Just When You Thought Hamas’ Savagery Couldn’t Get Any Worse

It’s always difficult to show images or tell the stories of the people butchered by Hamas, other terrorist groups, and Gaza “civilians” on October 7. But as we’ve said before, it’s important to know and to document and to bear witness. There is a massive movement online to deny that the massacres happened, or to blame them on Israel for killing their own people.

You likely recall one of the first images on October 7 that went viral, an Israeli woman bleeding in the rear end led into a vehicle by terrorist savages. I’ve probably watched that video a dozen or more times.

But there’s something in it I didn’t notice, and didn’t get any initial media attention. The woman’s achilles tendon was cleanly lacerated so she couldn’t run.

Her name is Naama Levi. Pray for her, and that she is returned alive, and the people who did that to her receive even worse judgment.

Hamas also just released a video of hostage Noa Marciano, dead. Hamas is claiming it was due to an Israeli airstrike, but the images of her dead body show what appears to be a clean blow to the back of her head. Hamas murdered her.

[Because the video is meant to torment her family and Israel, we are not running it.]

More video of Gaza “civilian” barbarism has emerged:

And the brutality at the music festival:

And executions of Israelis while on the phone with their families:

And there are now detailed eyewitness accounts of mass rape being documented by the Israelis:

A month has passed since the massacre on October 7th, in which Hamas slaughtered some 1400 Israeli residents, but the shocking testimonies are only now emerging as the Israel Police’s Lahav 433, the police department dealing with serious felonies, continues with the meticulous documentation of the atrocities.As part of this process, the detectives have been processing the testimonies of the perpetrators and the survivors. One of them is a chilling testimony of a young woman who hid with her boyfriend in a shelter, where she witnessed the rape and murder of another Israeli woman.”I saw them forcing her to bend forward and then someone rape her,” the testimony reads. “They were dressed in olive-toned fatigues, she was alive, and then she fell silent. She was raped and then killed.For the first time, the investigators were exposed to messages from members of ZAKA volunteers describing the horrifying events as they collected bodies. These official testimonies will be used in legal proceedings in the future against Hamas and as a way to remember the atrocities. The testimonies are quite graphic and include descriptions of the horrors they witnessed when they arrived at the scenes of death to collect the remains of the victims. They too, have confirmed through their testimony that Hamas terrorists committed sexual offenses against women before killing them.According to the testimonies of the volunteers, there were also sexual abuses against some of the men who were found. In some cases, the victim’s private parts were mutilated. One member said that in many cases, “it was hard to tell if it was a man or a woman.”

From prior reporting:

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Palestinian Terror