Election 2022 LIVE Updates: Republicans are Ready to Unleash a Red Tsunami
How long until the Democrats scream about Russia and Putin?

Welcome to Midterm Election Day! It’s finally here, but according to Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, we might know the results for days because, apparently, that’s how it’s supposed to work.
I guess when you want to cheat. Election interference only happens when the Republicans win!
RED TSUNAMI! The forecasts and projections predict massive Republican gubernatorial and House wins. The Senate still looks tight, with Republicans landing a three or four-seat majority.
But still. Despite the White House, Republicans could have control everywhere else.
I will do my best to update this live blog as much as possible during the day. You can tweet me anything you find interesting that I might miss or others have been ignoring: @mchastain81
No More Biden Today!
So Biden put a lid on everything before noon today. I wonder why. Could it be because his handlers know the Republicans will destroy the Democrats?
2:19PM: 4 Places in North Carolina Extend Closing Time
This is getting ridiculous:
The North Carolina State Board of Elections will vote Tuesday afternoon on whether any voting should be extended in the state after four polling locations opened late on Election Day, according to NCSBE Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell.
“This morning, nearly every polling place across the state opened on time,” Bell said at a Tuesday press briefing, adding, “we know of four delays.”
The delays could lead to later closing times.
“The state board of elections will hold a virtual emergency meeting early this afternoon to determine if any voting should be extended at the sites,” she said.
The Gaddys Community Building polling place in Robeson County “opened approximately one hour late because the building was locked and the voters did not have the correct access code to enter the building,” Brinson Bell said.
“Additionally, three sites in Columbus County were delayed in opening due to the check-in computers not being connected properly to the printers and therefore the workers were unable to print the voters’ authorization to vote forms,” she said.
If the board decides to extend the closing time at these sites or any others, election officials “will not release results from the affected counties until all their precincts finish voting,” according to Brinson Bell.
NCSBE will start releasing initial results at approximately 7:30 p.m. ET for all counties where the polls close at that time.
12:25 PM: Trump Voted for DeSantis
Of course he did.
Trump, who last night at his Ohio rally showed polls on screen comparing his popularity to the Florida governor’s (and other potential 2024 hopefuls), tells reporters he did vote for Ron DeSantis today.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) November 8, 2022
12:16 PM: Democrats Concentrating on Certain Races
Democrats have their eyes on VA-02, VA-07, OH-01, IN-01, and FL-27: Democrats are Watching Early Bellwether States for a Lifeline
And with many vote tallies likely to stretch on for some time, Singer also identifies several bellwether races in states that close early & count quickly, including #VA02, #VA07, #IN01 and #OH01
— Daily Kos Elections (@DKElections) November 3, 2022
Florida Department of State Won’t Allow Federal Election Monitors
The DOJ wants to have federal election monitors at certain polling places. The Florida Department of State said no.
State law has a list of allowed monitors. DOJ election monitors do not make the list: FL Dept. of State Tells DOJ That Federal Election ‘Monitors are Not Permitted Under Florida Law’
Electronic Voting Machines Not Working in Arizona and New Jersey
Electronic machines have got to go. Back to pencil and paper.
Maricopa County in Arizona is using new machines, too: Arizona, New Jersey Electronic Voting Machines Already Causing Problems
RealClearPolitics Changes Senate Forecast
RealClearPolitics changed its Senate forecast a few days after forecasting the GOP to land 54 seats in the Senate.
Now RCP projects New Hampshire Democrat incumbent Sen. Maggie Hassan will hold her seat against GOP candidate General Don Bolduc.
The change still gives the GOP the majority with 53 seats. The projection still predicts a Deceber 6th runoff in Georgia.
RealClearPolitics Ending Forecasts and Projections
RCP still projects that Michigan Republican candidate Tudor Dixon will oust Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. That’d surprise me!
RCP still has 34 House races rated as toss-ups.
Polls Open!
The polls opened at 5AM ET in Vermont.
