FBI Searched Biden UPenn Think Tank in November a Few Weeks After Lawyers Found Classified Documents

So much for transparency from the Biden administration.

Two sources told CBS News the FBI searched offices at the Penn Biden Center in mid-November after President Joe Biden’s lawyers found classified documents on November 2.

We do not know if the FBI found additional documents.

Biden’s representative cooperated with the FBI since the agency did not seek a warrant.

Until now, the administration only told the public about a search by the FBI on January 20th at Biden’s Wilmington home. A refresher:

The White House has consistently told the press corps they’ve been transparent about the situation, and Biden takes the matter seriously. But Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has often told reporters to direct questions to DOJ or White House counsel.

Then again, I don’t know how Biden can take the document fiasco seriously because he told reporters on Monday he had no idea AG Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate.

But I give the White House press corps credit for doing their job because they hammer Jean-Pierre whenever possible.

Tags: Biden Classified Documents, College Insurrection, DOJ, FBI, Pennsylvania, White House