Media Revives ‘DeSantis is Worse Than Trump’ Narrative After Martha’s Vineyard Hysteria

Over the weekend, the recharged Democrat outrage machine remained in high gear in the aftermath of the supposed “controversy” surrounding Texas Gov. Greg Abbott busing a group of illegal immigrants to Vice President Kamala Harris’ home (twice) and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis flying two planeloads to Martha’s Vineyard, a so-called “sanctuary” community filled with affluent white liberals who promptly turned around and put the migrants on a bus to a Massachusetts military base within 24-48 hours or so of arrival.

Though The Usual Suspects are angry at both DeSantis and Abbott – with wild (and debunked) “kidnapping” and “human trafficking” allegations being thrown at them, DeSantis is bearing the brunt of their ire because he a) does his job well, b) does not give a rat’s patootie what his Democrat/media critics think of him, and most importantly c) because he’s a potential 2024 challenger to President Biden (or whoever the Democrat nominee will be).

So it shouldn’t surprise too many conservatives to find out that the “DeSantis is worse than Donald Trump” narrative that we first wrote about in April and then in July has been revived, showing up on the opinion pages of the New York Times on Saturday complete with a deliberately blurred, ominous-looking photo of DeSantis for good measure:

Times columnist Jamelle Bouie wrote (emphasis added by him):

But to a typical person — someone who may have heard about these stunts but doesn’t know much about DeSantis otherwise — he looks a lot like a bully, someone willing to play high-stakes games with people’s lives for the sake of his own ego and advancement.Well, you might say, Donald Trump is a bully, too. Yes, he is. But Donald Trump is also a lifelong celebrity with a public persona that is as much about “The Apprentice” and even “Home Alone 2” as it is about his political career. What’s more, Trump has the skills of a celebrity. He’s funny, he has stage presence, and he has a kind of natural charisma. He can be a bully in part because he can temper his cruelty and egoism with the performance of a clown or a showman. He can persuade an audience that he’s just kidding — that he doesn’t actually mean it.Ron DeSantis cannot. He may be a more competent Trump in terms of his ability to use the levers of state to amass power, but he’s also meaner and more rigid, without the soft edges and eccentricity of the actual Donald Trump.

I mean, considering how they treated him for four years (and still treat him), who knew some leftists believed Trump had “soft edges”?

There was also the predictability of it all:

And the Times opinion pages were not the only places you saw the “DeSantis is worse than Trump” narrative being parrotted over the last few days:

To reiterate a point I made earlier, this is less about any concern that DeSantis will be – in the left’s view – more “evil” than Trump. The genuine concern for them is that he’ll clean Joe Biden’s clock in the debates and then in the 2024 election.

Assuming, for purposes of discussion, that he does, the more immense fear for the left from that point will be that DeSantis will go even further than Trump in undoing all the progress they made on the “woke” front over the years, something the popular Florida governor has proven to be very effective at doing in his state, much to the dismay of his Very Online critics.

So with that in mind, obviously the point behind their “DeSantis is worse than Trump” narrative is to try and blunt any momentum DeSantis has now rather than allow it to continue to grow.

Then again, this all seems very familiar, doesn’t it? In July, Twitter user Amish Dude provided a handy template going forward for people to keep in mind for when the next round of similarly desperate attacks against prominent and outspoken Republicans start. Seems like a good time to re-up that tweet here:

Sounds about right. Wash, rinse, repeat.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2022 Elections, 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, Donald Trump, Florida, Media, Republicans, Ron DeSantis