Let’s get ready to rumble!
Fetterman Sues to Count Undated Absentee Ballots
What was it I said about cheating? Oh, yeah. The left isn’t even hiding its desperation and needs to deceive and cheat to win.
Pennsylvania Democrat Senate candidate John Fetterman sued to allow undated absentee ballots to be counted after the state’s Supreme Court said absolutely not:
The decision to sue the Pennsylvania county board of elections comes nearly a week after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered the board to refrain from counting any absentee and mail-in ballots received for the Nov. 8 general election that are in undated or incorrectly dated envelopes.
The court also ordered that all misdated or undated ballots be taken out of the mix and preserved by the county board of elections because it was “evenly divided” on the issue of whether failing to count these ballots was a constitutional violation.
The lawsuit includes the party’s House and Senate campaign arms along with “two Democratic voters from Erie County”:
“The date [requirement] imposes unnecessary hurdles that eligible Pennsylvanians must clear to exercise their most fundamental right, resulting in otherwise valid votes being arbitrarily rejected without any reciprocal benefit to the Commonwealth,” their lawsuit reads, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.
The race between Fetterman and Republican Candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz is neck and neck with recent polls giving the latter a slight edge over his opponent.
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Murkowski to eventually win AK by a voting system her team created. Colins, Murkowski, and Romney will be able to stifle the Republicans unless we get 54 Senators.
Ranked “choice” is the biggest scam since electronic voting.
It will pas in Nevada, it’s on the. Allot unfortunately, they will become California
And McConnell, he screws us the most, no way he supports Murk, despite his hatred of PRESIDENT trump, unless he really supports her
If McConnell is anywhere near the GOP senate leadership, the ‘red wave’ will be for naught. Kevin McCarthy: he’s a lighter version of McConnell. Name ONE THING McCarthy accomplished as the minority leader in the Senate. ONE.
None. McCarthy is the House Minority Leader, not the Senate minority leader.
He sets a bad example. That’s something…
Wear a red shirt when you vote!
I wore my American Flag Hawaiian shirt. Luckily, I live in a place that has a lot of relevant occasions I can wear it.
““The date [requirement] imposes unnecessary hurdles that eligible Pennsylvanians must clear to exercise their most fundamental right, resulting in otherwise valid votes being arbitrarily rejected without any reciprocal benefit to the Commonwealth,” their lawsuit reads, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.”
The State Legislature has absolute authority to write the law as they see fit, per the federal constitution. Neither the Executive nor the Judiciary may intercede.
And yet we tolerate their interference. So much for that little scrap of parchment.
The GOP does. Because they’re in the scam.
Also, and this is just my opinion, if somebody thinks that writing a date on an envelope is a hurdle, maybe they lack intellectual ability to have a say on pretty much any public matter.
That’s not what they think. That’s what they need to make phony ballots count that were filled out in a hurry in the middle of the night by democrat election workers.
Same for those who can’t seem to find an ID to vote, when they have one to get their Section 8 voucher, EBT and WIC, free medical care, free telephone service, subsidized utilities, and other things paid for by their slaves -meaning those who are productive.
Absolutely fur shure, big bear.
And God I hate that!
When I was just a cub, I recall everyone voting on the same day. Our polling station was a little nature museum in Fern Dell Park in Los Angeles. Republican or Democrat, it was quite a gathering, no hostilities. Absentee ballots were RARE.
This was the days when the only computers involved were the Univac “asked” to make a prediction on election night on one of the networks. The ballots were hand counted and the results counted and submitted by the next day at the latest.
Most little cubs aren’t old enough to vote. That’s why we need voter ID.
Is their phone, electric or mortgage bill an “unnecessary hurdle?” They presumably manage to get those taken care of in time.
It’s not “arbitrary” if the rejection was for not following rules and laws.
But, but… they don’t recognize the white man’s rules. (They said it, not me.)
But your a bear
That is Fur shure.
