Woke Mob Targets Country Singer Jason Aldean Over ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Song
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Woke Mob Targets Country Singer Jason Aldean Over ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Song

Woke Mob Targets Country Singer Jason Aldean Over ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Song

“These references are not only meritless, but dangerous. There is not a single lyric in the song that references race or points to it- and there isn’t a single video clip that isn’t real news footage…” – Jason Aldean


Country music singer Jason Aldean’s latest video, which includes clips from violent “protests” over the last few years and a message that revolves around how “small-town” America takes care of its own, has caused eruptions among the woke mob. Many of them are now trying to get Aldean canceled.

Before we get to how the controversy started, listen to the lyrics and take a look at the video, which includes footage of both white and black “protesters” alike destroying American cities and getting in the faces of police officers:

Shannon Watts, the so-called “leader” of the anti-gun group “Moms Demand,” is taking credit for getting the video – which she alleged was “racist” in addition to “violent” – pulled from CMT’s rotation:

Ashton Pittman, the editor of the supposedly “non-partisan” Mississippi Free Press, also chimed in and suggested that the location where the video was filmed was further proof that Aldean was pro-lynching or something:

Another Twitter user, Holly Briden, pointed out that maybe it was Pittman who needed to check his racism:

Naturally, the Washington Post agreed with Pittman, citing him in their write-up on the history behind the location:

For the record, the production company behind the video said in a statement that Aldean had nothing to do with the selection of that particular courthouse for the video, and also noted that it was a “popular filming location” in the Nashville area that had previously been used by the Lifetime Movie channel and the Paramount Network among others.

Reaction to the leftist outcry over the song and video has had prominent conservatives like South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, 2024 GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, and political commentator and gun rights activist Dana Loesch coming to Aldean’s defense:

Loesch also pointed out that Watts is also trying to get Aldean canceled from the Grand Ole’ Opry:

For anyone curious about the lyrics to that Cardi B song, here you go (language warning):

Some called for CMT to get the Bud Light treatment:

The below cartoon was a timely reminder about how Aldean’s song is resonating with those who are sick and tired of being gaslit by the left and the press:

Aldean himself issued a statement on Twitter Tuesday in response to the backlash:

In the past 24 hours I have been accused of releasing a pro-lynching song (a song that has been out since May) and was subject to the comparison that I (direct quote) was not too pleased with the nationwide BLM protests. These references are not only meritless, but dangerous. There is not a single lyric in the song that references race or points to it- and there isn’t a single video clip that isn’t real news footage -and while I can try and respect others to have their own interpretation of a song with music- this one goes too far.

As so many pointed out, I was present at Route 91-where so many lost their lives- and our community recently suffered another heartbreaking tragedy. NO ONE, including me, wants to continue to see senseless headlines or families ripped apart.

Try That In A Small Town, for me, refers to the feeling of a community that I had growing up, where we took care of our neighbors, regardless of differences of background or belief. Because they were our neighbors, and that was above any differences. My political views have never been something I’ve hidden from, and I know that a lot of us in this Country don’t agree on how we get back to a sense of normalcy where we go at least a day without a headline that keeps us up at night. But the desire for it to- that’s what this song is about.

After all that has been said and done, it appears Aldean is getting the last laugh, with his song now sitting at number one on iTunes:

Damn straight. It’s about time.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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“Country Music” is so crossed over that it can be anything…even without a twang. Just waiting for them to mangle Jum Reeves…”Xe’ll have to go”.

I live in a blue small town that’s majority Hispanic and I can say they wouldn’t tolerate that antifa bullshit here for more than a second before they shut them down hard. The activists here go elsewhere to play those games.

The “woke mob”. All three of them.

The goal isn’t to convince anybody, but to update the NPC programming.

“Conservatives are consistently moving markets more than any time I can remember.”
But election markets are just special. Funny thing about that.

    CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | July 19, 2023 at 11:19 pm

    True, though the boycotts of bud light, Target and now boosting Aldean occurred after the 2020 Presidential and 2022 midterm. Maybe the momentum has shifted as a result of enough people refusing to be so passive in the face of constant pressure to accept the woke orthodoxy?Fingers crossed it carries over into the political sphere.

E Howard Hunt | July 19, 2023 at 11:48 pm

Hang in there, Jason.

thad_the_man | July 20, 2023 at 2:22 am

He should release a cover of “Get Over It” by the Eagles.

So advocating for law and order, seeing respect for others as good, helping neighbors who are suffering, protecting your family, etc., are now all considered racist by the Left. That’s all I need to know when I go vote.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | July 20, 2023 at 8:43 am

I wonder what CMT was thinking when it bowed to the squealing Woketarians. After all, how many “educated” leftists with Kool-Aid colored hair ever watch CMT or listen to country music? It’s hard to see how CMT would have lost much viewership.

