Democrats Are the Real Threat to Democracy Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.
Democrats have spent years talking about ‘our democracy’ and now we can see what they really meant by that.
- Maine Secretary of State Determines Trump Ineligible for Primary Ballot Under the 14th Amendment
- ‘Ivy League Judges Taking Trump Off the Ballot Would Cause This Country to Explode’
This is being tried in multiple states.
- Michigan Supreme Court Rejects Attempt to Remove Trump From Primary Ballot
- Gavin Newsom Criticizes Effort to Get Trump Taken Off the Ballot in California
Israel updates.
- Israeli Military Discovers ‘Child-Sized’ Suicide Vests in Gaza Medical Clinic
- Israeli Strike In Damascus Takes Out Top Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Reza Mousavi
- Israel Expands Ground Offensive in Southern Gaza Amid Growing Iranian Terror Threats
Other world news.
- ‘Regularizing the Situation’: U.S.-Mexico Meetings Included Talks of Amnesty
- Houthi Attacks on Red Sea Shipping Causing Ripple in Global Economy
- Anti-Israel Activists Disrupt Televised Australian Christmas Fundraiser for Blind Children
The left is not winning friends or influencing people.
- ‘Long Live the Intifada’: ‘Pro-Palestine’ Rioters Storm NYC, Use Christmas to Attack Israel
- Anti-Israel Protesters Targeting JFK in NYC on New Year’s Day
- Blockade of World Trade Center By Anti-Israel Activists An Attempted Intimidation of U.S.
People have lost their minds.
Our media is so awful.
- Liberal Media Spreads Blood Libel About Israel and Organ Harvesting
- CNN Woefully Notes That GOP Govs Busing Illegal Immigrants to Democrat-Run Cities ‘Has Worked From a Political Perspective’
- NYT Pushes “Groundwater Crisis” to Attack America’s Poultry and Dairy Industries
The border crisis just gets worse.
- Biden Border Crisis: Illinois Paying for Hotel Rooms for Chicago’s Illegal Immigrants
- Chicago, Denver, New York City Mayors Demand Federal Financial Support for Migrant Crisis
- Biden Border Crisis: Agents Encounter Over 276,000 Migrants in December, Setting a New Record
How has this happened?
Check it out!
Oh my!
This has to stop.
What is he thinking?
How interesting…
Oh no. Anyway…
So tiresome.
Who could have predicted such things?
- California Pizza Hut Franchises Lay Off Over 1,200 Delivery Drivers Due to State Raising the Minimum Wage
- Half of U.S. Buick Dealers Take Buyouts Rather Than Sell EV’s
Good news.
They certainly do.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Yes they are!
I don’t think Inforwars with Alex Jones is a credible source for accurate information.
I don’t think WAPO and The New York Times are either, yet….we constantly are told they are the papers of record.
OK, tell us about a story that Jones got wrong
“Our Democracy” is their euphemism for one party rule. No governing, ruling.
Exactly right. Their goal of one party rule has driven these people to the brink. We can see the effect of long term democrat one party rule in California: horrendous failure on every major issue.
Stop calling them Democrats, they’re Facists now.
You can group some of the RINOs in with them.