And proud of it,
“Is their phone, electric or mortgage bill an “unnecessary hurdle?”
ROFL. I have to show one of these just to be able to take stuff into the town dump!
US citizens’ most fundamental rights are speech, assembly, religion, petition of grievances, keep and bear arms, local representation, and a few more. It’s called The Bill of Rights.
Pa residents’ most fundamental rights are similarly enumerated.
Nowhere in either govt charter is enumerated a fundamental right to particular data handling on the balloting mechanism — the definition of which is left to the legislature of the state, in PA.
Ballots rejected for cause are, by definition “otherwise valid.” And ballots rejected for cause are, by definition not valid.
The balancing of reciporocal benefit for any voting and ballot handling policy, process, procedure, or protocol — they’re different things — is part of the legislature’s deliberations. They decide the trade-off point.
It is not the court’s authority to decide whether the balance is “correct”, for decisions within the scope of the legislature. it is the court’s limited authority to find whether a particular implementation of the law follows the legislature’s directives, at the balance point they, the legislature, have chosen.
None of Lurch, his handlers, his party, apparatchiks installed within the administrative machinery, chattering-class hot=takers, legislators out voted, not least of all Judges get to proclaim this balance incorrect as a matter of law.
Dismissed with prejudice, bill for court costs, legal fees, and counter-file against the originators as a nuisance suit.
That was me going off with the long form of what Venri said.
Any of the legal eagles around here want to ‘splain to me what I got wrong here? Make the case for any of;
— There are rights lying around to find when they’ll support some political outcome we want. (Oh, how I wish they had plainly declared a “right to privacy”, in order to uphold Roe.)
— “Rejecting” anything someone wants to call a vote is arbitrary, bad and wrong.
(Since there aren’t any invalid votes, I assert I personally cast eighty-kabillion straight-R ticket ballots in Pa, on Stardate 867-5309. Disqualify them, you fascists.)
— The courts trump any other position or mechanism of governace at need; they’re all we need. (Why are we paying those other people? Can I have my money back?)
Or make some more nuanced case that doesn’t reduce to one of the three above.
The Dems will cheat to victory…Fulton County, GA will “find” just enough votes for Warnick, ditto for Maricopa County and Hobbs, repeat for Philadelphia and Fetterman.
I have a feeling that there is no cheat that can be executed which will be massive enough to save Hobbs. Kelley is another thing entirely.
Comments have become the equivalent of mail-in ballots.
Yes, and when Republicans control both houses there will be investigations with much speechifying, jazzy one-liners and zero consequences. The border, energy policy, and military preparedness will be treated to anemic half measures that themselves will be thwarted by the courts and the administrative state. Let us rejoice. The inexorable leftward march will be slowed somewhat.
At least the jazzy one-liners will sound folksy and aww-shucks from Senator Kennedy. I like the guy a lot; don’t get me wrong. But, as you aay: there will be a lot of sound and fury meaning LESS than nothing.
The GOPe knows its place and is happy to remain there.
^^^ This ^^^ If “lack of balls” were literal and not a metaphor, a vast percentage of Republican politicians would be incapable of reproducing.
We all know that there’s not much that can be done to remove the pedophile-in-chief. Unfortunately, we’re stuck with that retard or, maybe worse, his vice-whore. But if they can, at minimum, stop the additional damage then that’s worth voting for.
The ‘investigations’ will be thwarted by the swamp GOP, no one else. If Trump was Speaker of the House, he’d bowl-over the swamp.
Right now, if you have voted, you can hope pray and realize that the adage of talk is cheap especially applies to election coverage. If you haven’t voted go and vote!
If it looks like a red tsunami and walks like a red tsunami and talks like a red tsunami—why does the news media maintian it’s nothing more than a red mirage and will evaporate and turn into a blue tsunami after midnight?
What evidence do they have to base this assertion on other than inside information regarding democrat pre-planned, underhanded, backroom, widespread cheating?
