Lindsay explain how yesterday’s subversive “Critical Theory” movements have turned today’s public schools into hotbeds of gender indoctrination.
First of all, no matter what the gaslighters say, the number of messed-up kids in our country really is exploding. Here, from the authors, are the statistics:
More than 300 thousand youth between the ages of 13–17 identify as transgender in the United States. In some areas nearly 1 in 10 students identify as “gender-diverse.” Fifteen years ago, it would have been difficult to explain what “gender identity” is, let alone find a “gender clinic” on a map. Today, there are “more than 60 comprehensive gender clinics in the United States, along with countless therapists and doctors in private practice,” according to the New York Times. Thousands of children are placed on “gender-affirming care” plans each year.
And it’s happening in school because American schoolchildren are the targets of “Queer Theory,” a new religious cult with Marxist underpinnings, the authors explain. This cult’s recruiting grounds are the country’s K-12 classrooms, filled with captive, vulnerable audiences, easily indoctrinated into its perverse religion of sex and “gender.” In school, children as young as five are bombarded from all sides with gender indoctrination—pride flags, preferred pronoun projects, drag performances, and pornographic books like Gender Queer fill their hallways, classrooms, and libraries. No wonder so many of them are confused into adopting new “gender identities.”
The Queer Path to Power
The goal of this new Queer iteration of Marxism is the same as the original: Power. And it draws on powerful, elite resources to perpetuate that power, the authors explain:
The inner circle wields the cult’s tremendous monetary and cultural power to finance and influence cult activism and expansion. The inner circle is home to the leaders of global organizations, universities, industries, and governments.
That might sound like crazy conspiracy talk, but only if you haven’t been paying attention to who’s paying to indoctrinate the indocrinators.
To take a recent example, look at what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored at a conference for school counselors in Seattle:
These pictures are from a conference for school counselors held in Seattle last week. These are the books they promoted to school counselors for their work.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored the conference. Is anyone surprised that they're funding wokeness in schools?
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 10, 2024
It’s no accident these books were on display. School counselors are often the starting point in socially transitioning children. By secretly “affirming” the child’s stated desire to change their gender identity, they seize power the law has long recognized as belonging to the parents to direct their child’s upbringing.
But who’s to say who gets that power? According to Queer Theory, it’s not fair that the normal heterosexual people running society get to define what “normal” is, only to position themselves at the top of the heap. Their self-serving power hierarchy is “oppressive” to anyone outside of it.
So, to destroy it, the authors explain, Queer theorists tell us that sex, gender, and sexuality are all social constructs created by that power hierarchy. Ones the individual can’t figure out for himself.
Remember how even Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson couldn’t answer the question, “What is a woman?” during her Senate confirmation hearing, because, she said, she wasn’t a biologist. You need an expert for that, not a lawyer. And anyone who says otherwise is part of the “cisheteronormative” oppressor class, clinging to the hierarchy of power they created for themselves by defining what is normal.
To break normal society, the authors say, Queer theorists know they must first break the normal child.
And that is why they are so obsessed with the schools, as Chairman Mao was during the Cultural Revolution. “They know that if they can control the schools, they can brainwash future generations to root out and eliminate all normalcy in society.”
Their first line of attack is therefore on parents. By raising normal, healthy children, parents perpetuate the “heteronormativity” the Queer activists are hell-bent on destroying.
So parents have to be gotten out of the way:
Queer Activists know that parents will end the madness the second they realize their children are in danger, which is why Queer Activists intentionally subvert parental authority and teach children to expect parental rejection of their new “queer” identities. The zealots parading through our schools are doing everything they can to destroy the relationship parents have with their children.
To make sure parents don’t interfere when their child requests a different gender, school policies require staff to deceive them by using one set of names and pronouns when speaking to the parents, and another set in school. If parents do somehow find out and object, schools say that just shows what transphobes they are. And it shows why these policies are necessary: to protect trans kids’ “rights” and to keep them safe from “harm”—in their own homes.
Secret social transitioning policies betray the true motive of Queer Theory, the authors say: “driving a wedge between parents and children in order to destroy families and strengthen ties to the queer cult being promoted at the school.”
Winning the Language War
To destroy normalcy, the Queer cultists must also control speech. So far, they’re winning the language war, the authors say, with schools nationwide requiring staff to make sure everyone feels “safe” and “included” by respecting their preferred name and pronouns, even when they don’t match the student’s biological sex.
That policy was enshrined by the U.S. Department of Education in its 2021 guidelines for “Supporting Transgender Youth In School”:
According to the authors, these “inclusive” pronoun policies to “protect all students” are actually weapons to purge and censor anyone who dares disagree with them.
That’s exactly what happened to Peter Vlaming, a popular high school teacher who was suspended for refusing to say his trans student’s preferred pronouns. He sued, and after years of litigation over whether he had a viable claim, the Virginia Supreme Court recently revived his case. Vlaming’s right to free speech, the court said, “includes both the right to speak freely and the right to refrain from speaking at all.”
If schoolchildren were merely encouraged to “socially” transition, that would be bad enough. But the goal of secret social transitioning is much more sinister: permanent medical transitioning, ending in sterilization. It’s the ultimate power grab.
And because Queer Activists practice to deceive with “welcoming and inclusive language” and policies requiring school staff to lie, parents don’t know what is happening in their children’s schools, the authors warn. They don’t realize that what starts out as respecting pronouns and “gender identities” can end in catastrophe.
