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Diminished Admissions Requirements Week in Education

Diminished Admissions Requirements Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

Harvard used to be an exclusive school. Now it seems like they’re letting anyone in the door.

What has become of this once great institution?

Speaking of diminished requirements…

Meanwhile, people who have done much more are being cancelled.

The ideology of social justice has taken over pretty much everything.

Campus hoaxes are still common.

Not even 9/11 is sacred.

People are fighting back.

And winning.

How is this even real?


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“What has become of this once great institution?”

They let in women.

“Harvard used to be an exclusive school. Now it seems like they’re letting anyone in the door.”

That one got signed with a flourish when they actively recruited David Hogg, who had been turned down by every singe college he applied to; and reneged on their acceptance of Kyle Kashuv.

“On Monday, Mr. Kashuv’s defenders noted that Mr. Hogg had a 4.2 grade point average and scored 1270 on the SAT test, while Mr. Kashuv said in the interview that he had a 5.4 G.P.A., and a 1550 SAT score.”

    Dimsdale in reply to henrybowman. | September 19, 2022 at 9:51 am

    You’d think Harvard of all places would not have to resort to headline grabbing admissions and appointments.

    Apparently, even Harvard thinks Harvard has fallen in reputation.

Every Child Left Behind (ECLB) with equity, inclusion, and progressive prices (PP).

Diminished Admissions Requirements Week in Education

Otherwise known as the stop student loan money going to other lesser deserving institutions protocol.