Democrat Tactic On Biden Family Corruption: “They’re going to make this the story of the addicted son and loving father”

There was a key moment during the ObamaCare debate that my eyes rolled so far back in my head that I nearly lost my balance. It was when some Democrat testified, near tears, that she personally knew a pair of spinster sisters who shared a single pair of dentures. Only one could eat food at a time because they had to switch out who was toothed and who was not.

Seriously? You, a multi-millionaire from “legal” (only for Congress) insider trading, literally know someone who cannot afford dentures and won’t fork out a grand to help them out?

That is when I well and truly understood how callous and disgusting Democrats are. But I also understood—after hearing false stories for decades about little old ladies eating cat food to survive—that Democrats don’t care about people at all. They care about control, they care about power. They can literally meet with and befriend people they claim can’t eat food without the benefit of shared dentures and amble off to their million-dollar homes to . . . rage at “America” for the injustice.

That’s not humanity, that’s not kind or compassionate or good. That’s callous and cruel and disgusting.

The “bleeding heart liberals” we all disdained aren’t bleeding hearts at all. They cynically use sometimes real world situations to tug heart strings in their never-ending bid to gain power, money, and control. That was the lesson I learned from that tearful shared dentures ‘narrative.’

And it’s evidenced again as the Democrat hacktivist media furiously spins, bobs, contorts, and weaves to turn the corrupt Biden family influence peddling ring into a story of victimization and fatherly love.

We’ve been documenting the Biden family corruption and influence peddling ring here at LI; here are a few of our posts on the topic.

Everyone knows that the Biden family, including the sitting president, is neck-deep in corruption and influence peddling. It’s been out there for years, but now that the latest from Hunter Biden has been exposed, the Democrat activists in the legacy media cannot ignore it any longer.

So instead of ignoring it, they are spinning for their lives, asking the American people to feel sorry for grifting deadbeat dad and druggie prostitute hopper Hunter and to excuse his extortion of enemy foreign governments for cold, hard cash (in exchange for what?).

Because—cue the world’s smallest violin—Hunter’s just a victim of drug addiction, not a potentially treasonous worm gladly used by his father to enrich their family by peddling influence to communist China (among other alleged foreign agents, bodies, and countries).

So what if Joe Biden was sitting in the room while Hunter puffed up his whittle chesty and threatened the Chi-Coms? It’s not Joe’s fault that Hunter is a victim of drug addiction. Or something.

Hunter’s sweetheart deal is absolute banana republic stuff, and this garbage about how’s he an innocent victim who sold God knows what to enemies of the United States because drug addiction is laughable. Or it would be if it weren’t so damaging to the very fabric of our society, to the very foundations of our government, and to the very stability of our Constitutional Republic.

As is, this new “narrative” makes me sick to my stomach. It is designed to build sympathy for someone who deserves none and to let off the hook a sitting president of the United States whose judgment is, according to The Narrative (TM), so addled and befuddled that he went along with bribing and extorting enemy foreign governments—providing who knows what in return—for his poor troubled kid (a grown man in his late 40s at the time) who just needed some cash for drugs and hookers. Normal kid stuff. Feel sorry for him!

You have GOT to be kidding me.

Tags: Biden China, Biden Foreign Policy, Democrats, Hunter Biden, Media Bias