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Bad News for Biden Week at Legal Insurrection

Bad News for Biden Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Joe Biden had an awful week and most of it was by his own doing.

Democrats and the media know they have a problem.

Updates on Israel.


Shame on Ireland.

This tells you so much about Biden and the Democrats.

Who listens to her?

Other World news.

The left’s war on Trump continues.


What is happening to our country?

Crime is still out of control in New York.

And California.

Every point she makes here is perfect.

Just don’t call it an invasion.

More gender madness.

Warren is so ridiculous.

This sounds like a threat.

Just insane.

Sounds sketchy.

This is probably for the best.

The passage of time.

Is he right?


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destroycommunism | February 11, 2024 at 10:14 am

Americas had a nightmare every time leftist polices are enacted

Geesh, I feel like telling Jeffrey Toobin to get a grip, but there’s no telling what he might do.

Every day in America , competency evaluations are requested by the Prosecution

by the Defense

by the Judge

This is routine, routine, every-day stuff at local, state, and federal courts.

If it’s a particularly high-stakes or difficult case, then psychiatrists and psychologists with forensic certification are brought in.

Child custody cases, murder, domestic violence, ability to give informed consent, all kinds of cases … competency evaluations are done.

If the prosecution does not request a forensic competency evaluation,

and there’s no judge to order such an evaluation,

then it’s highly suggestive that The Fix Is In.

Joe Biden is a seasoned dissembler— and he’s good at it.

We’ve been played like a harp

There’s no way that this DOJ would ever ever ever hold Joe Biden responsible for his crimes.

It’s sad

Btw , why hasn’t any one — ANY ONE! — requested a formal forensic competency evaluation? Not a “cognitive exam” — a formal forensic competency evaluation.

Again, forensic psychologists and forensic psychiatrists do these things every day all over America, in cases far more mundane than one’s involving crimes of a vice-president before he became president.