Manipulation: Legacy Media and Lincoln Project Now Bashing DeSantis, Promoting Trump

The failure of the expected red wave to appear on Tuesday has roiled already troubled waters on both sides of the aisle. Trump’s inexplicable pre-midterm attacks on Florida governor Ron DeSantis turned off a lot of Trump’s supporters, and by continuing these rambling rants against DeSantis—and even Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin (his name sounds Chinese?!), Trump is losing even more support on the right.

There is no candidate for the 2024 presidential election, so there is no reason for political attacks on a political opponent when there is no political race. So Trump’s ongoing barrage of attacks on members of his own party are not landing and just seem personal, petty, and desperate (i.e. weak) to many.

For Democrats, evading the expected red wave has caused new and unexpected problems. They were looking forward to Trump running against Biden again in ’24, but with the right becoming disenchanted with Trump’s unfounded and unnecessary attacks on fellow Republicans, they see that dream fading.

But they aren’t going down without a fight. A “save Trump” memo appears to have gone out to the leftist media activists and assorted #NeverTrumpers like those in the Lincoln Project.

Needless to say, people have thoughts.

David Strom over at HotAir has some insightful thoughts on this shift, as well:

Expect tons more attacks on DeSantis in the media because of this. The “glass jaw,” the lack of charisma, the weird robot thing. It is aimed at convincing us that DeSantis is not as good a politician as he appears. His victory in Florida won’t translate to America at large.“Florida is different!” DeSantis is lucky! Republicans moved to Florida! OK. Great. Whatever. We’ll see about that.This isn’t analysis, it is pleading for relevance. Their grift depends upon Trump being relevant, so they try to keep him relevant. That was the January 6th Committee’s job, and the media is keeping it going. Trump fading isn’t good for either votes or their grift.Democrats motivated their base by Bad Orange Manning the election. They want to do it again. The media makes money because of Bad Orange Man. A match made in heaven.

I think it’s both, too. The left, including the Lincoln Project grifters, need Trump for ratings, money, donations, etc.; they need Trump to continue to divide and stoke fear, rage, and radicalism in their base; and they need Trump to be on the ticket in 2024 as a present-day presidential nominee instead of a rejected has-been or background GOP king-maker they can’t evoke to scare their base and to sway voters who don’t really like Biden but will not accept Trump.

What’s going to be funny, and telling, is if (when?) Trump starts singing the praises of MSNBC and other such outlets that bashed him relentlessly on baseless grounds for six years.

Tags: 2022 Elections, 2024 Republican Primaries, Donald Trump, Lincoln Project, MSNBC