As they did with stealing President Trumps presidency
They hid a buffoon, refused to bring him out of the basement, hid his sons laptop and all sorts of absolutely incremidting evidence of treasonous acts, YET, Lord be praised he WON 81,000,000 votes, most in history of American elections
Just as they said it would happen
It’s time to make these pompous jerks pay. Vote them all out, permanently.
Turnout this morning looked underwhelming. More election workers than voters at the polling place. Only thing on ballot is member of Congress, and I don’t think today’s turnout is enough to overcome the Dem mail-in vote here in Virginia.
Well, for one, I will be glad to see the copious amounts of dueling yard signs, I mean people here have lost their minds, mainly democrat, begging you to vote for beto amd a slew of left leaning communist school board members…
My county, which, as I have said frequently ad nauseum, is both of Austin and once solid red as the blood moon, now, purple at best
I don’t see anywhere near as many Robert Francis signs here in DFW as I did when he ran for Senate.
Cities are where the dependency class reside, so signs or not, the cities will go for “Beto” O’Dork
So Az is totally F-Ked up
The steal is in, hence the red mirage
They knew it all the time
I’ve been screaming it from the rooftops for at least a few weeks.
Yeah, but this is normal. That’s the way it’s always been. We are not supposed to know who won the election on Tuesday night. No way Jose. We are told to just sit back and wait patiently for days and days while the people behind the scenes fix the numbers.
Just wait. The red mirage will evaporate and, low and behold, everything will be blue like it’s supposed to be.
Red wave? I’m expecting a red slosh.
Red states may have some movement, but the blue states will keep that balanced out so the status quo will be maintained.
Common sense should tell thinking Americans that if things remain deadlocked, this is the best evidence of a steal. No one wants huge energy prices, inflation, empty shelves and joblessness.
Blue vote counters equal blue tsunami.
Now RCP projects New Hampshire Democrat incumbent Sen. Maggie Hassan will hold her seat against GOP candidate General Don Bolduc.
I think the biggest question is why: Why, as a nation, are we at this point? I don’t want to see “We were lazy, or we were not paying attention, or we this/that/other excuse.” WE, as in the 98% of Americans, can stand relatively blameless since this issue is over 200 years old. IS the Constitution and the Bill of RIghts that big of a threat? If so, to whom? And why?
I come up with two basic issues: We, as a country, have turned our back to God, and the last but varied reason is money, and what money can do in a secular world. Food for thought.
My reply would be too long to leave here. The TL;DR version Is that constitutional government is a failed experiment. It consists of putting down words on a piece of paper to tell the government what it can and cannot do, and then putting the power into the hands of that very same government to “interpret” those restrictions any way they choose, until they no longer even have to go through the motions of pretending anymore and just ignore it wholesale. The “eternal vigilance” nonsense (blaming the victim) overlooks the damning fact that only one side of this contest is paid to work full-time at the job of having the government run in the way that benefits them, while the rest of us have to do it for free while we need to put food on the table for our families. Jefferson remarked that the health of the country would be much improved by having a revolution every generation to let off the steam, but we’ve only had one in 250 years.
The fact that the majority of people today don’t really understand freedom, the American concept, or constitutional government seems like a decline, but I suspect the same ignorance is true of the bulk of the population in any age. Remember, after the revolution, great swathes of the country were still under the impression that the solution they needed was a new, American king.
A new American king. Just what we need. A Lucky Sperm Club form of leadership.
Although, Biden DOES make King Charles look good, as does Hunter for Mr Markle.
I got a good laugh out of seeing the notorious “Rich Baris, the People’s Pundit” appearing in LI’s Twitter feed above!
Well… he DID build some neat custom cars. Oops. Wrong Bar(r)is.
In my home state of Vermont it’s tradition to open the polls early like that because people get up to go to work. I moved south for work 15yrs ago and still go to bed at 730pm and get up at 0400 to get ready and people are amazed at that for some reason.