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Rise of the ‘Hamas Caucus’ Week at Legal Insurrection

Rise of the ‘Hamas Caucus’ Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

We have come to the point where radical college culture is not just happening on campuses. It’s in Congress.

It’s also in our city governments.

Our schools.

And of course, the media.

All of this is inspiring aggression and fear.

Republicans are in a weak position despite controlling the House.

And Biden is useless.

The crime problem is not getting any better.

And the left’s war on Trump continues.

More world news.


This is one positive development.

She is at it again.

It won’t matter to the left.

Because they were going broke?

How not shocking.

She will be missed.

What could go wrong?


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Q: What is the difference between Hamas and the Palestinians?

A: All Palestininans of fighting age are called Hamas. All the rest of their mothers, fathers, wives and children are call Palestinians.

Q: What happens after Hamas is destroyed?

A: Palestinians who become of fighting age will be called something else.

Further question, what are HAMAS? Mujahideen

With this current war as with the war in Ukraine, we are well into a civilizational war. The civilized but weak West against the anti civilized world led by Iran, Russia, China. All 3 have deeply infiltrated the West.

Tlaib is a disgusting pig.

Tlaib…one look and that’ll unsaddle your horse, proving evil rots from the inside out and head down. That performance…the feigned outrage acting job that switched on a dime when she started the angry bird routine. Geez.