Hopefully Queer Theory will go the way of all cults and self-implode, as the authors suggest. Meanwhile, we should take their advice: Expose it and sue it to death, before it becomes the new normal.

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Boy’s Adrift is a great book.
Something is happening to boys today. From kindergarten to college, American boys are, on average, less resilient and less ambitious than they were a mere twenty years ago. The gender gap in college attendance and graduation rates has widened dramatically. While Emily is working hard at school and getting A’s, her brother Justin is goofing off. He’s more concerned about getting to the next level in his videogame than about finishing his homework.
In Boys Adrift, Dr. Leonard Sax delves into the scientific literature and draws on more than twenty years of clinical experience to explain why boys and young men are failing in school and disengaged at home. He shows how social, cultural, and biological factors have created an environment that is literally toxic to boys. He also presents practical solutions, sharing strategies which educators have found effective in re-engaging these boys at school, as well as handy tips for parents about everything from homework, to videogames, to medication.
I feel helpless as I no longer have any persuasion to offer. I’m just an old guy, screaming at the sky.
No, you are just an old guy screaming on Legal Insurrection, as are many others here, and nobody, and I mean nobody, on the Left or the Democrats, is listening to you. Nothing you ever post here will make a difference in the elections. So keep on screaming and virtue signalling.
…and you are a troll.
Toodles, Junior.
And here you are, JR, with nose elevated.
You’re just a mentally ill Trans or pedo. Seek psych help and go F yourself as clearly no one else will unless you force them.
I belong to Moms for Liberty I. Williamson County Tx
I find them not as active as I have wished
Like they have been snake bit .they did dissolve once, about a year ago, not sure why, but I had expected a much more vigorous group.
Round Rock ISD, which was notorious for
Being conservative when my children went there 20-25 years ago , finds itself in national news for wokeness now
We need much more of this
“Texas just withdrew $8.5 billion in funds from BlackRock due to its leftwing findom practices.
Texas will pull some $8.5 billion in investments from BlackRock over its ESG policies, the biggest such divestment after several Republican states have moved to cut ties with firms that conservatives see as privileging liberal goals.
Texas State Board of Education Chairman Aaron Kinsey announced the move on Tuesday. A letter was sent to BlackRock the same day notifying the world’s largest money manager. The divestment was done to comply with the state’s anti-environmental, social, and governance law, which prohibits state investment in companies like BlackRock that Republicans say boycott energy companies.
“BlackRock’s dominant and persistent leadership in the ESG movement immeasurably damages our state’s oil and gas economy and the very companies that generate revenues for our [Permanent School Fund],” Kinsey said. “Texas and the PSF have worked hard to grow this fund to build Texas’s schools.”
“BlackRock’s destructive approach towards the energy companies that this state and our world depend on is incompatible with our fiduciary duty to Texans,” he added.
BlackRock, though, argues that it is helping millions of Texans and emphasized its investment in the state.
ESG is a financial concept that centers on compelling social change through investment and divestment. It is a corporate model that doesn’t solely look at maximizing profit but also incorporates other elements into financial decisions — for instance, how an investment might affect fossil fuel emissions.”
findom !? I mean, the word fits perfectly, it’s the ideal word. It’s just surprising and rather excellent to find it there.
ESG: Espousing Socialist Government.
And stop calling them “liberal” goals; they are pure socialist/communist goals.
These school administrators and teachers are evil Cultural Marxists. Out to destroy families,
“Hopefully Queer Theory will go the way of all cults and self-implode,”
The implosion will be caused by lawyers……it will take a decade before a critical mass of people whose lives have been permanently damaged and the damage awards will be massive. Hopefully that will also bring about criminal charges.
I agree. Encouraging kids to make permanent, life-changing decisions at an early age should be cause for a lawsuit. And there will be lawsuits because minors cannot give valid consent for getting castrated or spayed. When enough lawsuits pile up, the malpractice insurers will decide to make an exclusion for sex changes in minors.
They’ve ended the family lines of a lot of kids and even their parents. Criminal charges are the beginning.
Medical malpractice
The only transition therapy should be the forced treatment of homosexuals to turn them straight. Homosexual acts should again become illegal and those convicted should be imprisoned on an island and kept at hard labor and in solitary cells.
Lame attempt at being provocative. What a sad, insecure excuse for a man you are. No wonder you have to come here every day for affirmations from equally shallow individuals, like those who need to broadcast their military rank. No wonder the Left ends up winning with losers like you in the ranks of the so-called “conservative” crowd.
Most students use this “transgenderism” as a way to gain power/leverage against teachers and other adults.
It is just plain old communist propaganda spread by the likes of ChiCom owned TikTok and Instagram. They won’t let their own kids use them, but push it here.
As for gays and lesbians, they are unfortunately being lumped together with the transgenders to their own detriment. See: Gays against Groomers on X/Twitter.
Planet Fitness gyms lost $400M in value since declaring policy of allowing trannys in women locker room.
Go woke go broke.
If you are a parent, it is morally incumbent on you to remove your children from these deadly cultists, and that means NOpublic school. Home school or church school only.
If you are a grandparent, you should be willing to share the financial burden this may impose on your kids so that your grands are protected from the alphabet people.
Boycott trans insanity.