Lefties trying their mightiest to shape the narrative: if it’s Left, it’s right. If it’s Right, it’s wrong. 🙄

I am not a fan of country music. But I just bought “Try That in a Small Town” on iTunes. It is the anthem for our era.

It seems that carjacking and the “knockout game,” aka “polar bear hunting,” are primarily done by blacks.

Recently a woman in a nearby, mostly white suburban area was followed home, punched, and her car stolen with her baby in it. (The unharmed baby was recovered, as was the car.)

CMT needs to be given a lesson in Bud Lite.


The woke mob seems to be getting roasted online by popular Reaction channels such as Hodge Twins and Cartier Family. If you don’t mind strong language then check out their YouTube channels on this topic among others.

RandomCrank | July 20, 2023 at 3:45 pm

Speaking of the cultural divide, I hereby volunteer to write a guest post about “Sound of Freedom.” Besides being a former journalist, I am also a retired financial analyst. Two separate careers.

The numbers are quite astonishing. “Angel Studios” have really hit a gusher, and I’d be very happy to supply a bunch of the details.

    henrybowman in reply to RandomCrank. | July 20, 2023 at 3:50 pm

    Sounds like it would be entertaining reading.

    If you want to write this up (re: Sound of Freedom) and submit it in Word, we’d be happy to review it. We can’t guarantee publication, but if you would like to submit this post, you may do so to email: [email protected]

      RandomCrank in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | July 20, 2023 at 8:10 pm

      I will give it a shot. The numbers are phenemonal.

      I got interested in “Sound of Freedom” a couple weeks ago purely as a news phenomenon. The movie has been much more successful than anyone expected it to be, but what’s blowing me away is its place relative to the heavily (and expensively) produced and promoted Hollywood blockbusters.

      I expected “Mission Impossible,” in particular, to pretty much blow the doors off of every other movie. It started that way, but it’s fading fast. Yesterday, its gross was only $16,000 ahead of “Sound,” but on a per-theater basis, “Sound” is blowing “Mission’s” doors off.

      That’s just a snippet. I have been approaching this not out of ideology but mainly out of financial analysis. This is going to be a very fun writeup, and Fuzzy, all I ask is that you approach it with an open mind. I am VERY editor-friendly, as long as the editor is intelligent and operating in good faith.

      If you approach it that way, you’re going to like this a great deal.

        That sounds good; there is no requirement to approach the topic from an ideological standpoint. And no worries, I’m a good editor, as is Mary. Your work is in good hands if it makes it to us. It has to get past the professor first, though, since you have not previously written for us. 🙂

          RandomCrank in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | July 20, 2023 at 9:57 pm

          I understand. I have been around the block a few or more times. My biggest flaw is writing too long, but I will do my best to rein it in. The level of b.s. on this one is high, and the discipline will be to not examine every element with a microscope (tempting as it is) but to strike the balance between detail and the wider point. I’ve started writing it, and already know that I’ll need to trim.

          The “Sounds of Freedom” saga is mainly hilarious to me. The “MSM” has beclowned itself again, and one of the great pleasures will be to watch them backpeddle when that movie becomes #1 in America, which it’s on track to become. Variety, which is hardly Fox News, has already written a follow up along the lines of the lessons Hollywood can learn.

          The #1 movie (by a hairbreadth, and I think it will become #2 behind “Sounds,” but that’s only an educated guess) is “Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning.” If that slips to #2, as I think it will, I will laugh my ass off to read the “interpretations” and perhaps the calls for censorship of “misinformation.”

          Who knows how it will turn out, but the idea that a “religious” (which it isn’t) “wingnut movie”) which it isn’t, is that close behind (you will see) amazes the living hell out of me. Not to mention being heartening.

          Just imagine if “Sounds of Freedom” winds up “rescuing” the movies this year. Even if I was still liberal, as I once was but no longer am, I’d be laughing. Oh, to see the worthies embarrassed by The Wrong People. LOL

          As you know, I am a bit verbose myself. The more you can self-edit, the better, but if the post is good, we’ll help get it in shape when/if it gets to us. Now stop sharing your entire post in comments before it becomes unusable. 😛 You can contact me, if you so wish, via fuzislippers at the gmail thing.

          RandomCrank in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | July 20, 2023 at 9:59 pm

          I am a Midwesterner by birth, upbringing, and culture. My kind is no friend to arrogance regardless of its source.

          Not sure I follow you here.

