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Democrats Are the Real Threat to Democracy Week at Legal Insurrection

Democrats Are the Real Threat to Democracy Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Democrats have spent years talking about ‘our democracy’ and now we can see what they really meant by that.

This is being tried in multiple states.

Israel updates.


Other world news.


The left is not winning friends or influencing people.

People have lost their minds.

Our media is so awful.

The border crisis just gets worse.

How has this happened?

Check it out!

Oh my!

This has to stop.

What is he thinking?

How interesting…

Oh no. Anyway…

So tiresome.

Who could have predicted such things?

Good news.

They certainly do.


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“Our Democracy” is their euphemism for one party rule. No governing, ruling.

    Exactly right. Their goal of one party rule has driven these people to the brink. We can see the effect of long term democrat one party rule in California: horrendous failure on every major issue.

Conservative Beaner | December 31, 2023 at 10:42 am

Stop calling them Democrats, they’re Facists now.

You can group some of the RINOs in with them.