          RandomCrank in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | July 20, 2023 at 10:21 pm

          I think the “MSM” has been stereotypically arrogant in how they’ve approached what to me is a 2-hour police procedural flick. The “Qanon vs. Pedo” slanging match on social media is amusing. I am trying to laugh these days, as much as I can. Anyway, trust me, I’m not giving it away. You’ll see. Okay, back to the salt mines. LOL

          Interestingly, the script for Sound of Freedom was begun in 2015 . . . long before QAnon was even a thing. 😛

          RandomCrank in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | July 20, 2023 at 10:23 pm

          p.s.: I need to write it in stages, because I find myself laughing too hard. You’ll see.

          Just don’t stage yourself out of the “timely” requirement. 😛

          RandomCrank in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | July 21, 2023 at 12:13 am

          Check your email.

          Hmm, nada, did you use fuzislippers at gmail.com?

          I tried reaching out via the email addy you provided in your profile, but nothing. I am out for the night, so if you want to contact me, please use fuzislippers at (which would be an ampersand) gmail (dot, which would be a period) com. Otherwise just submit your completed piece in a Word document to the provided email address, and we’ll go from there.

      RandomCrank in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | July 21, 2023 at 2:11 pm

      A glitch re email addresses. Check your inbox. Please reply via email so I know we are in synch. Thanks.

RandomCrank | July 21, 2023 at 4:21 pm

Pretty amazing. The Thursday numbers show “Mission: Impossible” behind “Sound” in the daily gross receipts, and far behind on the per-screen measurement. The media will be ignoring all that as they ramp up the hype for “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer.”

Fuzzy, I sent a couple versions to that info address and your personal address, using two different of my email addresses, one being the address associated with my profile here. Nothing from you yet.

There are a bunch of ways to skin the cat on this. I’m a very flexible and experienced writer, with a skin as thick as rhino hide. But I can’t do a thing without two-way communication.

RandomCrank | July 21, 2023 at 4:27 pm

p.s.: I expect “Barbie” to hit it big and be #1 in spite of some early negative reviews. Mattel has been putting the pedal to the metal for months. It’d be fair for me to say that, being a 65-year-old gay man given to Wranglers, cowboy hats, and rifles, I’m about as far away from Barbie (and Ken now or then — I was a G.I. Joe and Hot Wheels kid) as it gets, so I’m taking a wild ass guess here and think that the girls will go ga-ga for all this.

What I’ve seen of Ryan Gosling’s version of Ken should pretty much embarrass everyone including him, but what the hell do I know? LOL

RandomCrank | July 21, 2023 at 4:46 pm

One more thing. I suspect that “Sound of Freedom” peaked on Wednesday. It’ll still sell a lot more tickets, but it looks like the week-over-week grosses are starting to go negative now. This is only to be expected; trees really don’t grow to the sky.

The surprises this summer besides “Sound” being a hit are that The Flash has bombed, Indiana Jones is bombing, Elemental is weak, “Mission: Impossible” is in trouble. Put it together, and it’s raher ominous for Hollywood in a bunch of ways: superhero flicks aren’t cutting it, animation isn’t that special, and sequels aren’t cutting it.

Oh, and I don’t that “non-binary” Ezra Miller and his criminal antics did any favors for The Flash, but more importantly, it’s simply not much of a movie, and the whole genre is getting stale. The only superhero movie that seems to have done well is the latest Spiderman.

RandomCrank | July 21, 2023 at 5:30 pm

Now they’re going for nostalgia, in the form of Oppenheimer and Barbie. What they’ve lost is originality and spectacle. I’m thinking of Avatar, which in spite of its political correctness, still ended with a U.S. Marine winning the battle in a fistfight. It’s the last movie I’ve seen in a theater. The story was new and engaging, and the 3D was out of this world in an Imax joint.

“Master and Commander” was another one, and if a movie ever rated a long string of sequels that was it. Not nostalgia, but an old-school, thoroughly riveting historical drama. Those two movies were Hollywood at its best. If these people had any sense, they’d mine that genre, another possibility being to mine the Lewis & Clark story. But no.

Where are the musicals? I’m not generally a fan of them, but “Evita” was a masterpiece of the form. Even “The Birdcage,” the remake of “Cage au Folles,” was brilliant. They’re simply not making great movies, and instead are falling back on formulas that are fading.

Bottom line: Hollywood is in trouble. They’ve been there before. After the late 1960s, a lot of formulas had run their course, and were replaced by a long string of original independent pictures. Those studios were folded into the conglomerates, and swiftly died as a result.

“Sound of Freedom” ought to be a warning bell in the night. If not as a way of incorporating quasi-religious themes, at least as a way of returning to telling compelling, original stories. Will they listen? We shall see. If one thing remains true, Hollywood does chase the money, so I wouldn’t write ’em off.